Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, ehe nevamwe vese vandasiya, it’s this time again where our revorushinary party is in election mode. In fact they are always in election mode forgetting to deliver on promises they did on the previous election like kujekesa nyika yese nemagetsi kkkk. If it was kudara ichiri Zanu yedu yakare nana Baba Muzenda nana Zvobgo I would have thrown my CV nevamwe, after all I am a better candidate for any post in Zanu than many of my fellow comrades there kutosvika even kumusoro chaiko kkk. Dai ndisingatyi zvangu these guys who wear cheap Nylon suits and dark specs dai ndatokuudzai kuti I can be a better president than this one, yes uyu ndomudarika manje mmm regai ndinyarare zvangu ndisati ndavingwa ndikamwiswa sewerage yakadai kuzara in Mucheke river apa ini ndichitobvira zvangu president weZifa kkk.
Is there anyone who knows what these Central Committee members do in Zanu PF.? What I have discovered is that they are always mentioned during rallies and other Zanu PF gatherings but kuti vanoita basa rei I really don’t know kkk. …Tine nhengo dzedu dzeCentral Committee, Umwe wavo ngaaite slogan kkkk, zvoga izvozvo, nxaaa kutogara party isina mastructures se CCC senani than kupanana useless positions seizvi kkk. Ku CCC kuna president Chete kkkk, But chakapenga chiparty chiya. Ukaona uri Mukadzi ukanzi uri structure less unenge watukwa but vanhu vanongochida chisina structure kudero kkk. Iyi central committee iyi haa hazvisi zvekungoda kudiverter attention yevanhu kuti vasaona the real issues here. I mean ivo veZanu vacho they are being blinded by these useless elections so that they don’t see, because they are the ones who don’t see nhamo yatinayo senyika. Isu vana Mapombi takaonera kudara makasi acho.
But Mazimbos hatina kukwana, we cannot see kuti no election promises were fulfilled kana one. Free education, zero, 2 million jobs jobs jobs zero kkk, kuzoti pakujekesa nyika yese apa kkkk. mmm apa panondibata, handibiki nemagetsi and I don’t have any phone to charge but just seeing the lights across Mucheke river ndiri pedu paChitima apa gives me hope that I will see tomorrow kwete kubva kwati diii kumbaati diii chaiko. Ah imi zvotyisa. Vachitanga we said they have managed to remove menacing police muroad but they are back with a bang. Vari kutora mari chete. There is nothing to show off than the incomplete Harare Beit-Bridge Highway.
But those who cared to listen paya ndakambotaura kuti uyu munhu anonzi Soda uyu mmm I don’t trust him vamwe venyu vakati Mapombi atanga but ndaitoonera. He is just a catalyst like Soda zvino he is busy kukata kata magesti zvake kunge soda iri kugura muboora kana derere kkkk. Mukati Chasi aisatova nani here imi kkkk. haa iyi Zhemu iyi hapana zvairi kuita iyi. Kutozonzi Minister of Energy and Energy Development, where is the development ipapa? Maybe he is concentrating neOil yekuMuzarabani forgetting about electricity. I am sure at some point ED admitted to have fired a competent Minister but apa he should just do the same. Zvitori nani kupa chero Chinotimba zvenyu Ministry yacho I am sure he can run it better. Inga Skilled Rebara vari kuchimhaanya kuHealth wani. Mind you he was given that post after post he got sick for a long time kusvika vaona kuti he has experience in hospitals kkk ini zvangu ini.
Mr President, we beg you to fix the power outages or at least fire Soda so that we just feel kuti pane zvamuri kuita or you care even though we know you don’t care. Magetsi kumukira kuenda achidzoka usiku kunge ari kuenda kubasa, haa imi ka imi. I know ukatanga this issue neVarakashi for ED they will tell you kuti it’s also happening in South Africa nxaa, ko kuMozambique hakuna wani, even Zambia, nxaa tikwanirei apa, we need electricity isu. Have you seen that there is a new kid in town? I thought we had seen enough after Mahwindi and Mahure4ED, we now have pastors and Mapositori4ED. Hakuna vanoda kusara kkkk.
Before I go hangu kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, what happened to the Coup yekuChina, asi dzaiva nhema kkk. I thought it was true and was waiting to see him rushing here to seek refuge kkk. We have a history of harbouring fugitives in here. We have Mengistu here. This former president of Ethiopia kkk. Chiri kugara muno since the 1990s, iye arikumbonyanyoita nezvei chaizvo. I just heard that his residence is where meetings to rig elections are done. I don’t know if he is the one giving them ideas or it’s just a quiet and safe haven for such kind of discussions. I just need an explanation from you baba Sean on why the former dictator all the way from Ethiopia is still holed up here if the arrangement was made by Uncle Bob. Who brought this guy to Zimbabwe? Just a few months ago, another most wanted criminal Mpiranya’s grave was found pedu paMbudzi apo. But hopefully haasiye ane zvipoko zvinopota zvichinetsa paHighway kungonzwawo ini ndozvigarira kuChitima kwangu. This issue of housing wanted criminals’ iyi, kuitira kuti zvikaitikawo kwenyu mowana kwekutizirawoka kkkk.
I hear my fellow comrades in Zanu who presented their CVs are holding their fingers crossed especially here in Masvingo they haven’t been told whose have sailed because akawanda akaraswa as the factional wars take centre stage. Zvobva nekuti uri kupi kkkk. Chakachaya and munozviziva kuti the revorutionary party is running on parallel lines with the party’s top brass of Garwe and Generari fronting the two camps and each of the two camps seem to be strategically positioning their candidates in form of loyalists to take the reins.
Why is this Second Republic sanitizing looting and stealing of public funds by the way? I heard that Affirmative Action Group (AAG) Chimombe has been granted bail of a mere US$ 91 after all that looting. What has gone wrong with our society? Where is the moral fibre that used to bind this society? Yaaa in terms of nyadzi, I know Zanu PF yakadya ikamedza dzikaramba kubuda saka chakabaya chikatyokera zveidi. What kind of precedence are you setting nhaiwe Scarfmore? Haa chikomana chepaKutama chachaona hacho chikadzinga manje hamenowo avo vepaWedza vakabva nepi kutidzorera dambudziko rakadai senyika. The level of captivity our judicial system is exposed to, leaves a lot to be desired to say the least. Shame on you. Dr Stop it was right when she called for you to stop it. Right now as a nation, we are even confused as to the actual role of the judiciary. I am not computer literate zvakanyanya hangu but I know kuti there is a tender that had gone wrong. Ukaona tichibata zvakadai, ko kuzoti zvatisina kuona. Where are our MPs zvese izvi zvichiitika, ko toti kudii kana maComputer anoshanda ikoko achinyepewa mutengo kudare reParliament maMPs akati vavava pasina kana neromuromo, haa Themba is the only man muya. He always never gives in without a fight.
Ko where is this Chivi South Legislator Chizhou or Zizhou, the name doesn’t matter, is he not involved in the Lundi fuel scandal where thousands of litres were recovered. Ndokubasaa kwake mfana uya, ndiyo empowerment yacho here kuba diesel kudaro. Anyway, thanks to our police though vachibavo.
If anyone sees Susan Mutami please tell her to come out, I need to see her. I also want to see Dr Stop it and lastly I want to see Joice Teurai Ropa Mujuru kkk. I last saw her pictures achinja kuita kunge Biti. Today I am not going to ask about Mphoko. But idzo dzorovawo zvadzo. Mboko Imboko !!!
Kuchenesa nyika yese nemagetsi was cheap talk after all

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