Ladies and gentlemen, the current temperatures have made Mapombi think that we are probably in real hell because mapisiro rudzii iwayo? Izvozviso uchanzwa mumwe achiti Mapombi anodhomoka, apa uri muZimbabwe, zvimwe zvese atongori marwadzo, zvoti heatwave pamusoro, ndoona seiyo description yegehena yakanyorwa mubhaibheri ini, pamwe vatsvene vakatobaya kwasara isu vepamuromo. ZveEl nino izvi inzira yaMwari and haisi mhosva yemunhu but one thing I know for sure is that our government is not prepared for the impending drought that may trigger food shortages. Chero kukanzi vapihwa 10 years to prepare for one year munotonzwa kuti the infrastructure for that has been stolen, ko munovaziva wani. Wese munhu atongova nemweya wekuloota nekukwachura, which shows you that the fish is rotten from the head. Chaora chinhu ichi. Ukanzwa muZimba achiti inodya payakasungirirwa unoti hezvino, kuba kwega kwega. Kuzvikoro paya paiunzwa porridge naanaCare kuti vana vabikirwe, vana head vaitogovana zvisaga kuti vabike kudzimba dzavo, and it was done in the dead of night. Any resources that come unowana zvichitorwa vogovana pachavo vatungamiri vacho. If you want to see the rottenness of our system unongoona what’s happening kumaschool of special needs children. They take donations anenge aitwa nemaGood Samaritan ikoko vogovana havo pachavo, ahii, muchati amwe marice amuri kupururudzira kumarally ndeemisangano yenyu iyoyo iwo atorerwa vanorarama neurema. Ko vane moyo here vanhu vacho? Ini zii mungazoti Mapombi anotaurisa. Looting and exploitation ndoyavo chaiyo, kuzvima mine uko hakuna chakanaka, vanakomana vevanhu vari kubata chitsvuku. The working conditions are atrocious to say the least, uku no safe water to drink, necholera iyoyi atori ma1. Vakarwara again no one cares kunotsvagwa vamwe. Denga muchaita rekugoogler.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am trying by all means to resist talking about Boys dzeSmoko but eish ndinongonzwa izwi richiti taura taura, harisi kuti ucharamba uchipisa but riri kuti taura chete. Anyway, chauya chiri chiLate entry so I won’t say much but just to say mwari ave nemi Mthuli naPanonetsa. These are our own Tom and Jerry ko tingagodii. They smoke from the weed they were smoking since after election is coming out now. Command taxes!! Nxaaa, I think vana Chief Mapondera, Bere and some of their likes vakatangisa Chimurenga nenyaya dzeHut tax. I will talk more about this next week, regai hedu timbotaura zvekuward 2 kwaChiwara naChinobva.
Ko murikuitana sei kuWard 2 uko nhai? Aripano ati Rocky ndiye arikudambura maposter angu, unowo ati aiwa ndiShantero, iye ati bodo, bvunzai Hwata, kkkkk, madrama munomawanza. Why are you tearing each other’s posters nhaimi? Muchapusawo makura imi. People muno mumaurban areas do inonzi protest vote. Kungoona kaface kaChamisa votobairira x ipapo. They may not even care about so called posters as much as you think they do. Apa kune 3 maCCC candidates. Mapombi thinks we are going to see serious vote splitting on Dec 9 because those three candidates veChangu Chete Chete vese hapana asiri kuda zvemashuwa shuwa. Deno ndiriini Hwata ndaitonyatsofamba nebhora chaiko because kugadzirirwa pena chaiko. Chete what do I know, things could go either way. Zvakangonakira our new mayor Tabe, who knows that nomatter what happens, he has pocketed the mayorship for the next five years. Wherever Mai Muchuchuti is, tongoti rugare ngaruve nemiwoo, kkkkk. Zvakakonekamwa naKurauone hoyo Tabe akazvigona, kune mikono inorarama neraki zvokwadi. But if we are to be fair, Tabe worked for that position, it was not handed to him on a silver platter no. You know, Mapombi has a problem with people who always cry foul, saying people like Tabe vanotemba strong connections kutop leadership, hence they don’t deserve the position. Imi, what exactly is wrong with that? If you have such crucial information yekuti kunoitwa maconnection for you to get in, why are you not using it? Ndostrategy yakewo iyoyo, itaiwo yenyu. Mukati vavava semanyana anomirira kuiswa makonye mumuromo zvinoheturwa makatarisa, hezvo Tabe is now wearing red robes nemagloves ewhite plus chihat chiya chekupenga, kkk. On a serious note though, I hope one day we will get rid of zvihat zviya. Apa hanzi thousands of US$ went into buying those wigs for judges. I may be ignorant hangu but haa chiya chiwig bodo. Let’s hope Tabe doesn’t start lying because Shanty akangochipfeka nguva diki diki nekutotanga kunyepa. Huye bodo. I also hope council will go kwaUncle Jahunda kunomusoneresa raanokwana, that one is too big for the short man.
Ko we are still in darkness wani nhai Ndavaningi Tomorrow yet you told us the Hwange units are back on the grid? Veduwe musatidaro, titoriwo vanhu chero hedu tichitambura, motinyepera takakutadzirai chii isu? Kuvhotera Zanu imhosva here? So how are we going to achieve Vision 2030 when we don’t have magetsi acho mumaindustry edu? But before I go any further, regai ndimboseka, kkkkk, eheka ndimizve madai kudzorera bread-basket status nemablueberry, ende huye bodo. I doubt a lot of Zimbabweans have ever tasted a blueberry in their life. But those who grew up in rural areas might have tasted something similar or close, and for the life of me, I can’t remember exactly which wild fruit tastes like a blueberry. Ehe ini ndakamaravira mablueberry ndomaziva, don’t ask from where. Dzimwe propaganda unoti varikuudza vanhu vasingazivi kana chii. Regai vanhu vabude muno in droves, unotoona kuti tiri kusaizwa chaiko. While the majority of educated citizens are leaving in large numbers kunochengeta chembere and doing care work, Chinese are coming in to own mines, industries and construction companies. If there is one thing China has mastered, it is to take over.
Mapombi’s heart was broken seeing Job Sikhala in chains whilst in hospital. Whatever that man did to offend the government chikobvu chadatya chaicho because that man has suffered. I will speak about Sikhala whenever I get the chance, probably as my own small way of reminding Zanu kuti achirimo and the world is watching. The universe is watching. It will judge you harshly one day. Your conscience, or lack thereof will be your judge one day.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mapombi watched with shock as respectable people lashed out at SABC for a video that clearly shows that it is Artificial Intelligence generated, again nezviri kutaurwapo zvacho, a simple analysis inokuudza wega kuti its fake. Ndosaka Minister veICT vachizombodhomoka because haa tichiri kure. Ugoona kuda kumhanyira kuda kuisa tumitemo pazvinhu zvamusingazivi, nxaa. Chete internet access chaiyo is a problem for almost everyone in this country, and a word of advice to Tate Mavetera, mukagadzirisa ipapo munenge magona chose. History will remember you, sezvatinongoita Chamisa akavimbisa kuti tichatsvakisa mombe nemacellular zvikaitika. That’s the kind of major developments we need as a nation. It becomes easier to regulate where there is access, so chimbosiyai zvekuita chimusangano sangano mugadzirise zviri meaningful. Kwete kungowanzira simba pamuromo sepinjisi fanika mabiyenyu Mthuli anongotaura surplus seanopenga. Mai Mutsvangwa herself did well during her tenure kuMinistry of Information, bvunzai majournalists akanzwa nawo mahug kkkk. Mapombi aingoona hake nechekure, but the truth is Mai Mutsvangwa vakazama chose vachiseka havo nhema asi zvakatofamba mukushandidzana nevatapi venhau zvakanaka nekutaurirana paregulation apo. Jenfan has big shoes to fill, although he has started on a good note. Musazongotivhomorera AIPPA nerwemuseri zvamurimi vezindakupa zindakutorera.
Ko kuZaka uko, I heard nyaya yekutaura parufu has escalated, murikuitana seiko nhai? Mapombi once said it kuti nyaya yeproportional representation iyi zvichamarana, mukati ndinopenga. The thing with this quota system is that it’s not based on merit, so vane power, vanaMarapira nanaChiduwa put those who will be their pawns, to fight local battles for them. It’s all politics of patronage and nothing to do with gender representation. Majority of these women vanongodzimikirwa, and even vakave competent, vakavaisapo will never allow them to speak up unless vane backup yemapowers that be. Ndakangofara hangu kuti Shanty mubiyangu has been given a chance to sweat for her position, unlike the first time pakangopihwa pena pagedhe risina munhu. Paby-election apa ambokandwa mugango mune vamwe, kunoinde nhete hobvu dzichikorwa nemanda kkkk. Handiti atosvika here 9 December.
Anyway regai ndindokanga maputi angu for lunch, mabanana kuora nezuva iri unomapedza here.
Ko Mandiwetela hanzi akazouya here kumba? Vana Mama Gire nevamwe vanongofamba wani, including vanaMphoko. Iye aripikiwo Perekedzera weproject yezvitiyo kkkk? Ko Kasukuwere the Savior akazodii ? Mboko imboko!
Stop lying about electricity Ndavaningi

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