Beaula Shambambeva
Brighton Chiseva
ZAKA – Manyiri Primary School deputy head, school clerk and the School Development Committee (SDC) chairperson were recently assaulted by an angry parent whose grade six pupil, Brian Mutasa, had been injured in a soccer training session.
The matter was not reported to the police because the victims are afraid of further victimisation by the feared parent.
Sources in the area said they were afraid of the pupil’s father who happens to be the area’s village head and a traditional healer.
Zaka acting District Schools Inspector (DSI) Beaula Shambambeva confirmed the incident, saying she had since visited the school.
“Sport is part of the new curriculum. If a pupil gets injured, parents and the school should work together so what the parent did is uncalled for because teachers will now be afraid to help the child and other pupils.
“We are happy, however, that the school played its part in shouldering the medical expenses of the injured pupil,” said Shambambeva.
Sources said when the boy was injured, the school rushed him to Mashoko Mission Hospital where he was referred to Masvingo Provincial Hospital before being transferred to Harare.
“They were working together with Sabhuku Mutasa but the relationship turned sour when the school failed to send transport fees in time when the boy was discharged from hospital in Harare. His father is known to be very harsh,” said a source.local