Zvisina ziya rangu iwe maoko angu siya!!, nhasi ndamuka ndri mumood yekuimba zvangu ndichiona vanhu vachiita basa rekurwirana zvinhu zvemahara. Ini semunhu who died for this country, I have respect for fellow combatants, I mean the real war veterans not the sellouts who pretend to be. I know the real comrades cannot be easily Hukuwinked, I mean, inonzi hoodwinked kkkk, we have a new word in the dictionary courtesy of the Minister of youths, Tino Machaikaire, I just know anonzani Tino but I am not sure if its Tinoba or Tinopenga, but I am sure you all know him. So before I am Hukuwinked to talk about other issues, let me talk about Tungwarara and the war veterans. Surely the so called war veterans are lunatics, how can they be silenced nemabasikoro when others got 50k and left the country broke gore riya? Are these real Warvets who allow themselves to be silenced by bicycles? No, vana mukoma chaivo havadaro, they know why they went to war, it was to liberate Zimbabwe for everyone’s benefit not ivo chete. I also feel for the pretenders who are accepting the freebies by one Chigananda Tungwarara. If anyone sees him please tell him to stop it and respect our elderly. Iwe Tungwarara tiitire mushe, those are old madalas vatori nemaproblem emisana nemakumbo and you want them to stress again vachichova mabhasikoro. Dai ari mamotor bikes better. Imagine with the state of our roads and an old man is cycling. Sure this is where we are as a country, we have been reduced to paupers who clap hands for crumps while thieves are feasting at the high table. Rambai fufuro maWar Vets, akadaro wani JD Hungwe kkk, don’t be bribed by these little things, you should demand for equality and improvement of the economy so that everyone can buy their own bike. I think the honest truth is that war veterans are all lunatics, except a few who can stand up for themselves. Imagine that lady who got a car for shacking her bosom and bottom. How many people got cars for being able to raise their fists higher than others? vamwe got vehicles for bootlicking and the people who fought for independence get bicycles, haa zvimwe itai muchiti munotamba. Instead of the war veterans advocating for equality and an end to arbitrary detention of opposing voice and freedom of speech, they are busy clapping hands for mabhasikoro. I want to call upon all real war veterans to join Mapombi on a free Dhara march recently. I won’t tell you the date because chingapindirwa nevakomana vemacheap nylon suits and black sunglasses so just wait for the signal.