I heard the palm trees that were planted at the orders of our village head muroad yekuenda kudare akaoma kkkk. Dai vakadana ini hangu I could have done a better job to maintain the trees. Groiwing up kwedu kwaChirimudombo I used to nurture mipfura, yes Amarula trees ichitokura kwakuzotadza mupine sure. I won’t be diverted to talk about Amarula processing plant in Mwenezi that was another scam by Ba Two and crew. Right, heads must roll up there, nzira inoenda kudare rasabhuku should look nice. Remember Dare racho was built for us by our all-weather friends, ana Xing Xong and we were happy to host fellow village heads from neighbouring villages as ours was being crowned group leader at least for a year kkkk. They came to support him, you all saw it and they never bothered to tell their fellows not to abuse children. Most of them were there kusiya kweuyu anonzi HH from the northern side. He is a cattle rancher maybe mazuvano haana mushandi wekusiira mombe dzacho because umwe wake from the South who has plenty of Nguni Bulls was here. I saw this village head from this village full of donkeys and diamonds visiting our village head’s field in Kwekwe, imiwee, SADC yenyu iyi, marara zvawo. Anyway, enough about SADC, iyo yakapera zvayo and the trees served the purpose, Baba 2 in now in charge, if Chamisa still wants to take up his issue with SADC he will just cross the town to the other end and meet the chair kkkk. I heard they are now planning to amend the constitution to allow Ba 2 to be life President. Yes, just like Uncle Bob, he will convene a politburo meeting ari kuHeroes. I hope he will be buried there unlike Bob who forced others to the national shrine only to refuse to go there himself. The issue of constitutional amendment inondisvota zvangu ini.
Let me warn you imi mazivanhu eZanu, stop this nonsense of amending the constitution. Regerai Vakomana. Munoremara vakomana manga mangokura zvakanaka. Since the inception of the 3rd term nonsense from the crazy people from this province that has the largest inland dams and the biggest number of water bodies but still hungry, vanhu havasi kugadzikana doing bootlicking. Mapombi had never officially voiced her opinion on the third term thing. She used to analyze what others were saying and thought maybe they were joking but now she is seeing that these guys are really serious. Vatori serious vanhu ava, they always start like this, sevanotamba and at the end munoona zvaitika. However, my position and other real war veterans and vana mujibha nana Chimbwido, we say the President should respect the constitution. Ini nana Cde Western Ezra and General Mashingaidze tinoti ngazviperere pana 2028 mosiira vamwe like what your Fillipe Nyusi has done in Mozambique. Inga the late icon Oliver Mutukudzi sang kuti kana kuri kukopa kopa dhoiri rakanaka. I hope vane nzeve vanzwa. We all voted yes in 2013 meaning we all agreed what was in there is what we wanted then a group of crooks just wake up and want to change the constitution for us. I hate Togarasei Mwonzorewa but on the constitution especially amendment of the Presidential Term Limit clause chakagona wena. I am not a lawyer but I know and let me tell you. Constitutionally the amendment can only benefit the next president not the incumbent. That is not enough, we have to go for a referendum and again vote yes or no. So these guys want to waste resources and time for this kungoti umwe munhu arambe achidya hake nemhuri yake. Why not, ko handiti ndivo vene vayo kkkk.
Where is General Ampi, General Chandaizment, Kedha arikupi vanhu vaakapa nyika vachiita so? Why can’t he intervene again and remove crooks surrounding the President to restore sanity? Things are getting worse day by day General, the constitution you vowed to protect when you removed criminals that were surrounding our beloved President. You handed over power to Baba 2 and we all know zvaakuitika is not what you anticipated. So what are you waiting for, people had hopes on Mkomana and I am sure we all know what he did in January. He dumped the people and decided to follow his spiritual calling. All those people who marched in the streets holding placards are still there. They are ready, it’s just they do not have a leader. Kana zvanetsa you can call back vana Jonso nana Kasukuwere and join forces and recoup our country that has been thrown into an abyss. The people’s hope are now on you General, you once did it and you can still do it. KuOpposition hakuna kana 1. Everyone saw how Chabangu took over muparliament and how all mayors were tricked into being Zanu PF card carrying members of the ruling party. They are now more members than vagara variko. Yeah membership with certificates not just a card kkk. So who do you think can do, Welshman? Nooo. Mwonzora kkk, no Togarasei haaite, Havana kana plan. Ngarivhume kungosungwa zvako but he is nothing. Linda maybe kkkk. Anenge aakugezeswaka kuState house. Haa Linda and Valerio sit down. I am a woman and I support gender equality but apa maita vatete. I know the feminists would want to say hee what but I am just speaking my mind and not representing anyone. I am a woman of substance, ndotaura zvandoda hapana and hapana zvamondiita, kana atsamwa ndogara kuChitima svikai ndiriko.
How I wish we still had Chikoforo, she was the only woman who could stand up to Mugabe and would do the same with Ba 2. I remember the 100 cattle donation to AU gore riya where Uncle Bob went on to ask for each province to donate 10 cattle. Chikoforo refused and told Mugabe point blank kuti Masvingo is not going to tolerate that not this Masvingo yatava nayo nana Mavhenyengwa vana bvuma zonke. Zvimwe itai muchiramba wee. I hear Masvingo is on Gen Mashingaidze’s throat for speaking his mind. I heard ama2k vana Brian Munyoro were accusing the esteemed General of opposing the Provincial position saying anything he says will be deemed the war veterans’ league position. Mutikwanire ana Munyoro, when these guys fought for independence you were so young or you were not yet born and now you want to abuse them.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s now almost lunch time regai ndinokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch ndoseredzera nemadomasi akaora. It’s now hot ari kuona zvese nemabanana haupedze. I am eating raw tomatoes aeveryday kkk, chete hwadzira chete ndoyandibaya, ungachenama here kkkk. Before I go, ko what happened to Mandiitawefodya Chimene? Is she still out of the country or akadzoka. Ko Zimbuya rekuDotito howfar kkk. Where is Runaida the woman who shot down a plane? I wouldn’t have done justice if I go without asking about Dr Stop It. Kkk she is too quiet these days and I wish she was there and remind Ba 2 kuti haisi ngwena he is just a lizard. She should come out and tell him to Stop It! Stop amending the constitution and stop thinking about 3rd term! I am a constitutionalist just like Mphoko kkkk.idzo dziripikowo? Mboko Imboko!
Kedha, it’s time for another Nov 2017

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