Can someone tell me what is really happening at the Ministry of Information; Mapombi really doesn’t understand three top officials running the ministry – Mutsvangwa, Mutodi and Mangwana. Mapombis has always been a gentleman, therefore, has never been hesitant of speaking the truth to power. The trio of Monica, Energy and Nick needs our help, vaoda kubatsirwa chaiko because they don’t have a clue on how to run that strategic ministry.
They lie without shame! Kkkkkk hanzi naMutodi internet was never shut down but it was congested kkkkkk – Mapombi thinks this guy is too energetic for nothing; zvasiyana nekutamba ndombolo izvi being a government official comes with responsibility. We cannot tolerate a whole deputy minister lying to the nation when government was forced through the courts to open the internet following Misa’s High Court application.
Kkkkk Mutodi is often caught offside; he lied again that ED’s picture, where he sat blankly in a queer museum as though he was performing some occult ritual, was photo-shopped yet it was an original picture. He hadn’t even noticed that the same images had appeared on his ZTV the day before. Mangwana anenge achingorasikawo nedivi ukuwo Monica neuko. Monica is always emotional each time she addresses a press conference wotoshaya kuti ko chii mai vakuru. Mapombi can safely tell you that this ministry is the worst!
I heard mukoma wangu Joram has been suspended paHerald apo because of a president’s story which failed to find its way on front page and ended up on page 2. Kkkkk this is the challenge when one has bosses who specialises in ndombolo dance and nursing; they always think story yaED must be on front page all the time.
Mapombi now understands journalists working for Dead BC and Herald – the majority does not like the stories they are writing or telling but ukarega unodzingwa basa. I feel sorry for them!
I hope ED will soon reshuffle and replace this garbage otherwise the ministry of information will be worse than during the time of Pro Jonso. Kkkkk ED wacho ndiyewo umwe ari pamahwani chaipo. I know talking the truth about the president might cost my life and those I work closely with, but inini zvangu Mapombi I don’t care ndakafa kare kare! I stay at Chitima market surviving on rotten bananas and maputi thanks to ED and his government. I wear mamvemve because I cannot afford to buy decent clothes people end up thinking ndinopenga yet its Zau PF which destroyed my life – my parents were killed during 2008 political violence ndikasara ndava nherera.
Back to that ED museum phot kkkk. I saw ED vakagara akapfunya chisero variko kuchinyika chisingazikanwe ndikangoti nechemumoyo in’anga here dzava kunobvnzwa idzo? Kana dziri n’anga mungasiya dzedu dzemuno vana Rotina Mavhunga vepaChinhoyi vakomana! Kkkkkk but Rotina so ka haaa ndikafunga dhiziri paChinhoyi gore riye kkkkkk but Zanu chiororo.
Mapombi heard the rift between ED and Kedha is increasing and zvinhu hazvina kutombomira mushe. Mapombi has been on record saying these retired officers should go for political orientation first before joining active politics. Uncle Bob also said complained about soldiers being taken from barracks straight into national politics. I only have one problem with Kedha though; kukasika kutsamwa plus kungotaura uchingorasa rasa maoko haaa its annoying mhani – munhu ndewekutaurawoka akadzikama nhai veduwe.
But from what Terrence Mukupe and Wadyajena have been posting on Twitter, Mapombi can tell you that things are far from being fine in Zanu PF. I can foresee another factional fight which is as big as the G40 vs Lacoste gore riye.
Mapombi does not understand ED and his government – they have failed to improve the economy for the past eight months but still they are not willing to engage the opposition unotoshaya kuti nhatanana dzacho ndedzei? ED must walk the talk – he tweets about national dialogue and the nation wants to see him taking a leading role not just posting on Twitter zvekuda kungofadza vanhu. He claims the voice of the people is the voice of God but surprisingly they are going against the voices of the suffering masses.
People are calling for leaders to come together and unite in order to solve the current economic crisis – this is not too much to ask for if we indeed have a caring leadership. If what unites us is really bigger than what divides us, like what ED said, then the president should lead by example by showing maturity and tolerance.
A real father can never fight for attention with his newly born baby! ED should show maturity and tolerance more than the opposition because he is the father of the nation. Mapombi urges ED to initiate dialogue.
Anyway, it’s almost lunch time guys let me go ndindokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch. But before I go, I heard uniform demasoja nemapurisa zvese nepfuti nendege zvakabiwa and the rogue criminals were the ones brutalizing civilians during the demonstrations. Kkkkkkk Chiwenga was right when he once fired those senior police officers because zvimwe zvinotaurwa hazvina maturo. People must learn to say the truth; when they do something wrong they should accept and apologise not taking people for granted.
People know that the police and army are torturing people and it is pointless for the two institutions to unashamedly lie before the whole nation that those committing the crimes are not serving members. Mapombi knows that the army and police are torturing innocent civilians and they are acting under the instruction of Zanu. I wish if Mphoko was there zvingadaro zvisiri kuitika izvi manje naKedha anything can happen togona kungomuka vanhu vese vafurwa vakafa. Koi ye mboko hanzi hakazosiyana neChoppies kkk. Vakaona kuti hondo yacho havaihwinhi. Mboko imboko!
Of globetrotting ED and the Zim crisis
TellZim News is the leading news organization in the Southern region. It provides candid, balanced and timely news from the communities. Keeping it real. Committed to tell Zimbabwe.
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