Cdes, have you noticed that there are two people that are really missing in action? Kudakwashe Tagwireyi and Prof Mthuli Ncube – where are they? Prof Mutuvi – I mean Prof Mthuli Ncube, the Finance Minister has been too quiet of late, could it be that he is yet to recover from the election baptism he experienced in Cowdry Park Constituency against the little known CCC’s Pashor Sibanda kkkkkk. Akaita kunonzi kusvasvangwa. Or could it be because of the new appointments made after elections – Kuda Mnangagwa as his deputy and the new RBZ Governor Dr John Mushavayavanhu aka John the Second.
Mapombi doubts if Mthuli is still the one calling the shots at the ministry of finance because kunyarara kwacho ummm zvinenge zvisisina kurongeka! It seems Kuda Mnangagwa and John Mushayazano ndivo vachibata kuti dzviii. Aaaah sorry I meant John Mushayavanhu, notwithstanding the fact that he has no ideas of course. What kind of strategy is that to only circulate 30% ZiG in the market and then one brags that our local currency is gaining value? The truth is there is critical shortage of the ZiG, and as such it is difficult to claim the currency is gaining value – we all know the truth kana muine nharo itaika mari yacho iwanike tione. It’s a silly strategy because it defeats the Government’s easy of doing business mantra. How can we do business when there is no money in circulation? Heee-ee? Ndipindure nhaiwe Mushayavanhu, Mushayazano, Mushayazivo? iEconomics dzipi idzodzo? Muchatiuraya neBP isu vana Mapombi – chete I don’t care because I survive on rotten bananas and maputi kutotyira zvangu vanhu kwavo kkkkkk.
As for Tagwirei, I think he has mastered the table manners very well because you don’t need to talk while eating – pataikura isu vana Mapombi kungotaura chete uchidya mbuya vangu vaitora ndiro vovhara zvavo iwe wosara wakati vavava. Im sure he is enjoying Government tenders chinyararire zvake achiita mari. Ko Mbudzi yava papi? Mapombi heard the prices are keeping on reviewed upwards ichasvika mubhirioni takavarairwa zvedu, or yakatosvika nhai? I wish Tagwirei would teach Wicknell ‘My Son’ Chivhayo some table manners. There is no need to brag and show off because we know muri kudya zvevapfupi nekureba.
But on Chivhayo issue, Mapombi now believes in toto that akachibata kuti dzvii. The way tables turned against Chimombe and Mpofu is clear evidence that Chivhayo akachibata kuti dzvii. Instead of Chivhayo being arrested for the ZEC tender scam, we are now seeing Chimombe and Mpofu being arrested. Hanzi maunza Chimombe Chisina Chivharo asi Fadzika. Kkkkkk its quite clear for Mapombi that this arrest has nothing to do with corruption but clear persecution for allegedly leaking the audios of Chivhayo in which he allegedly claimed kuti akachibata kuti dzvii. Mapombi thinks the arrest is more of punishment kuti dzidzai kuvhara tumuromo twenyu. To confirm this, very soon the case will be under carpet and we will never hear about it again because they would have achieved to silence Chimombe and Mpofu. In fact hamuchavanzwi futi vachiti bufu! Kana vane nharo mark my words. Chivhayo akachibata kuti dzviii chinhu ichi zvekuti Chimombe and Mpofu are probably busy kukumbira ruregero izvozvi.
Anyway, Mapombi is happy that the Government is making strides with its ‘Call to Action’ approach especially local authorities are doing quite well in terms of improving service delivery. Of course the majority of government departments are still struggling when it comes to implementation of Call to Action – haaa vanongowanza kutaura but action yacho dololo. We want action, we want to see positive results.
But Cdes, isn’t it the right time for our army to also to call and deal with the criminals around the President. It’s now clear that we have more criminals surrounding ED compared to the time of Uncle Bob. Pakuda action apa Cdes! Or maybe its actually ED who is surrounding the criminals kkk. Mapombi don’t want to delve much into this because we all know what happened in November 2017 so let me not say much otherwise ndinoswera zvangu ndapfekedzwa Apolo jersey as they did to Kudzai Chipanga gore riya. Kkkkkk but politics so, ma1. Mapombi heard Chipanga is now back zvine power and ari kumhanya neSlogan 2030 vaMnangagwa vanenge vachipo, vachitonga kkkkkk uchenjere uchapfekedzwa Apolo jersey futi Chipanga ndotokuudza ndopika namai vangu kudai. Vamwe vakaudzwa hondo nemurwere wepfungwa vakamuseka hanzi anorwara as chati homu chareva.
Mapombi will never remain silent because maCriminals achibata kuti dzviiii now and zvava kubhowa. Chokwadi kuita nyika inongovane Currency yatisiri kuona chokwadi? And millions are being spent on silly projects like the goat scheme. Haaa musadaro imi tinyareiwo. This is taxpayers’ money that you are abusing and, trust me, kumagumo kune nyaya! ZEC, ZESA, Starlink, Mbudzi traffic circle kuRound About uko and the goat scheme among many others – muchidya zvenyu isu vana Mapombi takangoti vava tichiswerera maputi and some rotten bananas. Kkkkkk bva itai tione ndimi makangwara but those who care to remember Uncle Bob ndakambovaudza and where is he today? May his soul rest in eternal peace.
But don’t you think this is the right time for our army to intervene and capture these criminals around the President and return things to normalcy? Zvamuri imi ndigonzwa kuti muri kufamba muchiti Mapombi ati Army ngaibvise mukuru. Let me put it categorically clear that I said the army should intervene and deal with the criminals surrounding the President as they did in November 2017 when Mugabe had been surrounded by criminals. The criminals that had surrounded Mugabe are still out of the country I’m sure. They ran for their dear lives. Kkkkkk but Mapombi thinks Mzembi is a case study – we heard akarwara neCancer ka if you remember when he was being dragged to court for corruption and abuse of office soon after the coup. Aaaaah not coup, I mean military assisted takeover. But I heard Mzembi is now as fit as a fiddle hanzi kuita chigwindiri chaiko. I think doctors and journalists should do research and stories respectively, pamwe vamwe varwere veCancer vangabatsirikana hama dzangu because Mzembi chava chigwindiri chaicho kupora kuti poo chaiko. Chasara kuuya kumusha kwaRupike kwaakadero kuzendemura ziimba kwaakuisa makuva ababa namai pamukova zvino hapana achada kugarapo. Rangova zuru rakapinda nyoka kana kutengeseka haiite kkk.
Anyway, Mzembi’s case aside, Mapombi thinks we need army intervention now than ever before. Dai Gogo Mahofa varipo zvavo she could have said it better. Corruption is increasing everyday – ZEC, Goats Scam, Solar Project, Presidential inputs, Command Agriculture, the list is endless.
It’s almost lunch time guys let me go ndindokanga zvangu maputi angu ndizvidyire. But before I go, let me emphasise the idea of Call to Action – let’s liberate our dear President from the criminals who surround him. They are making him not breathe properly. Ooooh shit, Mapombi had forgotten that our great Army General Sibusiso Moyo (SB) is now late (May his soul rest in peace) so there might be no other Shefu vaka chimaster chiGame chacho as he was. I miss SB too bad! By the way, Mr I can’t, I can’t vava sei mazuva ano? I mean Kembo Mohadi? Mapombi heard that he said he is not sick but old age is now catching up with him, really? Ko kuzorora zvinodii moswera zvenyu muchitamba nemukadzi nevazukuru kumba? Oooh chete mukadzi vakadzingirira and is now a senior bachelor who drinks two cups of Viagra each time he visits other towns. Mukaita overdose muchenjere kufa vana Mudhenge vakatisiya nazvo izvi kkkkkkk. Guys let me end here otherwise I will be accused of too much yep yepping.
Call to Action as ED now surrounded by more criminals than Mugabe was

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