Ladies and gentlemen, I hope by now you have at least seen, let alone the new structured currency, because if by now usati wariona, haa panoverengwa vanhu chaivo chaivo munyika your number iri kumany more. It means panotaurwa zveeconomy ndimi vaya vanongonzi etc, kkkk. You all know I am a vagabond and my opinion is a bit more refined semunhu asina anything to lose, ndasiyana naDumbuzenene Chivayo nemaconcubines ake hobho hobho vaari kutengera mota, ahh sorry, that was not supposed to be said out loud. But vakawana mota dzacho get angry vanenge vava kungooverreacter havo because Apostle Chiwenga akangodarowo wani but havana zvavakamuita. And don’t think Mapombi is a pushover if you failed to react to Chiwenga’s utterances, ini nditori gentleman handivanzi plus mukanetsa ndokureverai kuna Mr Strong ZiG President vangu mugonzi haaa nyengu!! On a lighter note though, mudhara uya wekutunga pasi arikutowana bag nedance yake iya, chokwadi kushingirira kwakanaka. At the Anti-Sanctions March last year handina kuona dzichiverengerwa maBhuru eAmerica after dzatunga lawn yepaCivic Centre apo. But Zanu ka, kuita reduce our elderly to clowns that perform for peanuts at a circus. Yes we know that all these events zvimacircus where everyone will be competing for the attention of the First Family kuti vavaratidze kuti anonyatsogona kupenga ndiani, but zvimwe itai muchinyarawo. I see some ladies are now putting zvimadhende muhembe to imitate Mai Weli vemazizigi vekupihwa Akwaya vatamba parally, ndopaunongoona wega kuti yakasimuka nemapango, there is no redemption in the near future. Ratova business kuita gyrate at rallies muchikandirwa mafufu setumbwanana. I really wish one day our country is delivered from the demon of desperation and the spirit of normalizing the abnormal is exorcised.
Still on the ZiG subject, I see that the streets have been cleaned of illegal forex dealers, vana Neville Mutsvangwa nevamwe vake. I once mentioned paya kuti they will just catch one person vomuita example, that’s just how Zanu operates. Bere kana rasuwa kudya mwana waro rinongoti anhuhwa mbudzi, and that has been their modus operandi since way back. Chero before independence, opponents were eliminated that way, kungonzi mutengesi, zvobva zvatoendwa. We will be lying to ourselves if we say all is well with the Mutsvangwas, I think the chickens are coming home to roost. Problem with Kiritsopfaa nemhuri yake is that they harbour too much ambition, all the while vachitora nyika like it is their backyard. Even during Mugabe’s time, we all saw how Kiri was always running his mouth; yes tongovapa hedu credit for pulling off the coup saka toti paya vaiziva pavakatsika, manje this time paiva pakatsikwa paya ndipo pava kupisa. I also think that Kiri always puts Ba Two in a tight spot with his complicated decorum or lack thereof, by his and his family’s behaviour. Surely munyika murikungonzi mamoneychanger arikusungwa, Neville onzi arikutoisa zvake on his WhatsApp status rate rake riri way above the official rate, kuita kutsika tsika mugarden muchangodyarwa maseeds manyowani. Kana izvo zvivindi zvacho. This is the same Neville who was implicated for allegedly bringing in the unlicensed Starlink. Ehe hazvozve apo anga asina kunyanyoresva kuruzhinji rweZimbabwe who wanted fast internet, but the law is the law. Zvivindi zvake mukomana uyu kunenge kutodherera chaiko because chero maTwins haazonyanyi kufarisa like that. We know zvedu kuti mumamine uyu vanadzo nyaya dzakati wandei but havazoiti zvisina order like Neville. Pamwe pacho I think Baba Two and crew vanenge vakutofunga kuti arikutumwa namudhara wake, who we all know is a loose canon. Vatori trigger happy zvavo baba vaya, hapana asingazvizivi. Mzembi once mentioned it mazuva aya when Kiritsopfaa was removed from that ministry, hanzi aichallenger vakuru in Cabinet, pedzeka oita walk out. I am not sure if we were supposed to know that but here we are, reading about the behind-the-scenes emuKabati yenyika on social media. Truly, the internet is not a real place because dzimwe hombe dzinombovhurwa nevanhu for attention ka, ma1.
Monica may cry political persecution for her 45-year-old boy Sunungurai Neville, but at this point I think yakatodeuka. Yes it’s political, and yes, her son was caught with his hand in the cookie jar and it was made to look like zvashamisa stereki kuti anochinja mari. For all we care, it’s more likely that most of these Zanu kids varikurarama nekuita zviri illegal, knowing too well that their parents are law unto themselves. Vanovasunga vakamira saani? CID Mutorashanga ndeyenyu povo, not vana vevakuru. Ukaona vaakusungwa just know kuti it’s a reminder that factionalism is still very much alive in the ruling party, rimwe rese ritongori drama. Varikuvhura hombe vana vemashefu ava behind closed doors, and it’s only the court of public opinion that can actually prosecute them, and in many cases nothing happens to them because shame yacho havatorina. WaDJ Bhisvo Shashili vanhu vakataura zvikapera wani. Now mudhara wacho aakutoita competition nemaslay queen kuiswa mawig kuvhara mhazha. Iye Neville iyeye atori nedzimwe dzekudhara dzaana sexual offences plus he is a repeat offender weillegal forex dealing. But vanogara muhasvato dzanaMama vavoka vaya. In other countries, 45-year-olds are becoming Presidents while kuno kwedu vanaMama vevanhu vakakura vachidya dessert are busy complaining that vakasunga zijaya rangu ndisipo, kkkkk. Kuita makwikwi emisikanzwa nemateenagers, that’s why these oldies don’t want to leave power because they know they did not parent their children well, so legacy zero. Chero hope yekunotamba nevazukuru panenge pasina. But this time the Mutsvangwas may be facing their downfall, kutopera chaiko sehondo yemuseve. There is a chain of events that you see wega kuti apa zvakuda kutoendwa apa. Mwene wechidhoma akarohwa, mai vanobuda chete, especially if the parent is a parrot. You will be your own downfall nekusaziva pekugumira, because Baba Two is calculative and cunning ka vaya, hugarwe munohuona by how he preserves his prey, knowing zvavo when he will strike. Yes sometimes vanombobehaver semupurwa, but those who know him know better than to cross him.
Ko toti makorokotozve Masvingo waramba worangarirwa. Chakanaka chakanaka mukaka haurungwi, a young person at the helm of the national broadcaster under normal circumstances should be a good thing. Again, during the times of ED’s persecution paya achitukirirwa nanaMzembi nanaJeppy Jaboon, Charle was a vibrant Mnangagwa supporter, so he is being rewarded for his loyalty. Vakawanda vakaitirwa zvihombe in the first days of the new dispensation, so inguva yakewo Munganasa. Azara hawozve MaVhitori kumusoro uko, let’s hope hamuzotitukisi after failing to bring meaningful changes in those institutions, torambawo here tichinzi Masvingo iya zvekare.
Let me go ndinokanga maputi angu zvangu for lunch, mazuvano chibage chacho it’s hard to come by. Zvemabanana akaora ndichatongohardira because hapana yekutamba. But before I go, I just want to wish my sister Linda Masarira a quick recovery, zvezvimwe zvakaitika handizoziviwo hangu, but NPA mukawana nguva mukwane; soon after Linda says ndipeiwo privacy imi state outline yose paTwitter bvuu, nekutobatanidza kuti hanzi murume wanhingi zvikazodai. Musazodaro. Ko kunight of wonders zvakafamba seikowo, I heard mosquito ndodzanga dzakawanda kudarika vanhu. But honestly, attention to some people is like an addictive drug. Havanzwi mushe when they are not doing some stupid stuff to get people talking. Mamental health experts anogona ari kutomuregerera mukomana Java, because zvimwe zvacho so. Him being brought close neZanu just goes to show that it’s one big group of lunatics.
Kana pane ari close to my sister Linda Masarira please tell her that I am so sorry, I hear she is a victim of domestic violence and please tell that 24 year old boy kuti GBV has no place in our society. However, Sis Linda please stop dating zvana, tsvakaiwo chidhara chenyu like ana Mphoko ndovanochengeta. Thank me later. Speaking of Mphoko, mukavaona please muti hanzi mhoroi plus tava papi nemari iya yekugara muhotera. Also ask him to tell his son uya wekusungwa kuti apewo Neville Mutsvangwa manotes ekujeri. Until next week, mboko imboko!
End of an “error” for Mutsvangwas?
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