Kkk nesuwo vana Mapombi tinongotevera tirimumasure. We also follow politics, even if we do not have money to buy newspapers, we listen to what people say. Ko handiti munongodarika muchitaura ndakateerera here? These days there is a lot of traffic at Chimusana bridge , I don’t mean motokari – the number of people crossing Chimusana ne shoka vawandisa kkkk seka zvako Mapombi, some real gentlemen vanhu vamungatoti magamba mutowundi umu tinovaona vachitekaira vachikirosa Chimusana, isu ipapo tinenge zvedu tichidya some rotten bananas that we get from Dr Amai Trading Centre. Thus when we hear almost everything, we hear people condemning people kkk when I say people attacking people I Zanu PF attacking another Zanu PF, or MDC-T attacking Morgan. This week it was all about Mliswa, haa chikomana chiya chakadadisa, I tell you guys, everyone was celebrating as if there was a national election. Iyoyi Norton iri one yakaunza hope and joy among Zimbabweans. To me , I mean ini zvangu wamunoti mupengo, I think this is a clear sign, a sign that Mugabe haachadiwe vakomana. The war veterans, the party cadres and almost everyone who matters in the party haachada, everyone is part of Tajamuka crew. This is really caused by the way Mugabe has accepted to work with very corrupt individuals. Surely how can a minister, I mean Jonso as he is called by Mutsvangwa, how can he steal/abuse all that money and goes on to mock Zimbaweans and the President smiles. Mukati hatisati tangofananawo na President imi? I mean isu vana Mapombi? This country is being run like fowl-run, I think tose tiri huku chaidzo. We have totally failed to challenge these guys while they eat eat and eat, vachidya zvavo rifa. They take everything and dish out to their friends and relatives, I am sure this is when Simon Muzenda would recite the Mbuya Nehanda poem. Kusvika riiniko vakomana ava vachidya rifa when the rest of the country is suffering. Now they have rendered all the local authorities useless. We used to know that it was not the duty of the party political commissar to dish out stands to Zanu PF youths. It was the duty of the local authority to make sure that they provide housing. It defies logic when I see the whole party commissariat giving stands to people who do not have under garments. Kkkk, tinovaona vachiuya kuno kwa Dr Grace to buy under garments – aikazve, zvibhurugwa zvemubhero ndozvavanopfeka then they do toy toy going to receive residential stands. Its a circus Cde President! That must really stop. This is when Dr Mhamha would say Stop ! If you really love these youths, then create proper employment and empower them. Giving them stands is not empowerment mhani, nhaiwe Kasukuwere please where do you get that from ? Regai ma war vets azokuti you are the worst political commissar that Zanu PF has ever known. Saka kana mapedza kupa mastands then what next kkk. Just empower people create conducive environment for people to acquire their own property. That time makamboti toita Garikai Hlalani Kuhle but ndiyani akazogara mushe? Why do you continue to abuse people and fool Zimbabweans? I was almost forgetting that tomorrow the President, I mean the man himself will be in town capping yet another batch of vendors. I laugh all the time when I know that Mugabe actually has the statistics of unemployed graduates because he is always witnessing them going in the streets. Mavakuuyazve kuona vachipinda mustreet, by this time you should be embarassed I know. Hamunyari here kuti vana ava vamunorova misoro havana mabasa they are going to sell airtime? Dai ndaiva mukuru wenyika ndaisauya ku graduation its really embarrassing, isu tokunyarirai zvedu kana musinganyari kkkkk.
Ummmn , I might be speaking a lot. Ndingarohwa zvangu, let me go ndinokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch.
Mukaenda kumusha kwedu KwaChirimudombo movaudza kuti Mapombi takamuona mupenyu!
Mboko imboko!!mapombi