But ED anozozvinyanyawo vakomana. Mapombi is very sure that Uncle Bob must be turning in his grave. Honestly, appointing Auxillia into the Politburo was very unnecessary – ko zvasiyanei naMugabe who had appointed his wife Dr Gire the women’s league boss? What is the difference between ED and Bob nhaimi vanhu veZanu PF? Mapombi is too junior zvake to warn ED but kumagumo kune nyaya mukaita maitiro aiitwa naMugabe aya, at least I have said it.
Anyway, compliments of the new season Cdes. Mapombi would like to thank the Almighty God for protecting her throughout 2022; though under very difficult circumstances. Of course the difficulty circumstances are called austerity for prosperity, at least according to our finance minister Mthuli Ncube. But is that guy really a professor? Ndikutobvunzawo hangu vanotizivei nezvekufunda izvi because inini zvangu Mapombi handizvione mushe. He must be a professor of incompetence. Yes, Mthuli is very much incompetent. Him and Dr Gideon Gono same same potse potse Dr Gidza vakatova nani. As of Dr Mangudya I shall not speak. All I can say Panonetsa chokwadi. Kkkkkkkk what’s in a name – munhu onzi Panonetsa Mangudya wotoonawo zveshuwa kuti hapana kumira mushe panonetsa. At least his second term is coming to an end in the next few months maybe someone who takes over may save us from this unending drama.
By the way, I have heard a lot of talk about this ZEC delimitation report, with some people coming up with crazy analysis. Recently, I was looking for some rotten bananas kwedu kuChitima Market uko as you are aware that this January disease is hitting everywhere except those who support Zanu PF. Yes, Mapombi suspects the Zanu supporters are not facing any challenges this January because the way they support mediocrity so ka zvimwe zvinotoita senge munhu ane shavi.
Mapombi thinks the delimitation report that was submitted to Mnangagwa and the shenanigans that followed after is all the work of Zanu PF. I will never agree that ZEC is so competent to that extent but it was a well calculated move that is meant to dismiss the new delimitation boundaries so that we go for an election using the 2018 constituency boundaries. Its not a secret that the new proposed constituency boundaries in the delimitation report submitted is favouring opposition CCC. Mapombi will never agree that Chigumba, an experienced judge can fail to interpret a simple constitutional clause and let alone failed to consult even her colleagues who sit on the constitutional court bench. Really?
As if that is not enough, Chigumba with all her experience again failed to consult or actively involve the other seven commissioners in the ZEC board kwava kungoita hake iye naVice Chair vari two? This is very clear Cdes – ndoinonzi tamba tamba chidembo muswe ndakabata. This is all Zanu PF tactics so that the delimitation report is discredited and the President and the Parliament will recommend ZEC to redo the delimitation exercise. Once such a recommendation is made it then become automatic that the new delimitations will not be used during 2023 general elections because the law is very clear that the exercise should be concluded at least six months before the elections for it to be effected on the forthcoming elections. In this situation the earliest ZEC can resubmit the report, if its recommended to redo, will be March or April..
There are very clear indicators that show the Zanu PF invisible hand in this drama. Firstly, no one would dare go against a process by government or its parastal especially after being appointed into the board by the President. And in this ZEC case we have seven commissioners claiming that they were not fully involved in the report. Obviously they first consulted the powers that be if the move was the best or they were instructed to do so. The main reason is Zanu PF wants the delimitation report to be dismissed on technicality hence this narrative by the ZEC commissioners. Mapombi will never buy the idea that the division shown by the commissioners is a reflection of the factional fights in Zanu PF. Of course we all know that muri kugwiwa mumusangano but kunoshandiswa the whipping system and no one dares to go against the President. Trust me on this one. Haungarambe uchiridya rinopisa zvokwadi if you dare going against the leadership so either those commissioners worked under instruction or they consulted after they told the ruling party that they will lose more constituencies if they go to the election with the new delimitation boundaries.
And guess what did the opposition did after presented with such an opportunity? That CCC party is a crisis coalition of comedians zvokwadi. Those guys are lawyers cum comedians. Even a Grade 7 dropout will tell you that CCC was going to have more MPs under the new proposed delimitation boundaries than the 2018 one, but ivo dzungu too much. Zanu PF trapped them and they knew these guys vanoda kuzofamba vachizvirova matundundu kuti tisu takazvivharisa, and now they are busy saying the report favours Zanu PF what what. Haaaa tikwanirei apa. Dzungu munoriwanza too much. Some are even highlighting some Sections of the law that were violated by ZEC when they compiled the delimitation report and stuff. Ko mukadzikama zvinei nhaimi maComedian? Mapombi now understands why Chamisa was or is nicknamed Mhepo because speed yakawandisa apa. Bhora pasi mudenga hamuna ground musabvuma kushandiswa neZanu to dismiss the report that they don’t want themselves. They have created technicalities and vacuums so that the opposition can fall for it. What kind of an opposition is too predictable like that? And you expect to win 2023 elections when everyone can easily read your minds like this? I doubt.
Anyway, opposition should run with the narrative yekuita endorse the Zec delimitation report and if they can’t they must learn to shut their mouths. They have gained constituencies in their strongholds but they are on the forefront saying the report favours Zanu PF kkkkkkkkk kumwe kupusa kunoda kurutsisiwa chokwadi. Kukundwa negonzo rinoti rikateewa nechirimbani rinonyumwa chokwadi. I think I have said enough zvekuti vane nzeve dzekunzwa vanzwa. And to my dear brother Nelson Chamisa can you listen to me ndimbokubayawo zani sehanzvadzi yako. This is politics so izvi zvekuti you respond to every situation nemunamato haaaa you have to change the approach. Some situations need to be solved by politicians and not pastrors so you should know where to use the two exchangeably. Vanhu vanorohwa kwaMurehwa iwe busy nema Bible verse paTwitter uchirega kundoona maSupporter arohwa? Manje kana zvakadaro tinofirei zvedu nekurohwa when we all know kuti not even a solidarity message will come from the leader except verses. We will only vote you because we are desperate for change, and not because you are the best Nero. Your strategies and tactics are far much below expectations.
Let me go and have my rotten bananas and maputi because it’s almost lunch time. I am sure those who care to listen vanzwa and those close to ED and Nero will tell them chenjedzo yabva kuna Mapombi kuti Mukadzi anoda kuitiwa slow down because ava kumhanya zvekutodarika Dr Grace chaiko. And to Nero, tell your supporters to shut up if they cannot support the delimitation report because rakanakira opposition and Zanu PF wants it dismissed. Musabvuma kushandiswa. And lastly, every leader must condemn violence and do everything to make sure that there is no political violence. We want peaceful elections.
CCC: A Crisis Coalition of Comedians!
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