Ladies and gentlemen, while a lot has been happening lately in the political sphere, Mapombi has been watching with keen interest how mapere were exposing themselves for all to see. Yes indeed, Biti came out clean, setting the record kuti it is rather an insult to associate him with vatengesi vemovement, which to me was a good move considering the insults which were being hurled at him, but ka, veiled in that statement was the acknowledgement that indeed there are problems. Ehe kwahi muChinhu Chemukomana Chaiye mune hohoho which cannot be ignored and Mapombi shares the same sentiments. Chakamwashugwa kuti mwashu hacho nemapere edu aya anoshandisa state institutions to legitimise mabasa avo akaora, sare hwava. But pakudzinga Ostallos muParliament bhoo here? Ko iyo women’s quota kuita kutsvaira. Uya murume anonzi Chavangu kana asina utsinye, ane hudofo hunoridza ngoma chaiko. The most recent recalls are a direct attack on women’s representation, and as a woman myself I feel like chiwomen’s quota chenyu ichi kana musingadi nacho regai, ko zindakupa zindakutorera ndokudii ikoko? Ehe I’m talking about Zanu yaChavangu iyoyo irikurecaller vanhu. We all know how difficult it is for women to get into those positions, wongomuka rimwe zimusorobhangu rakati wabviswa muparty nemuParliament, haa, vamwe vanhu vanotumwa nasatan pachake. High Court yakadoti chimiiiraaa zvakwaaana, bva hanzi Mudhenda wakatoti tsamba pane yakatangira imwe kusvika kwaari saka svuka vanaOstallos, Chibaya nanaMai Mugidho.
While we are at that however, my question is, iyo ambiguous strategy yenyu iyi, was it a strategy yemashuwa shuwa or you guys ill-advised Chamisa? Or paitova pasina zvapo strategy yacho. While the movement was a good idea after what Dougie did, the strategy was supposed to guard against a repeat of the very same scenario. There is one thing that was hidden in plain sight that we all failed to see; the very backbone of the ambiguous strategy was to not reveal who held what position in CCC except for Chamisa, hanzi to guard against infiltration. Guys! Make that make sense. How do you people expect to build a vibrant movement that will usher this country into a new dispensation musingatrustane pachenyu? Why was Chamisa so afraid kungogadzira proper systems oti vice president apo tsvee Mai Kore kana Biti wacho, or Mdara Welsh, SG po kwati, maorgan vanaChibaya pavo paya, zvopera izvo. Kahle kahle you people, how do you operate when you cannot even trust kuti once you go to congress and elect leadership yeparty yenyu you won’t be infiltrated? Zviripoka zvekuti Wapusa Wapusa when it’s clear that you are clueless, ouya zvake Chavangu oenda nechinhu. The reason why opposition remains putty in Zanu’s hands are these issues dzekusarongeka idzodzi. And you people behave like a cult, hamudi kutsiurwa. When you are told that your strategies won’t work you are quick to attack any critics, labelling them Zanu. Manje ndezvipi seipapa, the will of the people is being twisted kuita kushonyororwa because of egos nekusada kuudzwa. Padelimitation paya analysts were warning Nero and his cdes about gerrymandering, and muZanu macho chaimo some elements were against the preliminary delimitation report, and what did Nero say? Hanzi handinei nazvo because presidential elections won’t be affected by delimitation, as if he is saying vamwe vese havana basa chero vakadyiwa. What kind of strategy is that? Instead of joining hands with Zanu leaders who were disgruntled about the delimitation process and report, mukana that had presented itself, he chose to be selfish. Zvino manje Cyclone Tshabangu is raging, potse potse pachauya judgement ye interdict manje manje apa he will pick up where he left, tongogara hedu mumutsetse wekuvhota. I heard kuno kuMasvingo Rocky ndiye ane chimuti and hanzi nemaMP vanomufonera kuti avakumbirire kunaTshabangu kuti vasadzingwa, kkkkk. Mai Mugidho makadiiko uko? Ndiwozve mabasa atinodai kuitirwa naVaTshabangu aya. Hakuna chakanaka zvokwadi. That’s when you see that if you play stupid games you will win stupid prizes. Of all the people, Rocky ndiye onzi he has power muprovince and other elected leaders muparty votoita kumugwambairira kuti vasadzingwa, haa madrama munomawanza vanaMutirowafanza. That guy aingofamba nemapatapata achingopfuura nekuno kuChimusana hapana kana two years, now he is the one holding the will of the people at ransom. But I am very sure the December 9 by-election will be a mammoth task for Shantel because zvamanje manje chakabatwa kuti dzvii naRocky. However, Rocky’s biggest undoing will be that CCC naturally does not have a structured support base, people just vote out of frustration nenhamo yekushungurudzwa neZanu, and considering that Shantel was recalled, the electorate will obviously sympathise with her and vakamuona on the ballot vanomuvhotera chete. The unfortunate part for Rocky will be that anhuhwa bere, makwai haamiri pakadaro. Nhamo inozongouya if Tshabangu retains the power to recall or worse still bar Shanty from being elected under CCC. Gore rino maziso anozvimba nekuonerera madrama ekuChete Chete Chete. One thing that is certain is that CCC will never beat Zanu until it starts thinking like Zanu. What Mapombi means here is that no matter how disgruntled one can be with musangano wekusimba kumasero uyu, you can never deny how organized it is. Chero vakapandukirana pachavo, musangano haumwashuki, if anything unotowedzera kusimba, unlike what we see kuopposition kuti if one person in the purported leadership sneezes, party yotodambuka. Again, they never learn, especially on imposing candidates and vanozviita pachidofo dofo. We are not saying Zanu does not do it, but at least zviri subtle and vanotombokandwa mugango vonzwanana masimba, and the party then sees kuti ari nani ndeupi. Not zvekumirira maphone call kubva Harare on even local processes like electing a mayor. Munoti necorruption hadziitiki here ipo paya, kunzi ukapinda wozondionawo? Because we all know that corruption yose yemumapublic entity inokandira mazai ayo mumalocal authorities imomu, kana muchiti Mapombi anonyepa bvunzai Auditor General kana kuverenga mareports avo muone. Those people we think are the alternative hapana paya, mumusoro makazara corruption yega yega and they are further emboldened nekuziva kuti kumusoro uko akangoita wake leader who continuously endorses her/him zvaendwa. Zvekuti hee they don’t support the system ratova drama, that’s why you hear kuti vaakuuraya battery rephone yaTshabangu calling him day and night kuti asavadzinga vambodyavo, kkkkk, ende huye. Chichemo chaMapombi hacho ione chete, dene kanzuru yeMasvingo yasonesera Mayor wedu mutsva gown dzvuku rinokwana zvakanaka, riya zidress ummm, vanotsviramo muya, kkkkkk. Shanty akangoripfeka one month ndobva zvatodhakwa, dai ava kupawo Tabe manotes kuti rinopfekwa sei.
Ko I heard Mukupe was jailed for smuggling fuel, imika. Bere kana roda kudya mwana waro rinongoti wanhuhwa mbudzi zvokwadi. Imbinga ngani dzemunomu dzisina kupfuma nesmuggling, kubva kufuel, gas, maminerals, even hembe dzenyu dzamunopfeka dzemumarunner umu ismuggling yega yega zvimaBottega Vendeta zviya neLuwisi Vhitori zvefake zviya. I am not saying smuggling is good, but ndangoti chete musada kutitapa mukanwa mazvinzwa. We know kuti yaMukupe haisiyo nyaya chaiyo chaiyo, otherwise dai Henrietta arikuendawo kuseri ikoko, but chokwadi imi nemoyo yenyu munochiziva. One man was jailed five years for possessing zvimagramm zvegold but vamwe mai vavete kumba havo after trying to smuggle kgs of the same mineral. Panoti Banana Republic. I am sure we have all learnt a lesson, you cannot smuggle fuel but gold haaa, you can simply misplace your bag then pay a small fine zvopera.
But ladies and gentlemen, chinyika chino chinombozama kutisvodesa vakomana. I heard maWorry Us ah, I mean maWarriors akaramba kuenda kutraining because of allowances, apa a day or two before vanga vabuda pasocial media vachitaridzika chose, zvichionekwawo kuti vakageza. Shuwa kuti vana vauye kubva kuchando kwavanodya vachiguta kuti vazotambira bhora mahara, ZIFA are you sure? How do you prepare for an international tournament musina kana sendi nhai ZIFA? I don’t think this country is ready to take sports seriously. Chimwe chiikowo chakanaka chinobva nhazareta, kkkkk.
Ko nhai Genarari Chandaizment varipikowoo varova veduwe, kubva pavakangoroora vangoti zii zii kunge Mboko kudai, I also heard Campbell vakabura futi imwe, Anyway, let me go ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch. But before I go, Unit 7 yeHwange yakazodiikowo Christmas yakusvika iyi. Until next time ladies and gentlemen, mboko imboko!
Strategic Ambiguity Not So Strategic After All
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