Can someone tell me kuti zvinombofambiswa seiko munyika muno – how can two border jumpers be treated differently like that? I mean Saviour Kasukuwere and our President ED. We all know that they all skipped our borders for safety – but Mapombi is hearing that Kasukuwere is now before the courts answering the charges dzekubuda munyika zvisiri pamutemo.
Or is it that the courts want to cleanse Tyson obva anzi mhosva dzako dzapera so that they cover up for some deals Mapombi heard were brokered which led to his return from self-imposed exile.
Yes, they don’t just call him Tyson for nothing; we all know him achizviti the biggest thug in Zanu PF.
But a video trending on social media of Tyson showing the police and immigration officials mbumburu dzeAK47 dzakashandiswa panguva yeoperation restore regasi pamba pake dzinotitaridza kuti panga pasina kumira mushe paya.
Even if it was me Mapombi zvangu I was not going to think twice ndaitoita chitsoka ndibereke chaicho. Did you guys really saw mabara akashandiswa pamba paTyson?
Of course the musketeers of the operation will tell us and insist that it was a bloodless operation but vanoziva chokwadi ndivo naMwari wavo. Yes, they say hapana kana munhu hwani akafa zvake.
But if you ask uncle Bob he will tell you kuti pakafiwa – he even said vana Tyson and Prof Moyo went to his Blue Roof mansion screaming ‘Mhamha Mhama help us’. It was just terrible and any brave soldier would have run away.
Even a mad person will not wait akanzwa kuti wava kufa. I think Tyson did the right thing, this is my personal opinion of course.
Mapombi knows that this is just a way of trying to fool us because makudo ndeamwe aya – we know the reason why Tyson got the guts to come back home after a self-imposed exile. Mapombi will not hesitate to say the secret – ndinonzi mafira kureva ka ini.
Chiwenga was shaken by the news that Tyson was ready to fund NPF programs and they all heard that he was going to splash money. Mapombi overheard very reliable sources vari kumahofisi makuru iwaya aya laughing zvavo kuti shefu Chiwenga vakavhunduka big time.
Yes, even soldiers vanotombovhundukawo. Zvinonzi vakabva vatotuma team immediately to Tyson and a deal was reached – akanzi dzoka uyamwe mwana wamai. And who will wait when such an olive branch is extended to them?
So don’t worry about these border-jumping cases before the courts kungobatana kumeso uku mukomana akatouya zvachose uyu and Mapombi is sure very soon the guy will be part of the commissariat campaigning for ED.
We all know how aggressive Tyson is. So when Prof Moyo and Zhuwao said Tyson betrayed the struggle to pull down ED vaitorevesa. The guy must have sold out chete ndobva adzoka kumusha.
For now Mapombi can safely tell you that Tyson won’t be part of that NPF project – akatsikwa konzi chaiyo and if he dares breach the agreement zvokwadi naKedha unogona kuurayiwa. By the way, be reminded that our VP does not bleach – inhuta!
Prof Moyo often has information on his fingertips but sometimes we take him for granted. Of course he is a disgruntled man but pakuti Tyson wakatengesa anenge akabaya dede nemumukanwa. Anyway, let us wait and see. Don’t forget that time has a good way of revealing things.
It’s almost lunch time guys let me go ndinokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch. But before I go let me take this opportunity to congratulate those who make it at the nomination court ahead of the general elections slated for July 30 – tosangana muballot box varume nevakadzi.
I heard some less informed people saying uncle Bob vaendawo neavo mapaper kunomination court kkkkkkkk.
Don’t under-estimate that old man – in fact you can do that at your own peril. Of course he will not win any election iri free and fair. If he may want to be honest, the last time he did so was before independence.
Can you imagine Bob and Mphoko combination kkkkkkk it’s a deadly one I tell. They are spoilers, ED can confirm that. But hey kunyarara kwaED mukati kuri kwega here—hapana kana strategy paya, cluless.
The young man is gaining ground and Mapombi can safely tell you that we are headed for yet another inclusive government. Those who care mark my words. Mboko imboko!
Prof Moyo is right about Kasukuwere after all!
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