If there is anyone who makes Mapombi very happy then truly it’s the War Veterans. Waal, my war vets! E-eh my war vets muri kushamisika nei? They are mine! Ko imi pamunoti vanhu vangu takambojamuka here isu? Nhasi zvangu handibvire kujamuka kwe #Tajamuka/Sesijiki please ndiri kungorevawo kujamuka as in kujamuka in its innocent sense. Please please get me right munondiurayisa nemapurisa akomana. Are you forgetting what they did to Stern Zvorwadza recently? It is the same police which is used by government to thwart anyone who engage in peaceful demonstration against maladministration. Are you forgetting that Mussolini is always right and no one has right to demonstrate against his misrule? Kkkkk this iron fist rule will take us nowhere. We cannot tolerate this government’s brutality anymore. Rovai kusvika mabaton stick atyoka, matear gas apera uye imbwa dzenyu dzava kunzwa mazino nekuruma vanhu. People will continue to demonstrate. People will continue to demand jobs and better living standards chero mukarova. Kkkkkk asi kahurumende kazogumirwa aka. No wonder why jails were emptied through Presidential pardon. . . anozara futi manje manje and this time they will be filled with war vets and those who are anti-Mugabe. Watch the space!
But maWar Vets ishasha manje. Mapombi is very happy that the war vets have remained defiant. I mean my war vets varamba kudzora tsvimbo. They have been threatened, arrested, bailed, fired, recalled and even their farms invaded but still they are buoyant hanzi ngaende ngaende-ee. Kkkkkk these are real war vets. Ndovarwi chaivo chaivo ava kwete some opportunists like Chinotimba and uyu wembanje uyu. Is she called Chimhene, Chimheni or Chimene? Whatever! Wati kungodherera Mnangagwa hakozve!
Mapombi however has a clear message for these fly by nights war vets. I mean that clique of opportunists who were born before independence who are now masquerading as war vets. Zundu kugara mundove hanzi ndava mombe kkkkkkkkk kusaziva kufa shuwa. Some of you were sell-outs during the war and now mava kuda kungwarira paduri sehuku. Haaa mutiitire mushe imi!
Mapombi heard a group of self-styled war vets gathered at Gutu turn-off paRoy apo over the weekend hanzi tava kuda kupanana minda kutoisa nekaflag kkkkkkk this flag? Aah sorry not that flag ya Evan Mawarire – zvinhu zvizhinji zvichatinetsa kutaura pano pamba. Muchakura rinhiko nhaimi? Is this not the same place other genuine war vets were kicked out a few months ago? Let’s wait and see. Muchapadzingwa futi.
Anyway, Mapombi will not waste time speaking about these useless self-styled war vets vanonyengetedzwa netuminda twenhando utwo. I am happy the genuine war vets have remained resolute. They want the CEO of this country to retire. For the good of the country of course. They want Mngangagwa to replace him but eish, the Crocodile seems to be in deep sleep. Wake up Croc! Kkkkkkk pamwe muchatinyepera kuti ingwena muchiziva henyu kuti igwavava!
Anyway, whether it’s a genuine or fake Crocodile it does not matter. Mahiya, Matemadanda, Mutsvangwa and vana Chinoooneka they want him to be given a chance ambotongawo. Mapombi want to commend these cdes for their unwavering support for Mnangagwa. Even ana gogo Mahofa and Josaya Hungwe they also support Mngangagwa to take over. Nhaka kunofiwa isu tichirova zvedu some rotten bananas kuno kwa Dr Mhamha flea market. But Mapombi has one issue with Mnangagwa – baba musangoita sedhakisi kani. Kkkkk I rest my case.
I like the spirit our Cdes have; they have people at heart. In fact they want to save Zanu PF from so called gay gangsters and the Gushungo 40 (G40) faction which seems to be destroying the party from within. Go Mahiya go. Go Mutsvangwa go. Go Nhando go!
It’s almost lunch time, let me go ndindokanga hangu maputi angu for lunch. But before I go, I heard Mboko yakazotya kuuya kuMasvingo. Unorotswa wena because you were going to rue the day you were born – Mapombi heard there was a team from Team Lacoste yange yakamirira to embarrass you. Kkkkkk hameno maipinda pai nenyadzi nekureba kwese kuya. But haude kubuda muhotera here iwe? Have you come to think of it that there are some people like Mapombi who are surviving on rotten bananas every day and sleep in the open at Dr Grace Trading Centre? Kurarira maputi when Mphoko enjoys tax payers’ money at a five star hotel? Haaa zvimwe muchiti munotamba handiti. Munotiona sekuti takanyonyopusa handiti? Zvorwadza where are you? Haaa tazojamuka manje.
Anyway, let me go and have maputi angu for lunch but toda kuona kunowira tsvimbo nedohwe. Mboko imboko!.mapombi
My war vets, our pride!
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