So kudya mari dzevanhu hakunei nechikoro nhai? I never knew this. Why did we waste our time going to school and being told kuti kana usina Maths hapana kwaunoenda hee what what, who knew that the guy who once took Zimbabwean problems in a satchel to Israel has no O’level kkkk seka zvako Mapombi. Zvandoona in this teapot shaped country, haaya. So the guy was busy inventing fake pills called Aguma without O level? I just remembered, what happened to that project? We could be talking of an HIV free generation izvezvi dai pasina kuzoita politics kkkk. But Magaya needs to be serious. Asi I wonder what is there kuZIFA. Why is it people who have something to do, infact people with something better to do are busy vying for the useless Zifa presidency, ana Mazodze vatori busy kudawo. I hear he is donating some of his O’level subjects to those who ran away from school. Is that guy a real doctor in the US? Akuda kutosiya zvese izvozvo only to be Zifa President? That guy’s melodrama needs to be studied because haa, the attention seeking is on another level. Kuita senge Sabhuku Mliswa kudaro? Hanzi Kingdom, royal what what, kkkkk. Whatever that guy smokes needs to be tested in a lab, he surely must be high on something. But ini hangu anything chinotanga naZ ndibvisei zvenyu, I don’t want. I don’t understand how people are battling for control of a broke Zifa to administer a football body in a country with no single functional stadium. Inga zvakaoma.
Has anyone managed to get a copy of Bonyongwe’s book? Please bring me ndimboverengawo and hear the guy’s contribution to Zimbabwe. I may be inspired to write mine; who doesn’t have a contribution to Zimbabwe? Inga Ba Two vakataura kudhara wani kuti nyika inovakwa nevene vayo. We all have a contribution and no one has a monopoly over nation building. I hate theories and I am not a theorist zvangu but I can smell something apa. Why now? Bonyongwe was silent since the November 17 coup paya only to resurface now. Is it strategic for him to come out now? Where was he all along? Why did he invite Chiwenga for the book launch? I may not be able to tell you what exactly is going on but at least I have given you something to think about. Something is cooking, don’t underestimate that Bonyongwe guy. If I am not mistaken, Itai Dzamara disappeared whilst he was at the helm of the intelligence system in Zimbabwe just like Ba 2 was Minister of State Security during Gukurahundi. I am not saying anything about the genocide and I just want to applaud the Second Republic for ensuring talks that may bring closure even though he doesn’t want to say SORRY. Just that: SORRY.
But this week is full of drama, ndoweek yakadissapear cash box with 20k from a Fawcett van kkkk. These guys are clowns. I am a human rights defender but mmm apa I would urge the police to use minimum force to get information from the crew. Sure vamwe vari kuita madeals ema4million and they take 20k, what nonsense is that, nxaaaa. Ok back to today’s issue. I know many of you just like me are wondering why Ba 2 reshuffled did or hameno what you may want to call it but he just swapped Shava and Murwira and it was out of the blue, no one suspected or anticipated that. Do you know this Shava guy was involved in the Willogate scandal and that is when he quit active politics? He is scandalous that guy and he and Ba 2 are the only guys who were in cabinet then and are still there. Something is fishy there, vanhu havarasane. Shava and ED know something that many of us do not know but I tell you, something is up watch and see. What I think is ED just like Ba Bona did not want his VP to succeed him and we all know how Uncle Bob tried to get rid of ED to pave way for G40. Remember apart from Chiwenga and Sexmore Hardy of the guchu fame, we have no other candidate for presidency come 2028. I just mentioned the guchu guy because he has been on record several times expressing interest for the highest office in the land but he is not presidential material at all. Kana zvavo havafitwi kana just looking at the face kkk. Chiwenga is better looking but we all know kuti Chigulani and will humiliate us when he goes out for UN meetings ava kuti every riving person should choose between a rita, a rofu and a racto kkkk. Yes he is not articulate just like his boss. Ok, so here is the isuue, Shava was at the international arena cultivating links in the region and the East as well. Now he has accomplished that, he needs now to work on the local politics kuti aonekerewo and build relations locally. Hamusi kuzvionawo? Ok underestimate him at your own peril but kana zvanetsesesa momuona anzi first VP and the hot seat inenge ina Kedha or PV. He is one dark horse who can be given tsvimbo yaMutapa and do the Kagame way. Remember they were together paDefence university at some point and has been to several UN missions just like Paul of Rwanda. Kusimuka kudai hakusi kumagona but I just wanted to share my views and musazoti handina kumbotaura. The Murwira guy is a fast learner. I heard someone saying that and we wish him well kuMinistry itsva ikoko lets watch and see. I just hope the new minister of higher and tertiary education will close all universities and allow companies to use the available graduates until they are all about to go for pension totanga zvitsva.
Enough about succession theories, hey although paZaka apo. What is happening between Zaka and ZACC? Makatadziranei chaizvo imi mune mazita akada kuenderana? I hear the toothless ZACC was back to Zaka and arrested Confidence who is an ally yaMaregedze who was arrested by the same ZACC two weeks ago. Imi mukati Zacc yacho pane chozikanwa here? No conviction will be made I tell you. This is just another catch and release, just to warn its fellows kuti mava kunyanyisa idyai zvishoma zvishoma the plate is not going anywhere. Seka zvako Mapombi, the two ladies from Zaka had picked a pace yekuti inotoda varume vane nhanho otherwise maisavabata kana. At least just putting the brakes will save people of Zaka a few thousand dollars because Mukau and Maregedze combination was something else. Anyway regai zvangu ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch but before I go, I just want to warn that the rainy season is fast approaching before Chimusana bridge construction begins. Hope they will not say we are being affected nekunaya so we will finish in 2027 and use it as a campaigning tool. Finish off the main bridge and start Chimusana ladies and gentlemen, remember its closer to the market where I stay and was named after our beloved first lady, the only person bold enough to call out Ba 2. Mukaonawo Mphoko please tell him kuti climate change is real and incubators are needed all year round saka kana kune akasara ngaaauye zvake andipe. Mboko imboko!!!
Succession drama: Is Shava the dark horse?

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