Tanyaradzwa Tizora
Sanity is slowly coming back to Ngundu after Chivi Rural District Council made arrangements that saw trucks collect litter at illegal dumpsites that have been mushrooming around the rural business centre.
“Council has mobilised trucks to collect litter at the illegal dumpsites. At the moment we have cleared two dumpsites out of three,” said Ward 25 councillor Zivai Tinago.
Lately, there have been determined efforts to stop rampant littering at the centre with vendors forming anti-litter clubs that are tasked with sweeping the surroundings and making sure their customers properly dispose of their litter.
Environmental Management Agency (EMA) has also lobbied council to take sterner measures against illegal waste-dumping in Ngundu since it is a busy area with a high waste generation rate.
“We have also been conducting public awareness campaigns to make the public see the importance of clean surroundings. We work closely with Council in this initiative,” said EMA District Environmental Officer Natsai Chimhiti.
He added that take-away boxes commonly known as ‘kaylites’ and disposable diapers will be banned soon.
“A six months grace period which was given to ban ‘kaylites’ and ‘pampers’ is nearing its end and we expect the new rules to help our efforts towards realising a cleaner environment,” added Chimhiti.news
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He who said it can not be done must not disturb the one doing it!e