First and foremost, let me take this time to congratulate one of the few true religious leaders in the country Baba Guti. He just turned 100 but he is still going, I pray to God kuti ndisvikewo pazana pavasvika. By the way Uncle Bob vakazosvika pachii zviya, he is the one who started nenyaya yekusvika pazana iyi chero iye asina hake kuzopasvika kkkk. Yeah but akamira mira, just passing 90 is not a joke, however, his years were being watered by tears of Zimbabweans, ah hanzi don’t speak ill of the dead, so let me leave it there.
But what is it with the Mugabe family, they are still making headlines even after the coup, all for wrong reasons, if the boys are not banging prostitutes and smoking, the sister is featuring in a nasty divorce, when we say we are over it, the mom features in the Aljazeera documentary, while we are still exclaiming, the whistle blower comes out wearing an apolo jersey, kunodai Simba Chikore exposes the riches we never knew Bona has and ari kuda half of it kkkk. Bona akatadza kuonera, she could have done the Hakim strategy on Simba kkk. But ndozvinoita maArranged marriages, I am sure she is saying dai Sam asina hake kufa, anyway, enough of the authors of our troubles, let me focus on the ones who are currently using the recipe book written by the Mugabes, of cause I mean the owners of this tuckshop called Zimbabwe.
Ipapa they are celebrating being invited to Prince Charles’s inauguration kkkk, nhamo, after that you hear them complaining about sanctions yet when those who sanction us invite them, they smile miromo kusvika kugotsi. Ini zvangu ini, nxaa unotoona wega Kuti we need a second colonisation kuti tipepuke.infact, we are still colonised, ndakambokuudzai paya kuti vana mukoma vanoti vakaWinner the Chimurenga war of liberation are lying to the populace of Zimbabwe, if they really won why did they accept to go to Lancaster house for talks. The winner declares the terms and conditions not vice versa kkkk. I think MoPSE should see kuti yadii to include the correct history in our education system kwete kungogumira paCALA kkk. I am sure they have now seen kuti maths dzakadzidziswa vanhu kuPrimary hadzisi kushanda. Gore riya takanzi 10+4 equals to 40, now taakuudzwa zvebhara ziro nekubeka koma, imiweee, chatakatadzira musiki chikuru.
Ko iko kutozosenga uyowo wemijolo dutu Mswati nendege yakatengwa nemari yedu ikutambiswa, zvodzimba moyo iyi. I have said it a record times that this first family is taking the nation for granted thinking it’s their family tuck shop, but only time will tell. Ko iyo orientation of writing yaitaurwa pakunyora million yakamira sei is it left to right or right to left. Haaa 2023 tichadzidza zvakawanda kubeka makoma tichibva kuright to left is something new which our curriculum should incorporate if it makes sense at all of which I doubt if it makes any.
Ladies and gentlemen the country is headed for a disaster in as far as the history of the Judiciary system is concerned, believe you me. I have listened to quite a number of the old folks who saw it during Ian Smith’s regime and the Mabhurakwacha which most of the older generation have referred to as the most notorious police force they ever met during their life time. Yes, Mapombi is not a born free nor ama2k and I subscribe to the narrative that the police during the settler regime was brutal but I am beginning to think they were better, ours could be far much worse/.
Imi, the Second Republic which is leaving no turn unstoned to make sure they bend the Constitution in their favour so that they consolidate and maintain grip on power is worse than Smith and Mugabe. Its just a Second bunch of failures who purport to protect the gains of the liberation struggle while the truth of the matter is self-enrichment agenda and abuse of power through corruption. I am beginning to wonder why Midzimu yeZimbabwe isina kukusiyayi kuSango vakauyisa vavakasiya kusango nevamwe vaida koonekwa nekedu trigger-happy Jaison Muvhevhi kuChimoio. By the way nyaya dzake dzavapapi. But with the way Zim relates with Russia, why not just give Wagner mercenaries Muvhevhi abaye kuBakhmut pachakachaya paUkraine apo. Ko handiti Prigozhin’s group is thriving on these prisoners here in that war. Sure no one talks about that murderer but we decide to cage innocent people like Job Sikhala, ndikafunga kuti ndozvatakafira here izvi ndinochema
Anyway, ladies and gentlemen this group of failures who put Uncle Robert under house arrest in 2017 are no where nearer to saving the revorution as Jenarari purported the military was up to or else my definition of revolution differs from his or theirs. Chete zveChitepo ideology hazvirambirwe unowana vane dictionary ravo nekuti chero chinonzi Comrade according to them is a different thing. I have said it on numerous occasions that the Judiciary is captured and to that end, ladies and gentlemen lets brace for a rough ride in a bumpy road full of pit holes because vaMamvura vekumbomhanya mupurazi remabagwe kuSherwood Kwekwe ava is a bad driver. Why alter the constitution to propagate political persecution nhaiwe Scarfmore? I once told you that I doubt if ever this guy ever trained,, ah sorry, studied law kkkk. Why would Scarfmore who is hyped to have been the mastermind behind bombing of a Rhodesian train be afraid of an ordinary citizen like Wiwa or Ngarivhume? This judicial precedence the croc and company are setting will haunt the current and other generations to come. Of course, I know that I am no legal expert but this thing I am telling you will come to pass one day and muchati Mapombi akamboreva.
Why does a well-oiled machine like Zanu PF enjoying monopoly over virtually all State apparatus and resources be afraid of Sikhala to the extent to bending laws to ensure he loses his freedom? Job is a force to reckon with and his fearless character to take the bull by its horns has led to the Croc behaving cowardly with a high level of unprecedented cowardice to the extend yekunopotera kuseri kwebhachi remutemo while at the same time claiming the Judiciary is independent of the Executive. Saka mhosva yaJob yaingova yekutaura kuti akapara mhosva yekuponda Moreblessing asungwe chete here? What more else could Wiwa have done as the family lawyer? By the way why the police did went on to arrest Jambaya? This thing called Criminal Law and Codification reform act akatanga nacho Mwari ave naye.
I pray every day for the release of Job, the true hero kwete vamwe ava vekuti sometimes people debate kuti these other guys could be projects saka vasingasungwi kkk. Seka zvako nhamo serugare. Ko I hear our beloved VP’s son could join Sikhala soon. Anonzaniko uyu, hanzi Sikokobela or Siqokoqela, I am not sure. But where is Mphoko when all this is happening to his son? Asi haasiisna power here kkk. Anotadzawo kungokumbira ED kuti inga taimbova tose wani kkkk, Mboko imboko!!!
So Smith was better after all
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