Cephas Shava
MWENEZI – A 26-year-old commercial sex worker who does her work around Rutenga growth point stabbed her drinking mate after a dispute over change in a local bar, the Mwenezi Magistrates Court recently heard.
Appearing before Magistrate Honest Musiwa, Rosemary Buchu, who resides at Rutenga, pleaded guilty to charges of stabbing Tafadzwa John of house number 561 newsstands, Rutenga.
Buchu was sentenced to 12 months behind bar with an option to perform 350 hours of community service at Mwenezi Magistrates Court.
Asked by the magistrate on how she earns a living, Buchu confidently said she does her business in the bars.
“Ndinoshandira mumabhawa….mari yandinowana pavhiki inoita iyo $10, ndiyoyandinoziva kuti panozopera vhiki handingaishayiwo.”
The State, led by Patience Mutsikwi alleged that on February 27 this year, Buchu and John were drinking together at Gumbo beer hall at around 01:00 hours.
John gave Buchu US$5 to buy some beer but Buchu later refused to give John his change leading to an altercation.
Buchu drew a knife from her pocket and stabbed John on his right hand. He sustained some injuries and was rushed to Neshuro Hospital for treatment.local