Vanhu vaya vatanga! Mapombi has said it several times that Marujata ndiye ari kutonga nyika ino muchiramba manje chionai zvava kuitika. Chinhoyi has so many histories from the liberation struggle – the famous Chinhoyi battle, diesel that oozes from the rocks; kkkkkkk is there anyone who still remember kasong kekuti ‘Paita dhiziri paChinhoyi’; and obviously to the recent ranting by Dr Amai during the President’s youth interface rally.
Vakomana murume mukuru kuitwa sekacheche; ‘Iwe George, George kkkkkkk George, George! Ha-a nemiwo mukoma George Charamba munozozvinyanyawo futi kuita senge Mnangagwa and Team Lacoste factions are the only ones with a right to the State-controlled media. Ko kunyarawo zvodii? At least Grace warned you that you are and you will never be senior to all the ministers including Tyson chaiye.
But it seems like Mnangagwa will lose the battle to succeed Mugabe – it’s now a Zezurus affair with Dr Sydney Sekeramayi’s chances getting better by each passing day. Again, it’s no longer a secret that Dr Amai and Mnangagwa have crossed path and they now hardly see eye to eye.
Of course she may not succeed to influence Mnangagwa’s expulsion but certainly, the vice president will be pruned zvekuti anosara asina kana wekumhoresa chaiko maAllies ese adzingwa.
As you may know that Dr Amai is not that diplomatic or ndo diplomacy dzacho handizoziviwo hangu – havarove imbwe vakaviga mupinyi vanoirovera payaitira tsvina ipapo. She gave a hint in Chinhoyi that vaMnangagwa taimbowirirana kare asi iyezvino handichazivi; hanzi it’s not about the number of years that you have been with President Mugabe but what matters the most is what you do behind his back. Ichoo!
And Mugabe, as usual, always jumps to the defence of his lovely wife chero zvikaita sei. Hanzi vana Mutsvangwa vari kutaurisa kudai havasivo pane vakuru vanovatuma – and of course that was referring to Mnangagwa. Mugabe also gave a hint that he is likely not going to renew some services cheifs’ contracts especially those supporting Mnangagwa to take over from him. Hameno vana Chiwenga ikoko.
But Mapombi really wonders kuti vaMugabe vanoda kudii chaizvo nenyika ino. Mukati havasati vaguta kudya nekutonga zvese imi kubva kare kare kuya vazhinji venyu vasati vazvarwa? More than three decades at the helm and one still wants some more? He is not even moved by the current economic crisis, not at all. Ko mukatinyarawo zvodiiko nhai Gushungo? It’s high time you pass on the button to whoever wamada at least there should be change of face in the leadership kuda isu varombo tingaita upeny hwuri nani.
Mapombi really regrets everything that has to do with independence – ndopakatangira nhamo yangu yese chero kuroorwa chaiko ndakashaya wo akandida nekuda kwenhamo. It’s not easy to stay at filthy Dr Grace Mugabe Market Centre eating rotten bananas and maputi every day. Kudzidza ndakadzidzawo chose I completed all the levels and even went to an expensive university but dai ndakaziva vabereki vangu vakarega kutengesa mombe dzavo ndichienda kuchikoro maybe today I would be somewhere doing cattle ranching project kwedu kwaChirimudombo uko.
Anyway, it seems there is no hope for a better future. Mapombi used to think that Morgan Tsvangirai would do better but I’m sure he is another dictator in the making. Mark my words. Chamatama wenyu uya, aa-ah by the way achiri chamatama here because it appears like haasisina matama makuru these days? Whether he is still chamatama or not the truth is that Morgiza has the potential to be a dictator pamwe Gushungo vakatenge nani.
Honestly, how can he ban primary elections? What are the chances that candidates will reach consensus? Tsvangirai would want to handpick his preferred candidates and claim that there was consensus?
The claims that primary elections will divide voters are nonsensical. Handpicking candidates will even divide voters worse than primaries. After all it’s a democratic process therefore people should be allowed to choose a candidate of their own choice.
Cde Tsvangirai please wake up! Wake up! Wake up! We do not want dictators in this country – let people exercise their right to elect munhu wavanoda not zvenyu zvekuda kuti vane mari muparty ndovanopinda, I bet munodyiwa rakacheka nyika mozoti Zanu PF inobiririra. Tsvangirai chinja iwe maitiro ako echi dictator ayo, hezvoko bwaaa. Mazvinzwa Save. Shoko harivhikwi zvava zvenyu kufuga kana kuwarira.
Mapombi would like to make it clear that if Tsvangirai continues with his plan to impose candidates then he will lose my vote, zvitori nani kuvhotera sekuru than kuisazve another potential dictator. Zvasiyanei nekuvhotera a 94 year-old when voting for another dictator. That is why Mapombi always says kudzidzawo kwakanaka dzimwe dzenguva especially when you want to be a leader nekuti zvimwe zvatoona haaaya. Anyway, I rest my case.
It’s almost lunch time guys let me go ndindokanga hangu maputi angu for lunch. Before I go I heard Mphoko is in cloud nine after Dr Amai praised him kuChinhoyi uko hanzi tinowirirana zvikuru. Hanzi vari kungofamba vachiti handiti makanzwaka Dr Amai vachizvitaurira vega kuti tinowirirana hahahahahahaha mboko imboko!mapombi
Is Morgan Tsvangirai another dictator in the making?
TellZim News is the leading news organization in the Southern region. It provides candid, balanced and timely news from the communities. Keeping it real. Committed to tell Zimbabwe.
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