ZiG: Another horse bolts from the stable
….shops dump ZiG official rate for two-tier pricing system…ZiG is a disaster…
Council turns down three private school proposals
By Beverly Bizeki Masvingo City Council has turned down three request proposals…
Desecration, climate change threaten sacred Nemamwa water source
By Virginia Njovo For decades villagers from seven villages in Masvingo rural…
CBAP trains communal farmers on forest regeneration
By Virginia Njovo Community Based Aid Programme (CBAP), recently trained farmers in…
Politicians, promoters exploited me: Mauchi
By Virginia Njovo Talented Shona poet Abel Mauchi (49) is a bitter…
Neshuro learner wins ZPCS marathon race
By Tatiana Mhararira Mwenezi District’s Neshuro High School learner, Rudo Moyo recently…
Chiredzi communities unite to fight water challenges
By Beatific Gumbwanda CHIREDZI- Communities in Chiredzi recently launched an initiative to…
CHIRRA continues to hound FLOAAI
By Beatific Gumbwanda Chiredzi Residents and Ratepayers Association (CHIRRA) is haunting Full…
Theological Understanding of Witchcraft and Sorcery
By Rev Dr Isiah Dhliwayo The theological understanding of witchcraft and sorcery…
Digital literacy in Zimbabwe worrisome
By Aribino Nicholas (Writing in my own capacity) Writing in the Standard…