In any polemic regarding the history of Africa, ubuntu / unhu or humanity becomes the centre of gravity. In military speak, the centre of gravity implies the source of strength or balance from which the force derives its freedom of action. From an Afrocentric perspective ubuntu is the source of Africans’ relationality, ubuntu becomes the axis on which human relations are built, ubuntu becomes the rallying point for popular participation, ubuntu becomes the glue that binds the communal self, ubuntu becomes the spirit of oneness, singleness of focus and fixity of purpose and the centre of gravity on which all human interactions are organized. Ubuntu is just the opposite of the intellectual movement of liberalism which essentialises and romanticizes individual freedoms at the expense of cultural rights that are enjoyed collectively. This writer has been moved by the physical, emotional, intellectual and social energies that have been summoned by South Africans through organisations such as Dudula (anti-migrant social group) over the years to treat black migrants in their country as if they are lesser beings. It is therefore the object of this opinion piece to interrogate the humanness of South Africans against a background of the stoning and setting on fire of two Zimbabweans in Diesploot, South Africa.
Studies suggest that South Africa is the most unequal country in the world with an economy that is still in the hands of a few whites and blacks. The economic morass in South Africa is not in anyway associated with the influx of black migrants from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Mozambique or Malawi, rather the complexification of the problems of inequality, poverty and unemployment are coming as a result of the intersection of gender, ethnicity, location, race and class that have pushed the everyday South Africans to the fringe of their society. Even if all immigrants were to be ejected from South Africa the problems of the everyday South Africans would still be there and they would still stick like white on rice. The hatred against immigrants by South Africans is not justifiable given the fact that globalization has introduced borderless communities. Human beings from time immemorial have migrated from one country to another. Migration is as old as the hills, if not as Moses of the Bible. These artificial boundaries should not be used as the basis for the killing black migrants. Arguably, no one owns any space under the sun, the geographic boundaries are socially defined for administrative purposes, otherwise the political leadership of spaces called countries should communicate, consult, collaborate and cooperate with one another to forge sound relations that promote bilateral and multilateral treaties on migration governance because human movement cannot be stopped.
South Africans should go back to basics in terms of principles of ubuntu that put a premium on the sacredness of human life. Human existence that is pegged on humanity or ubuntu is fearful of taking other people’s lives. The following quote from Richard Dawkins would help South Africans to appreciate that human beings cannot be defined and ruled according to where they have come from as their common denominator is that of being human beings,
National pride has evil consequences. Prefer pride in humanity. German pride gave us Hitler, American pride gave us Trump, British pride gave us Brexit. If you must have pride, be proud that Homo Sapiens could produce a Mandela, Shakespeare, Einstein, Beethoven.
The above quote reminds us that there is only one race under the sun which is the human race. The beingness of any person is not defined according to where the person has come from, but according to being a human being. Xenophobia will not turn around the economic fortunes of South Africa because the root cause of the socio-economic problems of South Africa has nothing to do with immigrants but everything to do with a privatized economy. It is often argued that in every situation there is nugget of gold. The nugget of gold for South Africa from immigrants is the beneficiation that is associated with knowledge and skills transfer, that is brain circulation in almost every sector of South Africa’s economy. The value addition of emigration is further seen in remittances and boosting of foreign currency reserves of countries of origin for the migrants. Human beings have been on the move since the time of Moses and to identify and lynch black migrants is a sign of lack of appreciation of the history of humankind. Research shows that human beings migrate for different reasons that may include reunification with family, career development, marriage, studies and employment. South Africans should appreciate that political, economic and social circumstances do not remain constant and to that effect there is a need to treat black migrants with respect and dignity because who knows what the future holds for South Africa.
Labour and capital movement are as natural as water is to fish. Labour and capital mobility will always be part and parcel of the history of humankind. It is important for South Africans to understand that any significant changes in the socio-economic complexion of their country would begin with the indigenization of their economy, having stimulus packages for the every day South Africans, creating micro finance for women, youths and rural folks, facilitating access, control and ownership over land for the black majority. Land is an economic asset that can be used as a transformative tool for the majority of South Africans. Politicians in South African should desist from setting the ordinary South Africans against black immigrants for cheap and ephemeral political gains. Rather, the South African politicians should initiate public policies that address racial and economic inequalities and that also put a premium on redistributive justice.
On a parting note, the South African education system should be rejigged to underscore ethos of diversity and inclusivity (citizenship education) right from the level of Early Childhood Development. If an education system prizes diversity and inclusivity it will inculcate in learners a spirit of love and respect for humanity.
South Africa: where is ubuntu?

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