A lot of people still think kuti Mapombi anopenga but I really think Zimbabwe’s political parties are full of crazy people. I once thought kuZanu chete ndokune vanhu vanopenga but I have discovered kuti it’s across the political divide.
Kkk but can someone tell ED kuti dzungu hakusi kungwara, we wait for varidzi vechinhu kuti vatange vataura then we follow suit kwete kutungamira mberi semhino wondobondera kkkk. Dzungu takariwanza kkkkkk chero mumwedzi waMbudzi patakagadza mambo takaita dzungu kkkkkkk. Sulumani uriseiko chikomana? How can ED announce three days of mourning Kenneth Kaunda (MHSRIP) kunge aiziva kuti anovigwa rini. How embarrassing is it kuti a few hours after announcing that takaona vaakuchinja hanzi 3 days ndedza Father Ribeiro haaaaaaa. Vakazoona kuti taita dzungu kkkk, dzungu haribhadhari I have been always saying this, sit down and humble yourself Trabablous.
But honestly guys we are being led by confused leaders, Zuro uno there were rumors that schools will be closed for 14 days, then Nick Mangwana aakuuya hanzi inhema, a few hours later his boss sisi Monica confirms that indeed schools will be closed for 14 days. Is that power struggle between Mangwana and Monica, don’t they sit down and talk before talking to the public? Are they doing the same as what ED and the Generari Bae are doing, kunzwanana masimba? Aren’t we going to see the Mutodi and Mutsvangwa saga soon? Watch the space, ndozvakatanga zvichiita Mutodi izvozvi, akazovepi kkkk, musazoti handina kumbotaura ini Mapombi mafirakureva. Jamwanda kana apedza hake kumaka maspelling echirungu paTwitter wohwa ozvikuza nokuchochora verudzi rwaMapombi nekudispella kwega kwega. Joji!! iwe Joji iweka!?
Infact, I think we have a trend in Zimbabwe where it starts as a rumor, the rumor is dispelled, after some hours the rumor is then confirmed and become a reality kkkk. Ndozvazvinoita kana muchitongwa nematsotsi, they know people have no confidence in them so they do trial and error zvavo kkkk, kuisa gumbo one mudziva vachida kuona kuti mune ngwena here. Don’t be fooled, they are the ones who leak the information on social media and they see how people react then boom vokupai zvavo zvavanoda, regai ndiseke zvangu ini. But the game is not only with Zanu PF and the government, even ku Opposition zviriko. Kutamba zvavo nemazivanhu anovateverera.
Biti ari kupi, Biti huya pano. I don’t think this guy is right upstairs kkkk. Chete dzakafanana namai Mujuru I think dzakapomerwa kupusa kkk. I once told Chamisa kuti they have to change the party name time ichiripo so that people get used to it while there is time. You can decide to go against Mapombi’s advice but ignore it at your own peril, Zanu is already campaigning hatidi anozita mavovo kana zvana Fulcrum Pith ashagadwa 2023.
I was infuriated to hear Biti saying they were not going to change the party name, hanzi MDC is one of the popular names in Zimbabwe zvekuti we cannot change it, yes I agree the MDC name has become a household name in Zimbabwe but the fact remains the same Zita harina kana basa. It’s high time you accept that Chamatama went with his MDC to the grave. People love Nero zvekuti chero akapinda nezita rekuti Chimuti people still vote for him. Vakandipa havo mabanana nemaputi everyday kuno kuChitima, I will still vote for Nero, why not?
Hanzi naBiti we will change the suffix to MDC Chamisa, what kind of NONSENSE is that, does the party belong to Chamisa? Isn’t that tantamount to creating a dictator in the young man.Infact he already has dictatorial traits, hanzi hachipikiswi kana musi mumwe kkkkkk asi chikomana Kodza Kodza akachikonewa nanhasi chiripo pa Kanzuru apa. The party belongs to the people not an individual so it has to have its own name not zita remunhu. Nhaiwe Biti, what if Chamisa dies before elections party munochinja futi here to MDC Bitikkkkkkkk, hant you are a VP? This is the same reason why Gogo Tsvangirai was saying party ndeyemwana wavo, how will you deny that when it has Chamisa’s name? Come on guys lets be serious and find a neutral name so that anyone who lead it will use the name nekuti chinhu ndechedu tese ichi hakuna anoenda nacho mumachira kkkkkkkkkk. Kotiwo vedu Gutu, haaa baba vayaka, dzinenge dzakatamba nepwere shuwa, kutaura zvavo kunge vakasutswa vachitaura such a contentious issue yakadaro. Chete I’m starting to believe someone who said vanaGutu want to destroy Zanu from within because baba vaya vanenge vakambotsvira mumba door rakashama.
Nwae regai ndiende hangu ndimbono ngwavha ngwavha mabanana anenge araswa nevane tsiye nyoro kkkkkkkk but before I go, Mapombi still need those donations and tiri kumaona, chando chiriko ichi chakawandisa so pliz feel free to drop jerseys, trousers and jackets which you no longer want at my boss’ TellZim offices. Let me take this opportunity to remind you to wear your masks, sanitize and do social distancing coz Covid-19 is real. We don’t want to lose more people to this monster called Covid-19. Ko Mphoko aripiko these days, huku dziri kufa nechando kuno kuChitima ngaauye ape vanhu ma Infrared lights kkkkkk till next week, Mboko iMboko.