I began to see that the Zimbabwean Independence lost its aura in the 90s, rakange rangova zita zvaro rekuti Independence but we lost it kudhara. We are not free at all, we just changed hands, from White minority rule to majority rule for a few months, and from there onwards we changed the types of leadership with the same government and same, same President. Fast forward to 2017, we changed the government and president but within the same ruling party and we thought were finally going to be free. People celebrated the independence that never was. Ko Generari can I take you back to pre-2017 era when you publicly declared on SABC 3 that the military would intervene to save the revorution? How did you saved it because from the way things rook, you just sold the nation a dummy because you led the country stray after all. Can the Next General pliz save this so-called revolution and make us believe that it’s not false pretense.
Ini ndakatanga kungoona kuti zvazodhakwa when my grandpa who is a Sabhuku kwedu kwaChirimudombo decided to visit mwanasikana wavo who is mainini vangu in Zvishavane on Independence day, haa ndakanyatsoona kuti zvadhakwa, how that old lad wanted to celebrate the day with his subjects in the village with each household being forced to slaughter a chicken and giving all the drum sticks to the village head and his entourage kkkk. sekuru vangu kusiya zvidya zvehuku vachinoona mukwasha, haa that’s when I saw kuti chapera chinhu ichi. We lost the independence in its literal form kudhara and we were left with the celebrations only. The celebrations were left nekaThat for some time until the demise of Uncle Bob. How I miss Uncle Bob’s voice kkkk I think you can all agree with me that that was a household voice and when he was talking little radios would fall down. Kwete zvavako izvi, mahumbwe ega ega.
This independence celebration should be struck of our national calendar, only kids and some people who had nothing to do attended the local Uhuru celebrations at Mucheke just to see Masoja achimarcher and nothing else. How can we celebrate something that we don’t have? The country is now the first family tuck shop, chasara is to create an office for the First Lady though we do not have that constitutional provision.
From there, we will have an office for C and S, kkk I know maakufunga zve CSC, I know it’s yet to be operational since 2017 as we were promised by the Second Oppressor, sorry I mean Second Republic kkkk. PaCS apo I meant the notorious twins who went to Belarus kuMinsk naaMai on government business, I am sure they met the Ambassador at Large now invisible after Aljazeera documentary ikoko and reviewed or modified all the bilateral agreements on behalf of the country, ko handiti baba vakasayina zvisizvo during the bilateral agreements initially at State House, Mai vakanopopota and decided to go there herself flanked by the twins kkkk. Ko ivo Ambassador at Large vakazodii? I heard him saying that was a highly classified intelligence operation, nxaaa, that’s nonsense. Fortunately, our erstwhile colonizers have decided to take it upon themselves to take action against the Ambassador and try to ensure his wealth is put under scrutiny and in case of him having done wrong, the assets will be frozen by the UK government.
Speaking of the Ambassador, I heard he is being represented by Musoro Bhangu kkk, of cause not Jonso, I mean Madhuku guy, is he playing another Madhuku strategy with this. Zvirikuitwa naMadhuku yes you may want to call it professionalism but at times I think conscience should be considered first. It’s the same as kuti he will represent a rapist who has raped his sister or a murderer who killed his wife. Kuda mari rudzii kunodarika principles, all right minded lawyers should avoid representing criminals. I once castigated Biti after representing Chombo. You can’t go paRally and say Chombo is a thief then go to court and say he is not. Madhuku kana asisina mari he should continue with Madhuku strategy, its clean money not siding with thieves. Ko iyo yekuPolad yakatopera here haaa amana chete haana chaakahwinhawo last time aidai akapiwawo political finance idzo dzikudyiwa naDhagi kusvika pakutonounganidza dare reConcourt.
Mukati gore rino tinovhota muna August here senyika? Word doing rounds mumaCircles is that quite a number of people are waiting eagerly with the intention of correcting their 2018 mistakes. But Dhagi akambodzidza law pachikoro chipi because ummm he seems to be a cut above the rest mukati chero iwo maAdvocates iwawa angava nemaLegal brains saDhagi here ummm am beginning to doubt now. Even CCC that is full of lawyers in its rank and file has already given in to the delimitation report whose grey areas, Dhagi has pointed out and that is pointing to another tricky situation the electoral management body is headed towards. Dhagi wakadzidza kuHavard here or Oxford because ummm the guy has developed a habit of exploiting these loopholes and win cases on technicalities before the courts of law. Haaa apa ndipo poga pandingakupa sando Togarasei, but pliz let not your court application pliz plunge the country into a constitutional crisis because if these elections are postponed beyond the legal August 26, 2023 there will be no constitutionally elected leader in the presidency or even parliament. Kkkkk saka Dhagi zvingakufadzawo here kuti nyika izoita dhivura wativura or mazvake mazvake amana? Asika mukomana Edmund Mwari ave naye shuwa kushungurudza Mbinga kusvika yataura zvinyadzi here ummm Fidza apo kubereka kwawakaita kubvisa mapundu muura shuwa. Ko iye Edmund anomboverengawo here gwaro dzvene pamutemo mukuru wekuti Kudza baba namai vako kuti mazuva awedzerwe panyika? Haaa kuzvigadza nhaka apo am sure every one of us will concur with me that the young man erred in his way of conducting his business. How can he take his father’s property and mortgage it without his prior approval or even notifying him in the process? Ko kuzomhanyira kuti kana muchida kundisungisa ndisungisei apo iye munhu achiziva kuti akaba hake? But that audio ummm ndakangoinzwisawo zvangu neumwewo ane rudo neni kuno kuChitima and the way Fidza Chiyangwa fumed, ummm I just realized the issue is a serious one. Ko nhamo dzoita ngani munguva imwe? Edmund should have allowed his Old man some time to rest after being relieved of his duties as MP for Zvimba West and just before he could come to terms with the defeat during the primaries, he is now into another issue though this time on the right side of the coin. Kkkkk, haaa iyi inopisa hayo. Where are we now with the story yaChief Charumbira kkkk, just his audio has broken records with most men after it so that they may get a glimpse of the negotiating skills the young lady failed to give in to. Ko traffic yestory iyo hanzi nevaripaDandemutande nyaya yemukuru uyu yakapindira yaHakimi we PSG in terms of following on social media platforms. What has just gone wrong with our custodians of cultural heritage nekuti kubva tichikura mukadzi wemunhu anotyisa kusvikira zvino kana atanga kusvikirwa naVashe, haaa zvatooma hazvo. Hope the Chief did not cross any red line and the matter will come to an end amicably without the parties involved dragging each other into mud. Chete Chief Mupakwa ndivo vakavhurawo nzira iyi zvino mukuru wavo otevera gwara raKurumbi odiiwo iye nguva zhinji achigara kuPan African Parliament business. Zvimwe ndezvimwe rume rotsvetera zvaro and we have just realized how vulnerable our women are at the mercy of these people.
Before ndanokanga maputi, ndingadawo kuziva hangu kuti Robert Junior akazodii nemotokari dzaakaputsa dziya gore riya? Anyway let’s just brace up for the cool season ahead as April has just given hints of what to expect once the winter season is in full swing.Mboko imboko!!!
An independence that has lost its aura
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