I knew hangu ever since that Zanu PF is violent but I never thought we could reach the stage yatava and this is an indicator that 2023 kunenge kwakaipa kuchipisa. We would replicate the 2008 situation or the worst is looming above the horizon. Hapana kwatiri kuenda ladies and gentlemen. Kwatakabva ndokwatiri kuenda. We will be in 2008 both in terms of political violence and economic meltdown. ‘kkkk you didn’t know kuti ndine maVhokoka, I am a learned person, ladies and gentlemen but it’s because of the guys at the helm of this country that makes me look like a destitute. Kubva 2008 paya, I never recovered zvekutI even wearing a pant is a luxury. Let’s brace for the 2008 situation maCdes, dai paiva nevaccine inodzivirira that I would urge everyone to get it because it’s inevitable. The indicators are there on the ground and I don’t know what else do you need to know that 08 situation is knocking at the door. Kkkk hameno henyu vamwe isu takatojaira kudhara, I have been living like this for a very long time saka hapana chekuchatya.
However, I don’t wish anyone to live in the same situation I am in that’s why I am warning you right now. Vakomana ava havana kuReformer at all, in fact they have gone worse, they don’t care about our lives but only theirs. They are just old wine in a new bottle. They have turned Zimboz into other things, they have taken our democracy, and they have ignored the rule of law. We are under siege maCdes zvotoda nharo sedzana Job Sikhala. Tikasadaro we neve regain our democracy.
Mapombi is really worried about the murder cases and robberies that are on the rise in Zimbabwe, what’s going on really, this lawlessness mmm, something serious needs to be done. But mukati Joji dzakanyatsoti kwesere imiweee, hanzi after a robbery case both the suspect and victim should be arrested, hanzi how can people stash US dollars in houses while there are banks, really, Joji, you don’t know kuti the same banks dzakambonyudza vanhu mari dzavo paya muna 2008 heee, ko kunyarara unobvei. Zimbabweans I know are a peace loving people, so zvaakuitika izvi hazvisi zvega. It is because of the mismanagement of the resources which in turn result in unemployment. Hakuna mabasa ladies and gentlemen that’s why we have a lot of robberies and ritual murders. Others are organising sex parties paKuwadzana 5 apo while others are committing suicide, these are signs of extreme poverty. We cannot be all vendors or money changers guys’ coz ndomabasa ega asara kkkk. But zvimwe ndezvimwe team reKuwadzana rakazozvinyanya. Let’s wallow in abrupt poverty hedu because dzimwe solution mmmm bodo. Mapombi doesn’t condone robberies nor does she encourage people to stash cash under mattresses, all I am saying is iye Joji and the government should restore confidence in the people so that they can bank their money in banks kkkk.
But mmmm guys, zvekuti mukomana ngaapinde tikasangwarira anogona kungopinda muguva. With the kind of vindictiveness being shown mmmm pakaipa. I heard the young man had several clashes nevakomana vemusangano uri kutonga. I am not sure what really transpired kunana Manicaland uko but I heard they tried to bar him from meeting the people. What I am actually sure of is what happened pedu paCharumbira apa. The Charumbiras are becoming notorious sure, they are always fighting with Bere clansman at funerals and now they are turning to Chamisa, adii mwana kkkk. Mupei majiggies anyarare. There is life after politics ladies and gentlemen, it’s not an issue kuti maparties akasiyana, we have freedom of choice, and the problem only comes kana vamwe vaakurova vamwe nekuti they don’t subscribe to their ideologies. Regai Chamisa asangane nevanhu vake, imi endaiwo kune venyu, fair and fine.
But ana Joji and others on Twitter are saying Chamisa is faking the alleged attacks kkkk, who knows, dai mapurisa edu asiri biased we would ask them to investigate and establish who is behind the alleged abductions. I heard there was a gunshot yakapinda nerimwe side ikanobuda nerimwe. Mapombi has never used a gun so she is not aware of how bullet holes look like so I don’t know if it was a gun or not. Again Mapombi was unlucky because she only saw one side of the car and is not sure if it is the side rakapinda nenyere or kwayakabuda nako. If anyone has the two pictures kwakapinda nebara nekwarakabuda anawo please bring them pachitima ndionewo. Chete vakomana vachowo madrama vanomawanza so sometimes its difficult kuzoziva weather it is a drama or not. Ndakaona dzedu FORMER Councillor Daniel Mberikunashe vakaisa mabandages, mmm iwayo I think ndezvekuwedzerera chaizvo. Anyway, drama or no drama, just be careful coc Zanu inouraya. I am glad people are planning to buy a bullet proof car for Nero, good luck with that one.
Ko kwaana Mwonzora kwatova nemaFactions kkkkk, sure kutamba nepwere, three factions kanguva kadikidiki ikaka. Nhamo haibvi pane imwe sure kkkk. Zvino maFactions acho kana ongotanga akapisa zvekutorovana sure haa pakaipa. Manje where else will be apolitical people like Mapombi go. kuZanu hakuite they are very violent and corrupt. Mai Mujuru Joyce Teurai Ropa failed. kuAlliance kwacho they seem not to have a strategy. Toti maybe Dougie zvaakatora Harvest House tikati pamwe zvino manje hey, they are more violent than Zanu yacho. I heard that workers at Harvest house are not being paid as well, Dougie took over ndokuti ngoma ndiyo ndiyo handei mberi nekusabhadhara vashandi kkkk. Ipa vashandi mari iwe, you said you are capable. Ana Mashumba voti kurohwa voti kusabhadharwa. Ndogara ndichitaura hangu but people don’t listen, its either you are with Zanu PF or you are with Chamisa and whatever party yaanenge anayo at the moment. That’s why you see ZANU PF yakamakana fongo naChamisa not Mwonzora. He is the one ari kurira, at least for now because mmm akabirwa zvakare 2023 handioni achimuka with vultures like Biti circulating around him. Yes ana Biti vari kutochidawo chimuti ichi, remember he has always been ambitious saka akamboita zvePDP but he learned his lesson that he is nothing outside the big tent and he is now waiting for the rain ari mukati and if the young man snaps a little, I tell you.
Before I go for my usual lunch of rotten bananas and maputi, can someone tell me why Chiwenga snubbed the laying of foundation stone at Great Zimbabwe University’s Simon Mazorodze school of medicine whereas he is the minister of health. Ha zveJenarari here vakaramwa Marry wani. Maybe Mapombi is rushing into conclusions but things are not well there kkkk. Ko Oppah why kunyarara these days, are you missing Mboko as I do kkkk. Hope we will meet kuAnti Sanction day. After that we need anti-corruption day because it’s more dangerous than the sanctions. Plus masanctions ava pedo nekubviswa zvakwakauya rapporteur kkkk. Let’s meet paRutenga tironge zvekubika mukumbi kkkkk Mboko imboko !!!
Democracy under siege
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