Hey, politics is becoming more interesting these days. Dai uri muchero ndopayeka pataiti wonakira kundokuva. There are power struggles everywhere, in Zanu PF and MDC-T save for kwedu kwaTeurai ropa kuNPP where a seemingly stress-free Joice Mujuru is dancing like the Biblical King David.
Kkkkkk aa-ah amai vanonakirwa zvavo ivava – kuita senge mambo Davita vakatamba kusvika amai vapopota. Yes, Mapombi heard a lot of comments from fellow Zimbabweans, mixed feelings though, after Mujuru’s video while dancing went viral on social media.
Runaidha akatamba Rhumba achidzikira pasi kudai achitambisa chiuno so achidzikira pasi kudai izvi hehehehedee-e hurii-Iii seka zvako Mapombi. The dance was just super! Of course, many people condemned her saying that was not typical of a leader. Haa-a tikwanirei imi; how can you say that to the leader of a coalition? Kkkkkk the leader of National People’s Rainbow Coalition Joice Teurairopa Mujuru kkkkkkkk. Mapombi is also a woman therefore, I cannot be seen passing comments that are not so positive to a fellow woman who is equally ambitious. Or should I highlight it so that Mujuru will correct certain things.
Cde Mujuru, aah by the way you seized to be Cde the very day you were fired from Zanu PF zviya. Kkkkkkk but Zanu PF yakapenga manje, as long as you are loyal to the party you will remain a comrade but the moment you start opposing the status quo you will seize to be a Cde. Even the State-controlled media will testify to that.
Even our new Minister of State for Masvingo Dr Paul Chimedza can confirm that too. When he was removed from his Health deputy ministerial position for allegedly aligning himself to Gamatox, State media stopped addressing him as Cde Chimedza – he became a Mr Chimedza. Now that Mugabe pardoned him and appointed him Minister of State, he automatically becomes Cde kkkkkk wozodei.
Mapombi is very sure Cde Mnangagwa vakaita zvekutamba he will become Mr Mnangagwa soon the same way Mr Mutsvangwa, Mr Mahiya and team earned the title. Kwaaaaaaaa! Zanu PF chiororo.
But Mapombi is sure Mugabe is turning green with envy following the honour of Ndabaningi Sithole in Ghana – a street in Accra, Ghana was named after one of Zimbabwe’s founding nationalists. Mugabe denied Sithole even a provincial hero status claiming that he was a sellout. Ende munonyadzisa Gushungo. If you genuinely mean that ko vana Hungwe zvingadaro vari mugovernment here nhasi?
Mapombi heard vana Hungwe vaitotengesa zvekurevesa kudarika Ndabaningi uyu.
Anyway, sorry I diverted a bit. I was talking about Mujuru and her seductive dances – ko kungotambisa chiuno chete varume vazhinji vanenge vava kutofunga kwazvakarehwa ka. I am not saying the dance was wrong but probably the men who passed negative comments was a reaction to their feelings –maybe they could not concentrate after watching . We know how weak are some men; vamwe ndivana bambazonke kkkkkkkkk. Haa but Marujata akaoma vakomana. Mapombi thought Grace was the least qualified to talk about zvekuvimbika kwevarume and stuff but kutotukirira Ngwena wena kkkkkkk hanzi bambazonke.
Mapombi heard the newly-appointed Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Walter Mzembi was left embarrassed after Mugabe was stripped off the WHO ambassadorial post in less than 48hrs, a position the new minister is believed to have heavily lobbied for.
Kkkkk Wale, please take it easy. You are dealing with someone who has long become a hard sell. We know you are under pressure to impress your dear leader but take it easy, please. There is no need to rush because position wakatoipinda kare. And it’s fun how things change so. Mapombi heard the former Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, who was demoted to lead the Micro-Economic and Planning ministry, was here in Masvingo conducting a workshop on ZimAsset. Kkkkkkk ndoinonzi fall from grace zveshuwa.
I hope that Dr Mzembi will take heed. But even WHO yacho hainyare yakaita seiko? How can they appoint someone like baba Chatunga to be its ambassador? Thank God the whole thing was reversed otherwise Mapombi was going to melt neshungu chaidzo. Ehe, kunyungudika chaiko nekuti ndoanonzi makunakuna ka iwaya atanga taitirwa neWHO.
Anyway, it is almost lunch time now let me go ndindokanga hangu maputi angu. Today the meal will be a heavy one because maputi acho ane nzungu and I will take a rotten banana as desert. Wozodei munyika yaba yakasununguka kudai. But zvinopera chete rwendo runo mukaona nesuwo vana Mapombi toenda kundo register kuvhota zivai kuti kwakaipa. Yes; I registered to vote and kana usina or usati please don’t talk to me. Ndinongotaura chete with those who have registered to vote.
In fact, Mapombi is considering to afford those who register to vote a one-on-one with Mapombi. Pakadii ipapo. Of course the one-on-one won’t be for free kkkkkkkkk. Munondipawoka something as token of appreciation. Kana muchizvigona kuna vaMagaya navaMakandiwa so why not on me, mind you ndini chete celebrity rinogara kuChitima. But before I go, I just want to thank Cde Mphoko kuti yah rambai muchingoita zvamuri kuita these days. Mboko imboko!mapombi