Someone posed a very difficult question to Mapombi and
to be honest I took my time scratching my head in search of an answer. It was
not an easy question and I wondered why someone would ask me that but once I
found an answer to it, I realised that there was no hope for an ordinary
Zimbabwean. I was asked if given that one chance to change anything in this
country, what would it be. Ndakakwenya musoro ndikashaya kuti ndopindura
ndichiti chii nekuti pane avinhu zvakawanda zvandinofunga kuti need to be
changed for our people to hope again.
to be honest I took my time scratching my head in search of an answer. It was
not an easy question and I wondered why someone would ask me that but once I
found an answer to it, I realised that there was no hope for an ordinary
Zimbabwean. I was asked if given that one chance to change anything in this
country, what would it be. Ndakakwenya musoro ndikashaya kuti ndopindura
ndichiti chii nekuti pane avinhu zvakawanda zvandinofunga kuti need to be
changed for our people to hope again.
I then realised that this country has only one problem
which has multiplied and affected every sector like a disease. If Mapombi’s
answer is anything to go by, my fellow countrymen would have a taste of Vision
2030. Vanhu vakangwa nenhamo vakomana. Ikozvino usaita hako mistake yekudenha
vanhu kunyanya uchitaura zveZanu PF unogona kukaruka wagarwa nechibhakera
kkkkkk. Zanu PF chiwororo shamhu ine munyu and imagine 2030 tinenge tichinayo
which has multiplied and affected every sector like a disease. If Mapombi’s
answer is anything to go by, my fellow countrymen would have a taste of Vision
2030. Vanhu vakangwa nenhamo vakomana. Ikozvino usaita hako mistake yekudenha
vanhu kunyanya uchitaura zveZanu PF unogona kukaruka wagarwa nechibhakera
kkkkkk. Zanu PF chiwororo shamhu ine munyu and imagine 2030 tinenge tichinayo
I ask God to give Zimbabweans power and strength to
accept things they cannot change. The more time we waste in trying to fight
fate the worse it becomes for us. After all, it does not matter who is at the
State House whether Dambudzo or Chamisa because if you do not do anything to
change your situation right now no one will come and do it for you. We have to
accept the bitter reality that Zanu PF is a tried and tested brand panyaya
dzekusada kubva pachigaro. Iye ndiani angada kubva pahuchi nemukaka. They make
you poor so that they can buy you easily and vote for them. Zanu PF thrives on
our suffering and they do not want us to prosper because they would no longer
use their vote buying techniques on us.
accept things they cannot change. The more time we waste in trying to fight
fate the worse it becomes for us. After all, it does not matter who is at the
State House whether Dambudzo or Chamisa because if you do not do anything to
change your situation right now no one will come and do it for you. We have to
accept the bitter reality that Zanu PF is a tried and tested brand panyaya
dzekusada kubva pachigaro. Iye ndiani angada kubva pahuchi nemukaka. They make
you poor so that they can buy you easily and vote for them. Zanu PF thrives on
our suffering and they do not want us to prosper because they would no longer
use their vote buying techniques on us.
Vana mbuya vangu vari kwaChirimudombo uko havadi kana
kunzwa zvaChamisa because they were told kuti Zanu PF ndiwo musimboti weupenyu.
Zanu PF is popular kumusha jealous down kkkk. They invest in the rural
electorate and kutown hauvaoni because they know havadikwi. Vakasiira Chamisa
matown ese ivo kwakunoti zete zvavo kumusha kune the deciding vote. Ndakazonzwa
Biti choti we need a strategy to lure the rural vote after Zanu PF yarakasha
vanhu kuma by-election uko kkkk. KuMDC hakuna strategy kana imwe ask Mthuli
kunzwa zvaChamisa because they were told kuti Zanu PF ndiwo musimboti weupenyu.
Zanu PF is popular kumusha jealous down kkkk. They invest in the rural
electorate and kutown hauvaoni because they know havadikwi. Vakasiira Chamisa
matown ese ivo kwakunoti zete zvavo kumusha kune the deciding vote. Ndakazonzwa
Biti choti we need a strategy to lure the rural vote after Zanu PF yarakasha
vanhu kuma by-election uko kkkk. KuMDC hakuna strategy kana imwe ask Mthuli
Mthuli ikozvino ndiye chief strategist kuZanu PF. His mission
is simple: make them suffer. And we are suffering. Mthuli atisveta ropa
vakomana. Chingwa, sugar, mafuta muchazviviva here. Zanu youya hayo with their
community bakeries and hakuna anoda kusarira on those projects. Who wins? It is
Zanu PF because they create problems and they come up with stupid solutions
which will appeal to many stupid people. I say stupid because the majority of
people you see walking around formally dressed have a missing fifth sense or a misfiring
is simple: make them suffer. And we are suffering. Mthuli atisveta ropa
vakomana. Chingwa, sugar, mafuta muchazviviva here. Zanu youya hayo with their
community bakeries and hakuna anoda kusarira on those projects. Who wins? It is
Zanu PF because they create problems and they come up with stupid solutions
which will appeal to many stupid people. I say stupid because the majority of
people you see walking around formally dressed have a missing fifth sense or a misfiring
Then we have a whole nation both young and old who are
looking up to Chamisa to be their knight in shining armour kkkkk. Chamisa wenyu
uyu I don’t trust him hangu ini personally because he lacks the aggressiveness
needed to confront musangano unotonga. Musangano uyu unoyera, uchatonga
ugotonga vanovukura vachingovukura. Talking of strategy, how can MDC repeat the
same mistake over and over again? Demonstrations against Zanu PF dzakamboitwa but
hapana chakabuda. Zanu PF izhou haingatadziswi kufamba neimbwa yavukura.
looking up to Chamisa to be their knight in shining armour kkkkk. Chamisa wenyu
uyu I don’t trust him hangu ini personally because he lacks the aggressiveness
needed to confront musangano unotonga. Musangano uyu unoyera, uchatonga
ugotonga vanovukura vachingovukura. Talking of strategy, how can MDC repeat the
same mistake over and over again? Demonstrations against Zanu PF dzakamboitwa but
hapana chakabuda. Zanu PF izhou haingatadziswi kufamba neimbwa yavukura.
The last time we had protests people were shot dead at
40 degree angles. That is when I realised that Dambudzo is as ruthless as they
say, they don’t call him crocodile for nothing. Now Chamisa wants to lead our
peace loving Zimbabweans into the jaws of the crocodile again kkkk. Ini hangu
Mapombi handiuyiko. Matemadanda akati kana mukangopinda mustreet tinokudashurai
and hakuna zveminimum force. Hameno havo vanoda kunzwira pamuviri setsvimbo
yarova dapi. You can call people into the streets but at the end of the day we
need results. Zanu PF is way ahead of you imi vanhu veMDC. Why do you think the
police did not have any problems with your protests and rushed to clear it? You
will do the demonstrations with police security and you will deliver your
petitions and you will go back home. Then you think Zanu PF will fear that. If
you become violent the army will be on stand-by to crush you.
40 degree angles. That is when I realised that Dambudzo is as ruthless as they
say, they don’t call him crocodile for nothing. Now Chamisa wants to lead our
peace loving Zimbabweans into the jaws of the crocodile again kkkk. Ini hangu
Mapombi handiuyiko. Matemadanda akati kana mukangopinda mustreet tinokudashurai
and hakuna zveminimum force. Hameno havo vanoda kunzwira pamuviri setsvimbo
yarova dapi. You can call people into the streets but at the end of the day we
need results. Zanu PF is way ahead of you imi vanhu veMDC. Why do you think the
police did not have any problems with your protests and rushed to clear it? You
will do the demonstrations with police security and you will deliver your
petitions and you will go back home. Then you think Zanu PF will fear that. If
you become violent the army will be on stand-by to crush you.
Think of another strategy which has not been used
before because the people are tired of being disappointed in the end. We all
know the endgame if we go into the streets. Ini Mapombi zvakatondiomerawo but I
am smart enough to see pandinoda kunochekereswa. People may come to the MDC
demonstration on the first day but if it fails to yield any positive result
that will be the end of Chamisa. Chamisa should not make a dangerous assumption
that the current economic hardships are affecting everyone in the same way. We
are all affected in different ways which makes our anger towards the system
different. Good luck to all those who will go into the streets, Mapombi will be
watching from a distance. It’s not a crime to be a coward but I would rather be
that than a dead hero.
before because the people are tired of being disappointed in the end. We all
know the endgame if we go into the streets. Ini Mapombi zvakatondiomerawo but I
am smart enough to see pandinoda kunochekereswa. People may come to the MDC
demonstration on the first day but if it fails to yield any positive result
that will be the end of Chamisa. Chamisa should not make a dangerous assumption
that the current economic hardships are affecting everyone in the same way. We
are all affected in different ways which makes our anger towards the system
different. Good luck to all those who will go into the streets, Mapombi will be
watching from a distance. It’s not a crime to be a coward but I would rather be
that than a dead hero.
Before I go, I heard Khedha is in serious trouble
maybe ndiyo ngozi yevaya vekupfurwa at 40 degrees angle kkkk. Justice inouya in
varying ways amana inga zvakaoma. Let’s pray for our beloved VP sechikumbiro
chaED. Ko iye Khedha vasipo kudai varegerei havo kumbodana Mphoko asana
kubatira? Inga basa anotrigona wani Kkkk. Regai ndinokanga hangu maputi angu
for lunch kana kudya mabanana akaora zvangu. Mboko imboko.
maybe ndiyo ngozi yevaya vekupfurwa at 40 degrees angle kkkk. Justice inouya in
varying ways amana inga zvakaoma. Let’s pray for our beloved VP sechikumbiro
chaED. Ko iye Khedha vasipo kudai varegerei havo kumbodana Mphoko asana
kubatira? Inga basa anotrigona wani Kkkk. Regai ndinokanga hangu maputi angu
for lunch kana kudya mabanana akaora zvangu. Mboko imboko.