Ladies and gentlemen, let me take this opportunity to congratulate all the victors of the recently held Zanu PF Central Committee elections while at the same time I have words of encouragement for those who faltered along the way. Of course from my little understanding of the on-goings in this useless party that has brought untold suffering to masses of Zimbabwean souls, this CC is nothing but a grouping of people but with no meaningful activities and thus of its little importance. Maybe I would need someone to school me on the exact role or even influence of this central committee thing which to my understanding is of no significance and serves no purpose when one looks at the hype it is associated with especially in run up to elections. I heard a lot of sirens in town on Sunday and had to leave maputi andaikanga achitsva ndichida kuona kuti mhere mhere yairi yei wanikwe haiwawo ndeivavo vamwe vevakakunda musarudzo vainyangadza vanhu muguta vachienda kuMashava kwavo. Anyway, my feeling is that the jostling for positions is used to settle political differences that have become common in Zanu PF. Haaaya seka hako Mapombi nhaka toonerera vamwe vacharwira chivharo chebhodhoro (chinjeke) nekuda kuwachisana uye kuonesana masimba. Yeah zviriko futi especially when looking at how Masvingo has become a battle ground for political players and the province has always lived up to its billing and hopefully the dynamics won’t shift nyaya dzikazonotambirwa kwaWedza kwanaChigwedere uko.
Guys, General vepaBikita apo bhoo here? Kwahi naDzedzi Hopuwero he is now more of a politically spent force to say the least, haaa kupera chaiko kwavaita kunge hondo yemuseve ummm. Ko zvamakavapa usabhuku here uSadunhu Mabika vadiiko kungotungamira Cell zvakunonzi ndokwakasimbira musangano wavo weZanu kkkk. Ko saka zvino voita sei? Kana muchiti General ehe ivavo Chief Mabika, Sabhuku hameno ini ndogara kuChitima kana vogara vachingova ‘Bhudhi Mudyiwa’ zvichapera sei? Vanhu hamuna hlonipo chaiko munodarirei vakarwira kusunungura nyika ino uye vakakununurai gore riya muna November 2017. I am now failing to separate the origins of Rugeje’s case from his role in humiliating the late Uncle Robert. Zanu chiororo varume ikakushandisa yokusvipa zvayo ko mungaidii iriyo ikurira. Yavari kutamba General ndiyo nhamo yeNgoma yeZion iya inorohwa seri neseri ka iyi. After being one of the influential figures in the removal of Mugabe from office in the sanitized Coup, haa mageneral aona ndondo aya hapana achada kuvarangarira ummm, Garwe renyu rinenge ririkuputsa chirangano nevamwe becoz I am sure this cannot be what they agreed with the likes of Rugeje, Nyikayaramba, Guvheya, SB, Sanyatwe pavakashingirira Mugabe paya asi kana zvirizvo pakashata chaiko. These generals have been short changed on the political front despite their bravery being ridden on for political mileage by their counterparts who purport to civilian faces of their rule. Ndakambonzwa Bhaibheri richiti Muporofita haana chiremerera kudunhu rokwake, haa shuwa ndabvuma magwaro ozadzikiswa aya paBikita apo. It only needed the bravery of Central Committee initial winner Sithole to bow down to the giant that had fallen and pave way for his ascendancy into the committee. But hats-off to Sithole for honouring the General though from my view, I feel he should just swallow his pride, call it quits ondojoina Pfumvudza kumakomba uko mvura isati yarova pasi. Ko kana ari Sabhuku still he has a position to fight for his party even to the extent of mobilizing 5 million villagers saNhema zvee. Just accept the reality on the ground baba, kana makaitiswa makatoita, chingobvumai kushandiswa musiyane nazvo. At least you are alive and kicking, ko ana SB vakangoti ‘situation has reached another level’ not knowing they were on the death row vakatopfuura havo. Asi naivo mai vakakwapaidza General munazvowo zvivindi heee, hamutye sei mhiripiri dzese dzairemberera paChipfuva chemukuru uyu akapfeka hazu dzegamba? Anyway you are not alone in the wilderness General, paGutu zvakawirawo Togarepi, ko ipo paChivi mukuru wekumwa nekusvuta uya akambotsiurwa nemukomana waStop it onyanya kuindirira naBaba Berita ‘Dougie’, Paurosi akanzvengerawo kwaienda chibhakera wani.
Yaaa sketchy information filtering through is that with Mavhenyengwa losing ground on a pace he never imagined, the factional war would pit Ruvai and this fast rising Davis who is consolidating power kuZaka uko kwaachangosvika. Yes, the Once Minister without a Ministry is gaining ground and it is no surprise that some insiders in the party feel he is strategically positioned to take over from where Mavhenyengwa is failing thus pitting him against Zvazara. Musazoti Mapombi haana kuzvitaura kana zvoputika pamberi apo and this time around the battle is not too far since the primary elections for the 2023 harmonized polls are going to present another tournament for the two camps to tussle once more. Ko iko kuita mudyakaviri nhaiwe Davis, I thought that after you transferred from Masvingo district, you had left for good but am surprised to hear that you continue holding on to the constituency uchiti hausati wabvako. Is it a case of double dipping or not?
Asi guys ka , munhu akatemera Robert Junior mangoromera eNyurusi kumusana Mwari ave naye uye amuitire zvidhafu dhafu. Haaaa kubva paya pataingonzwa achitenderera neuyu muporofita-cum-thief-politician wekunzi naFather City muroora weAmereka mumaUniversity hatina kuziva kuti kwaiva kutsvaga zvimbeu zverudo zvakaimbwa nemushakabvu System Tazvida hey. After roaming around the country in our institutions of higher learning, we just thought that since Panganai is a fame-seeker, the two of you were on that mission. Little did I know kuti ndozvawaironga Robert hee. Kutozooneswa video rako woramba kubhadhara hangu ndiri panaMucheke river zvikanzzi ndomabasa obatwa nemwana wevaimbova mutungamiri wenyika. Haa zvinonyadzisa kwazvo. Pasi panodya zvikimba naYave, mwana waRobert Mugabe, the great orator, the legend chaiye chaiye? Haa futi nikisi. Ko Dr Gire makatadzawo kuridzira mwana kambo kaya kaLeonard Dembo here kemazita avakuru, haaa iri rasvibiswa nemwana wekubereka. Youngman, let me warn you, with the way your late father lived a principled life full of pride, his bones will turn ikoko kwaZvimba kwavakarara nemaitiro owoita nezita rawakapiwa. Ko ivo Uncle Bob hatina kumbovanzwira wani nyaya dzakadaro, ummm Tinashe Mugabe huya ubate basa umbovheneka mubiyako uyo tione probability of paternity so that one can have peace of mind apo. At least dai vari vana Sean or Tongai taingoti gavi rinobva kumasvuuriro mushure mekunge tambonzwa kuti mukuru akamhanyiswa muchibage kuPurazi kkkk. Haaya inonzi Bundesliga league yemusango inotambirwa mumashanga. Robert wakangobva uchinzi miviri haisi kunyatsoita zvakanaka only to resurface in a bedroom after eating the forbidden fruit and refusing to honour your part of the agreement. Wawapora nguvai nhai chihazvanzi? Kkkkk isu takaona une madrip zuro uno?
I am missing a lot of people guys. Varipiko Generari ndagarisa ndisina kumbonzwa chirungu chavo chiya chana Trabhabhurasi zve. How is he feeling because the last time I heard of him was when rumours surfaced that he was struggling with his health though they were swiftly dismissed as false. I just hope you make just a single public appearance Kedha even if you come for next month’s clean-up campaign in Masvingo and renew your allegiance to this province. Koiye mubiyangu Susan, I was eagerly waiting for your presentation at the UN General Assembly meeting that never was. Ummm uchange munhu wemanyepo newewo Susan heee waida kufadza aniko kuti unenge uriko nxaaaa. Before I sign off, let me urge responsible authorities to make sure finality is brought to these child marriage cases because yaAlice yakafa silently but with the way Themba is vocal, I am made to believe something will come out of this new Bikita case. Regai ndinokanga maputi angu zvangu. VaMphoko vamboripiko nhaimi nezvitiyo zvavo? Ugoona ndakavarota musi uno ndikazopeputswa nemosquito dzepachitima apa kkkk. Mboko imboko!!!
The General from Bikita is ‘spent force’
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