Ladies and gentlemen I hope you have learnt your lessons and continue to learn the hard way about this teapot-shaped country when it comes to who really pays the piper and declares the tune. Gore riya takanzi Operation Restore Legacy came to remove the thieves around the President, vanhu vakamanya mumastreets, nanaFadzi Mahere kutopozera maphotos with soldiers, hezvo maifarira n’anga inobata mai. Kupemberera ngozi muchiti Mudzimu kkk, kutengesa mombe kuti tirapise dhongi kkk kutengesa firiji kuti titenge cooler box kkk. You all used to wonder why these so-called mbingas splash money in the streets, doing outrageous things, mazobataka munyati wacho? Nyika ino inotongwa nevene ino, and vakachibata kuti dzvii madofo vanaChimombe imi makangoti vavava. Ndopaunoona rimwe fuza busy praising these tenderpreneurs who are chewing taxpayers’ money, muchivajambira vanaJava nanaDzambarafuta in the streets, while they eat your money like nobody’s business, and you will be busy cheering them on, on an empty tummy, mokandirwa madollar setumbwanana, ivo vadya zvavo US$88 million. Rural folk were promised goats and chicken, nekutoudzirwa kunzi musadya kana mapihwa, uku mbudzi dzacho dzirikudhura kunge mombe, kkkkk. What I want to know ini zvangu saMapombi is the person within Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture who was authorising those deals kutosvika pakuti mari dzakatosendwa into Chimombe and Mpofu’s account. It is clear as day that we are dealing with yet another cartel of embezzlers and thieves, just like the Gold Mafia, zvino ava hatichazivi kuti tovati Mbudzi Mafia here or what. Chinopedza power is the these tenderpreneurs’ audacity to do this on a project inenge ichitonzi Presidential Scheme, zvichireva izvo kuti Trabablas is the face of these projects, zvino hoyo mubvunzo; zvivindi zvekuita dribble a whole President vanozvihodhepi. The other thing that is suspicious also is we have seen pictures of these people with ED, meaning they have access to him, vachiita havo madhiri avo iwayo. All these questionable characters drop ED’s name without provocation, giving us the impression that they know him at that level, voita futi access to national coffers through dubious means. Imika imi. These people are owners of companies that do not exist, and they are just starting the companies kuwana havo magovernment tender because they know how porous the system is. Macabal ekumora mari yeruzhinji awa. Word has it that Chimombe was a kombi driver in his early life and he got in through kuzemberana nevarimukati and them being corrupt zvakaita easy easy. Ungazomuziva kuti ndiye here uya aipfeka zvimajean zvakanyorwa nyorwa looking like a wannabe, hezvino huMbudziyadhura hwakubhadhara,kkkk. I would want to believe that there are just too many of these deals that go unnoticed because system yedu ndeyekungoti if you mention some names zvatoendwa. Senge raBaba Two naMama, no one will question. If you don’t see anything wrong with that, then something must really be wrong with you. Ndikuonei futi muchienda kuAnti-Sanctions march semunopenga. Busy marching and protesting in the streets of Masvingo hanzi for sanctions to go, kupopotera vanhu vari kuAmerica uko vasingatombozivi kuti there are some lunatics in some old, potholed road in a town called Masvingo, kkkkk. Nemayouth busy dancing for a plate of sadza, PVO Bill richiuya zvaro and begging bowl rakasimudzwa not mbichana nedrought iri. Don’t forget that we are in need of US$2 billion aid kudzinga zhara. KuKenya uko young people are showing the oldies flames, those who old people call Gen Z, Ama2k vari kuita kutamba nawo mateargas rejecting a Finance Bill that they say will make them poorer. Exactly those taxes that we are being burdened with naMutuvi iwaya are the same arikurambwa kuKenya uko nevanana. Police there has tried all colours of water cannons but vapfana havasi kutambira zvichemo. They mean business and they are organised, using social media to mobilize for that matter, isu edu mayouths are busy following dzanaMai Titi nanaOlinda dzemujolo.
Back to the Mbudzi scandal, ndakazviona zvangu kuti Minister vekunakirwa nefodya zvekuoma gotsi mastatements avo are too much, chozikanwa hapana. Honai now he oversaw the stealing of US$88 million. Asi shuwa pakashayawo someone who saw the anomalies in the company yanaMpofu yacho, apa zvonzi a company that is not registered anywhere in the country can enter into such a big deal, kushayawo kana one who saw or flagged that? A simple check at the company registry could have exposed that whole deal, but then, how could they expose themselves, varivo judge and jury wezvinhu zvacho. Wicknell who has always been controversial for dodgy dealings ozonzi nhasi you are investigating him, hakusi kuda kutinzwa here ikoko? But one thing that was apparent however is Ndavaningi Tomorrow’s dislike of Icarus aka Wicknell. For a long time he has been calling for the investigation of Dzambarafuta, but manje Baba Two nemhuri wanted a piece of the cake. I doubt that Wicknell even lied that he was called ‘my son’, nemanyemwe aro riya I know for sure that is what happened. Hanzi the VPs were left behind, vanaMohadi vachingoti ‘I can’t, I can’t’, kkkkkk, vaizomakwira masteps aya emundege kunooneka mukuru? He said it hanzi I am not sick, I am just old, ndosaka Chivayo anga akuona atova running mate, VP manyama.
But on a different note, what did I tell you about Mai Kore? Snake nyoka zvayo. Vachiimba zvavo ‘Chamisa Kakata, Chamisa Dhonza’, and the Yellow Brigade dancing and ululating like the gullible lot they are. Chete zveopposition yedu muromo ungatozvimba because it is the same old problems. Old wine in new skins. Asiwozve nhaimi hurumende why are you so paranoid? Was arresting people commemorating youth day necessary? Munombotyei chaizvo chaizvo? We thought arresting voices of dissent was now a thing of the past, but neZanu here, hazviperi. My heart ached seeing mothers with children on their backs being loaded into prison trucks, chii chakadaro chinenge ngozi? Remember guys, nothing lasts forever. One day is one day, zvichakuonaiwo sezvine meso. Those women limping obvious kurohwa, that is purely radicalizing them, and like I said, one day is one day.
Let me go ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch ndimwe mvura, while waiting for vakomana vematenders kuti vavhure hombe. Ko those ones will post on social media ka because madofo, chimbavha nekushaina hazvisiyani. Mafriends aBaba Two ka iwayo, vanaJava. Soon Dzambarafuta will be posting more new shoes nemari yeZEC. Ko hanzi kwakatengwa matoilets on elections eve nemavhesi asina kusvika? Ityai Mwari vanhuwee. I heard Chapo was here, the one who will stand in for Frelimo paMoza. He came to get tips from ZEC on how to win the elections kkkk. I am sure Baba Two has learnt from his counterpart Nyusi kuti ushe madzoro and will abandon the 2030 ndenge ndichipo chorus. Before I go, kana pane anokwanisa kutaura nekamufana kanonzi Kalimbwe kekuZambia tell him kuti ngaasiyane nesu tiri busy kugadzirira SADC summit. Roads are being mended and a few developments to save face so tikutoida. Baba vanokara so isu vana tinodya nyama kana pauya vaenzi so let SADC come timbodyawo nyama Until next week, mboko imboko!
ED surrounded by the real thieves
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