Ladies and gentlemen, the heat is not sparing us at all, and pfungwa dziri kundidya kunge katombo kapinda mubhutsu like Profet T. Freddy sang is the level of food shortages that is going to hit our country. Chete we all heard Minister Anxious Masuka vachipa ED report kuMushagashe paya kuyouth day kuti we are sorted panyaya dzechikafu, chatisingazozivi ndechekuti zvaiva zveparally here or what because we know zvinotaurwa parally manatsamukamwa harahwa kurota ichiyamwa, kkkkk. I heard kwedu kwaChirimudombo they are now surviving on nyii, kungoguruguda vomwa mvura vovata. On the other hand, prices that went up in January after what we thought was a moment of madness naMthuli when he introduced taxes ekupenga have not gone down. Yes, neUS$5 haumamwi mazoe orange crush,kkkk. Muchademba mapepsi aya amaidadira kurally last year. Speaking of Mthuli, is he still there? Is he still the finance Minister? He is quiet these days, we only feel his touch on these taxes. Kungonzwa Mabasa avo ivo vakati dii zvavo. Tikungonzwa ivo deputy mazuvano ndovari kungotubuka tubuka sehowa. I am sure Mthuli is now a minister in name but the ministry is being run directly from state house through Kudakwashe Trabablas, the deputy minister kkk. Nyika inovakwa, igotongwa, igonamatigwa nevene vayo, mamboti madiii kkk.
These days I am not spending much of my time near Mucheke river because nerima irori ndingapondwa zvangu, ko Zesa haisi kutomboda izvozvo manje. For the whole week and counting anongouya zvawo for a few minutes otoenda magetsi without notice, ko you would have exhausted your allocation for that day ka nhai, mochemei munyika yababa? Those who know magetsi are the ones who went offgrid, vane masolar system chaiwo chaiwo not zvemumikoto umu, but even those who have those small ones are better off because havazonhongani maziso murima, at least they will have lights. Everywhere mudzimba umu, hakuna asina some solar light of sorts. If it was not forced by circumstances it will be a good thing for the environment though, because solar energy is clean, manje vapedza kuona nelight resolar vanonobika nemoto wemaplastic panze mumalocation umu, polluting the air so it does not help. One thing I know though is that there are so many people with big solar systems that can feed their excess voltage into the national grid, votengesera Zesa. I really think if Zesa was serious with that program our power problems would not be as bad, but izvozvo ndozvavasingadi kunzwa izvozvo because they have devised ways to benefit through the system, so the introduction of new things will only mean devising new ways dzekudya nadzo, which might take time. Vakomana nemawandire ezuva iwaya ingadai tichigara murima here veduwe? Ukuwo Wicknell arikutenga mota sechingwa nemari yemasolar yaakapihwa hake neveZPC, ko ndiye adii, regai adye yemarema. Kuno kwedu kuMasvingo we saw Mai Phiri got yavowo mota, tingagoti chii, totongoti Masvingo wakarangarirwawo. I saw her pane imwe rally after that vava kuimbisa mabussed supporter’s ndikati right, energy yemunhu auya nechifambiso chine air conditioner, kkkkk. In all honesty, muno munyika if you want to be popular, nekuzodya zvemahara futi, zvechitendero zvinoti bhadharei. Musandipikisa, imi hamuoni vana Papa kuti vane bag? The other day we all saw manurse singing paairport, welcoming Twabam mheno kaibvepi. Ungazoti ndiwo here manurse aya akatrainer rough yavanoita vanhu kuzvipatara uko? I think Twabam kanenge kachiseka secretly kuti mabharanzi aya arikundibatsira kugadzira content yandichazononyepera vanhu nayo kuAmerica or in some other countries kwakanoita masaramusi ako kuti oo honhai ndakaitwa hero welcome kuZimbabwe. He always claims that he flies all the time, coming and going as he pleases, plus he also claims ane private jet, ko saka zvekuimbirwa nemanurse kuairport zvaazvipi like its his first time to fly? Baba vane drama vaya. Sometimes ndinombofunga kuti some people missed the opportunity yekuitawo baba kumahumbwe that is why they love attention so much because haa, it does not make sense. Ndoteam rainzi ita imbwa kana kuti ita muroyi kumahumbwe and they carried the bitterness into adulthood.
Ko kuPotraz uko chii nemi nhaimi? You know, privileged Zimbabwe, ndoreva those who eat nesystem always find a chance of mocking struggling Zimbabweans at every turn. Truly nhai VaMachengete you think you are the cleverest person when it comes to data usage online kudarika everyone who finds the cost of data too high? For context, dzinonzi Machengete ndiDirector General vePotraz, kureva kuti ndivo regulator vanaEconet neamwe mainternet service provider arikudai kuchomwira mari dzenyu semangai. In other words, hanzi navo shefu ivavo ruzhinji rweZimbabwe rwuri kutenga data rarwusingakwanisi, kureva iko kuti vanotenga data rinofanirwa kutengwa nemacompany makuru ivo vari maindividual consumers. Kudhomoka kwacho unotongoona wega kuti hapana chimwe, he obviously enjoys free internet because of his privilege. You also wonder kuti baba ava vanotomboverengawo here marankings enyika in terms of internet affordability because zvakazara pese pese kuti cost of data in this country is prohibitive, apa the internet yacho is very slow kunge yakadya kamba, rinongopera data racho pasina chawaita. How do we develop, even educationwise without affordable and accessible internet services? Ndopaya pamunozoswera muchigadzira zvimacurriculum zvisina nebasa rose because you do not want to do the needful and make internet services affordable. Handina kudzidza zvakanyanya hangu but my little knowledge tells me kuti there are some stringent measures anoiswa negovernment through ivava maregulator that make the operating landscape unfriendly, and the cost inongouya kunesu vanamusvuuganda. The economy itself now relies on mobile data; just look at the number of people using digital platforms like WhatsApp to sell their products, and you know it kuti Zimbabwe is largely an informal economy. Again it is the cheapest communication channel between families senge vaya vazara kudiaspora. Imi vacho henyu kumusoro ikoko you do not really use it for anything much except magirlfriends enyu emuwando, aah ndanga ndasiya nemaboyfriends nemaBen Ten, kkkk. Minister Mavetera uko, bataivo henyu mapenzi enyu kuPotraz uko and reign in on them data ridzike. High costs of bandwidth is making life difficult for any age group in this country. Musaita senge at some point tichazodzokera kunogara mumapako, hunting and gathering for a living takapfeka nhembe. The internet is here to stay and it is now a way of life, so kana muri munhu ane dhiri, itai plan. We know you did not have a smooth landing into your ministry, but mazuvano munotombotaura zvinonzwika wani, chero zvimwe zvacho muchizongodzamba dzamba henyu nekukanga kanga mashoko mukanwa. Dzonetsa technology idzi, dzinoda akati changamu, but please, data must fall. Mungakundwa naNero akapromisa gore riya kuti phone dzichatsvagisa mombe, and we lived to witness it, naYave zvakaitika madhongi achikuma. We hear Starlink might be on its way to Zimbabwe legally and officially, although we know hedu kuti kumagovernment department nekumasuburb kwneyu uko yangova asina irombe. Ko team reZanu iri rinoida kani soft life, regai vachizorambirapo nekuendorser zvisina basa. Kanyika kanonaka mhani kateapot-shaped country aka, enda paJongwe House unobvunza kana uchiti ndonyepa. Please Minister Tate, for once, do the right thing paStarlink, not zvatinonzwa zvekuda kunanzva mose mose padhiri one iroro, remember it is for the people. Ordinary people will immensely benefit, zvikasapindirwa nembavha, and it will also bring healthy competition kumaservice provider uko. I also foresee remote areas benefitting, because satellite can be way better for marginalized communities. Chembere dzinenge dzaakungoWatsapurawo sevamwe, and I see this as a big opportunity to combat misinformation and disinformation. Nhema nepropaganda dzinoita shoma mumaWhatsApp group umo, kkkkk, hama yangu Wezhira Munya apoo!
Regai ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch, mazuvano mabanana akaberekera zhara so azere arikuora nezuva iri. Asi Wicknell regai achizotukwa naOlinda, shuwa kubvisa Madzibaba Zakariya vakatirera hunhu kudaro, telling him to beg for a car, ko kungovapa? Mune syndrome baba imi, hameno kuti inonzi chii, that is why muchivirikidza bhutsu, potse potse munotokwesha musoro nedombo futi. You and Calaz wekuimba zvinoshata uyu are just the same pakunanzvana kwenyu ikoko, bva gore rino anoita danga radzo mota Calaz nekugona bootlicking. He must have copied Webster Shamhu weCremora. Iye kubva ati zii kudaro Shamhu, haa dzangova hari dzofanzirofa.
Is former VP Mphoko alive and well veduwe? If you see him, please tell him kuti hanzi naMapombi ndafunga mazuva aya amaigara pahotera musisadi kubva. Mboko imboko!
Minister Mavetera, data must fall!
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