But tinyareiwo mhani hamusvodi makaita seiko? You have rigged the election and now it’s almost confirmed that you are about to rig the economy through introducing Bond Paper or is it Bond Notes. You are not even ashamed that civil servants do not know their bedrooms anymore as they sleep in bank corridors in order to join queues early kuti vatore mari yavakashandira? Can you imagine teachers sleeping in the open like street kids or destitute?
Zanu PF and its government have stolen all the US dollars and now the country is in financial doldrums but they don’t care about it. Vana Kasukuwere kutovhaira hanzi im a millionaire, ana Prof Jonathan Moyo kutozvifananidza nana Robin Hood kkkkkkkk wotoshaya kuti varombo vaakabatsira ndevapi when he actually does the opposite of Robin Hood.
Now that there is nothing to rig anymore, they are at each other’s throat now. They have since started to rig each other, and this is just a tip of an iceberg, let us just wait and see. They will tear each other apart and please, please, please musabata siyai zvakadaro
But Chinamasasa or is it Chinamasa, has shown that he is indeed a political clown. Mapombi started even to doubt his academic achievements – wakamboiitira kupiko law yake? I am afraid mukazvitsvaga zvakanyatsonaka hazvishamise kuwanana akangofanana nevaya boss vekuZimra, Charlton Chihuri whose only original certificate is a birth certificate and the rest are fake. Kkkkkkk fake O’ Level, A’ Level, Honours Degree and Masters degree apa wotambira mari zhinji. Who knows maybe even ‘his children’ are fake kkkkkk.
Mapombi has since realised that Chinamasa is not so wise. How can a whole minister make a sensational claim that there are already fake Bond Notes circulating when the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) had not even advertised the specimen?
If it’s not Chinamasa himself who is printing the fake bond notes, who else then because people do not even know what the notes’ features will be like. Chinamasa is the culprit and other accomplices are RBZ Governor Dr John Mangundya and other senior government officials. They are the only people who are privy to information like how the bond notes’ features are like at the moment. And to make a sensational claim that there are fake notes already circulating is nothing but really shooting oneself in the foot. The innocent Zimbabweans have no faith in Bond Notes and Chinamasa’s claim even increased the fear. Ko kungo printer makanyarara zvinodiniko vana Chinamasa?
Anyway, Mapombi was impressed by Dr Amai; she managed to raise over $4million for the Zanu PF conference at the just ended fundraising dinner. Of course it was a calculated move by the Gushungo 40 (G40) faction to make her the Guest of Honour. Whether she is honourable or not that’s a topic for another day. By the way, is it still Gushungo 40 faction? It seems like Mudhara is letting down Prof Jonso and Tyson – life is not that rosy for these Cdes these days and Mapombi is very sure Team Lacoste is in cloud nine. Mapombi however wants to give Team Lacoste a gentle warning; muchenjere kufarira n’anga neinondobata amai.
Sorry for diverting a bit; Mapombi was saying we should give Dr Amai a round of applause for a job well done. Or should we give her another doctorate (PhD)? Of course from UZ kkkkkkkk. Mapombi heard her previous thesis was a must read; she researched why teenage girls were getting pregnant more than teenage boys. Kkkkkkkkkkk wozodei? And in just three months she was done. Mapombi humbly suggests that we give her another doctorate; maybe in Popotology nekuti amai vanopopota zvavo kana vada. Haaa kutukirira chete ishasha!
Mapombi is very sure Dr Amai only fears Dzikamai Mavhaire of the ‘Marujata fame’ kana dzasvika nyaya dzekutukirirana. Let me rest my case otherwise I will be evicted from Dr Grace Mugabe Trading Centre where I’m staying ndikazoshaya zvangu some rotten bananas. But someone told me that I can make musombodhiya out of rotten bananas and Mapombi will certainly try it. Kana zvikangoita chete chokwadi muchandiguta paConference ipapo.
But have you realised that the ancient city is a bit live these days? People are running around in preparation for the congress. Even some of the projects that were abandoned when Masvingo last hosted the Zanu PF conference, over a decade ago, are being completed. Just two weeks ago, more projects were again completed because the CEO was in town for the GZU graduation ceremony. Wish if Mugabe could stay in Masvingo for just one month – all the roads will be like in Zvimba.
It’s almost lunch time guys allow me to go ndindokanga hangu maputi angu for lunch. But ndofunga paconference tichafa nayo nyama; I mean mabonzo avanenge vachirasa havo vanhu kwavo. But Mapombi want to assure you that she will confront Mphoko at the conference because blazo uya anojairira vanhu. Mboko imboko!