Ladies and gentlemen, the tempo is always rising and political temperatures have reached another level as we march towards 2023 where the decisive harmonized elections are set to be held. Yes, of course they are decisive in the sense that it presents an opportunity or chance to amend where people did wrong as a nation between 2017 and 2018. We hoped that things will change for the better but we have realised that we were wrong.
I hope next year people will vote wisely and give Zanu PF another chance to rectify what has been failed since 1980. Give them another chance, at your own risk of coz kkkk. You all head the Head of State and Government who is also the commander in chief of the Zimbabwe defence forces and chancellor of all state universities lying to Chiredzi people that electrification of rural communities is set for end of October after he through Rwandese Kagame sourced for funds from mysterious investors. Imika imi, tinyareiwo zvedu. Chete I don’t blame him, mabasa ake akawandisa and he is overwhelmed, all that I mentioned above for one person, ko zvimwe zvandisina kutaura. Instead of talking about mordenising schools in Chiredzi busy with lies, nxaa. Didn’t he see mud and pole classroom blocks at several if not all schools in the area that resemble the ‘Stone age’ era? Kana asina kuzviona someone must be fired. You can’t take a president to an area and deny him access to that reality. Haa it’s high time you people of Chiredzi North wake up from that slumber and smell the coffee.
I had vowed not to give this clown called Baba Beritha unnecessary attention but this time I cannot just ignore. Dougie let me set the record straight to the point; we are sick and tired of your cheap politicking as you continue recalling the people who were elected by the people. Please stop it iwe Mwonzora, I repeat again Stop it. Ladies and gentlemen, this Dougie thing needs to be tamed urgently to restore sanity. We can’t continue pumping resources for by elections caused by one bitter man, Nooo mhani.. Who are you representing Dougie, what do stand for? What do you command? I am sure even Beritha aakutonyadziswawo nababa vakadai. Bhaibheri rinomboti baba vebenzi havana mufaro, but apa vana vebenzi ndivo vasina mufaro. Stop recalling people and enjoy a sit in Polad. Let me just warn you in advance, Kugarika mwena unoguma uye hapana chisingaperi. The political grave you are digging is too deep for you to appear on the surface one day. Asi vo vakatumidza kuti Togarasei vakanga vazviona.
On a serious note, more than Dougie’s, I think anything that has a Zim or Z at the beginning should be disbanded at start afresh or even banned. I used to think it’s the Z that is cursed but have seen Zambia doing well. Look at what Zimsketch, Zimsec I mean; look at what it is doing. Overcharging exam fees and now the exams are leaking. They cannot run an examination inoyorwa nevana sure what a shame, that should just be disbanded titange imwe itsva isina Zim. Look at ZACC, its busy doing corruption which it is supposed to curbing, zvinonyadzisa. This John Makamure thing used to deny the press information on their operations izvo iye is the most corrupt. Makadii kumuisa henyu kuZimra ndokwake chaiko coz uko vanoba masikati machena. On the other hand iyiwo ZEC yaanaChigumba is busy preparing to rig the next election while Zupco is failing to provide enough buses to carry people. Zimgold mafuta chaiwo aakuita kunge akadirwa mvura while ZIMTA is failing to represent teachers to get better remuneration. ZIFA hatichatauri, ZIMSTAT haisat yapedza kupa vanhu mari nanhasi and the results are still trickling in. ZERA is failing to reduce fuel price and ZESA is busy neload shedding. Roads are full of potholes while ZINARA is collecting toll fees. I am sure you all don’t want me to talk about ZRP and ZNA coz maSysterm acho munoaziva they are the ones who beat up people for peacefully demonstrating and taking bribes pamaroads. ZINWA worse, they are charging people exorbitant charges for water they dodn’t drink, nxaaa, that’s nonsense. Last but not least is Zimlie, sorry ZimEye, mmm vakomana vanonyepa zvavo vaya kkkkk.
I am calling for the responsible authorities to disband or ban anything with Z for Zimbabwe. All the organisations are a shame. Please please our president we beg you, can you do this last thing as your last kicks of a dying horse kkkk.
Ko what is this nonsense I hear, these 4ED things are becoming too much, what does ED really stands for? Is it Economic destruction, its Erectile Dysfunction or Energy Drink? There is nothing about Economic Development in all those organisations. Dai zvine musoro I could have launched mine kudara, yes Mapombi for …. Stop wasting resources doing these useless launches. But nemi maTeacher munazvo. kutozadza HICC apa mukuchemera pay. Regai munyimwe you are easily carried away muchitevera mhepo.
Before I go hangu kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, let me warn those who are perpetrating violence to stop it. veZanu regai veCCC vaitewo misangano yavo zvakanaka please. Nemiwo veCCC stop exaggerating, zviya zvekuzoti we are being shot at with live ammunition kwaisava kuwedzerera here. Ikanyatsorira hapana anokosora, ask Matemadanda kkkk. We want a peaceful country isusu, we need a peaceful environment as people campaign towards 2023.
Ko What is the current situation in Ukraine, kuno kuChitima handinawo terevhizhoni dai ndamboonerawo apo Smart phone yangu yakadonhera musewage muna Mucheke River so am off line always and am cut off from the rest of the global village. I just need some updates whether from a Pro-Russia source or Ukraine.
Ko Mukomana aripiko mazuvano haaa too quiet ndasuwa kumbonzwa manzwi eshanduko ka. Ko Ostallos aripiko, sure vanhu kubva vaita competition yekunyarara naGenerari kudaro. I heard the general is skipping parliament kkkkk. Ko nhai Ostallos maBoer goats aHopewell amaifudza achiriko here, makazongonyarara nyaya yacho. How is Marry by the way? Ko Dr Stop IT, please if anyone sees her tell to come and tell Dougie to Stop it before it’s too late. Ko Mphoko aripiwo, ko ari kudii hake kugara nhaka pana Gire, she is still kicking I know kkkk Mboko iMboko!!!!
All organisations with Zim or Z should be disbanded
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