I won’t be peer pressured into the debate of who was better between Ian Smith and Mnangagwa, no one will be evil more than the devil himself or herself, who knows kana ari murume kana mukadzi kkkk. I hope you understood me, kana musina kunzwisisa please come and see me paDr Gire Trading Centre apa. But honestly speaking, official name yepano imbori chii chaizvo, it was renamed after the self-proclaimed Dr, yes Dr Stop It, but on that day when General Ambi rolled tankers into the streets in Harare, here we only managed to pull down the banner which was inscribed Dr Amai’s name and picture. Mozotii hee Masvingo didn’t participate, moti ibasa shoma iroro, imika, muzvibate. Futi mose you don’t know that the situation in our country has reached another level was read from Masvingo, yes Pedu –PaChevron near Kennen Park apa. Iyo yaakuda kupera zvayo park yedu don’t worry, soon we will be smelling sewer from Mucheke with our loved ones in the park. We will invite our CDEs from Germany for the official opening and of coz number 1 will be there kkk. Vangashaikwa pakuvhura park ivo vaienda kunovhura maboreholes chaiwo.
But ED futi, we know we are a Christian country and some follow ATR, zvino izvi zvekuti nhasi kwaMwazha mangwana toona n’anga muState house mmm.
I don’t celebrate death as an African woman but you can both agree with me kuti pachikomo panga pamboti zii zii. I am sure tunzira twange twaakutovharwa nesora kkk. I want to thank those who are going to bury our heroes, Chanakira, Bhebhe vachinopfumbidza nzira. But rufu so ma1, please let’s love each other whilst we are alive no one knows the day. This Chinakira guy was in Masvingo province recently for a tour yemaroads and he denied media access during the tour. And he went on to die shortly after. I hear Kembo’s tour of the province; journalists were denied access, so beware Kembo kkkkk. But on a serious note guys who is summoning these Generals. Sure someone is culling the general’s kkkk, matatu one time mmmm pakaipa, I think someone is trying to clip another one’s wings, don’t you think. This could be factional wars, while the general is busy tying the knot; someone is busy pruning his branches. Why didn’t you cull elephants whose population has gone beyond limitations?
But guys, we need to pray as a nation, we have been mourning for a long time, we recently lost a pro-democracy advocate Alex Magaisa, we went on to mourn the passing on of Dr Stop it’s Ex-Hubby, apa maGeneral matatu gaa, sure I feel pity for our national flag, kuita seichanzwa dzungu nekugara muzasi maisina kujaira. As that was not enough, we were shattered with the news of the passing on of Moreblessing Ali, MHSRIP. Vanhu havachina hunhu asikana, how can a sane person mutilate someone like that? Chete I am a bit relieved that the suspect has been apprehended. Chete kune imwe party ine vanhu vasinganyatsofunga mushe and everything is now being blown out of proportion. Now there is a civil war in Nyatsime. Please release Wiwa now, akapara yei. But he is one person I salute in the opposition space; he answers fire with fire not others who want to quell violence with prayer.
I didn’t want to talk about Karoro and Kagonye issues but let me just pass by a bit. The president recently fired Karoro from the post of deputy minister over fertilizer scandal kkkk, that’s the best move Cde ED, aba ngaasungwe and be fired from position of authority, we cannot continue tolerating corruption while you and the toothless ZACC watch. Imprisoning Kagonye is good, that’s a step towards the right direction. However, my worry is just that Mr President you are acting like a spider web. I am sure you all know what it does, Dandemutande is good at trapping flies and other small insects but cannot catch Lizards and other big game kkk. I mean the real lizards not the one yamuri kufunga. I know some are saying it’s not a crocodile, it’s a lizard kkkk, a real croc can kill a whole bull with grey hair like July Moyo or big cows like Rushwaya kwete kungwarira tumaroro netugonye. Arresting and firing Karoro and imprisoning Kagonye is just like catching a fly, kubata nhunzi chaiyo muchisiya the real corrupt people. If we want to be honest the entire cabinet should just be fired and arrested tozoona kuti mhosva yako ndeyei wava mukati. From there we go paJongwe house apo and arrest the team manning there from Mpofu and Chinamasa zvichienda zvakadaro, they are all corrupt and thieves who deserve to rot in jail. Kutongoisa munhu kuseri tisina kubvunza because we all agree that no one can be spared when it comes to that. If the real culprits are jailed we won’t even have space to put innocent people like Sikhala.
We will also need to go and arrest the rot in council and government parastatals, motoda serious cleansing, kungotora munhu achienda kujeri tozotaura mhosva dzavo vavako. But the two major culprits Mthuli and Mangudya should be tried at the International Criminal Court at the Hague, I don’t think there is any court here capable of dealing with their level of crime. Sure Mthuli chaiti zvinhu zvese zvakarongeka, where are we now. The government is overspending, where is the money going when we have a surplus? Zvimwe zvinhu sooka. Infact, Mthuli should be arrested as soon as last week; he is the real criminal in Zimbabwe who is toying around with people’s lives. He should resign now before we plunge into the sea, we are heading to 2008 but he is not changing the course of the plane and you wonder what his bosses are thinking.
Before I go zvangu kunokanaga Maputi angu for lunch, let me tell the Genarari kuti nyere itsva inozvimbisa muromo. I hope the new lady will give him time to rest because he is weary and tired, iiii moti richabvepi simba munhu ava mune yechi4. But the truth of the matter is, Generari vakatora kare they just formalized the union now. She is the one who was allowed to visit the Generari when he was in China paya.
Kkkkk Masvingo Officer commanding police can you act now or never. Pa TM/ Simrac pava nemaRank marshals ane register remushika shika wamukuti morwisa asi vachizonogubhura kumaOfficers enyu. We need action or we expose your rank and file who now are the Tax collectors apo council isina chainobura. Shuwa kutoita majana ekugovana mari dzevemichovha kuti nhasi mapurisa, mangwana rank marshals. Ndikabva kuchitima tosangana this time muchando muno, watch out even at Benjamin hamunyariwo Governor here pamhene ipapo.
I miss Mphoko ladies and gentlemen, where is he asi? I heard Mlisa breathing fire hanzi the president should reconcile people, all fired G40s and Gamatox members should be admitted back on no questions asked basis. I think our beloved VP will also get a chance ipapo vozotipa maIncubators because kwatonhora. Mboko Imboko.
Fire and arrest Mthuli now !!!

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