In Bikita South Ward 8, Mukore business centre, there was a World Food Programme (WFP) food aid distribution where people mixed and mingled, seemingly with reckless abandon. Many residents queued for for LP gas at Maps Petroleum Dangamvura, Mutare, with some of them saying electricity had become too expensive for them to use it for cooking. A longer queue of motorists existed at the adjuscent fuel station, with money changers taking full advantage of their opportunity. At Dangamvura business centre, a shop continued to sell goods illicitly through the window after the 15: 00 hrs closing time. In Masvingo, there was a discernible increase of shoppers in town, and it was alarming to see a tightly-knit long queue of people waiting for their turn to get into Pick n Pay supermarket. The queue at Nyanigwe supermarket was similarly bad, as opposed to OK supermarket where people queued in a more orderly manner, with police officers requiring people to leave a one-metre gap or more between each other. There was fear at Rutenga growth point after a truck from the Support Unit division of the police, which was driving from Dhavata to Buchwa, stopped for some moments. A group of money changers who had been doing business prior, as well as other petty loiters on the streets, quickly disappeared from the scene but they reappeared after the vehicle drove off.
Dangamvura shopping centre, Mutare |
Mukore busines centre, Bikita |
Mukore business centre, Bikita |
Rutenga growth point, Mwenezi |
Pick n Pay supermarket, Masvingo |
Rutenga growth point, Mwenezi |
Hippo Valley Chiredzi; Tongaat Hulett Covid-19 donation |
A queue for LP gas in Dangamvura, Mutare |
Dangamvura, Mutare |
Dangamvura, Mutare |