Mapombi as a woman supports women to take leadership roles in all sectors, be it government, Zanu PF, CCC, private sector, parastatals etc. I am a feminist I can say, but not a radical one, pamwe panoda kuonerwa kwete kungoti women women nepasingade. I heard kuManicaland vatanga heee toda vakadzi hee what what kuda kuita the most powerful women in Zimbabwe and probably in the region, Oppah Chamu Zvipange Muchinguri Kashiri a constituency. I am not sure if all those names will fit in paBallot paper kkkk. You didn’t know she is the most powerful, first woman in Zimbabwe and the region to head a country’s ministry of defence. Chairing the most despotic party in the region moti ipower rekutamba naro imiwee. Manje I heard she wants to be MP again kwake ikoko apa she was a senator kkk, nhamo, ko kuenda kuJongwe House kune vamwe uko or kutonotamba nevazukuru kumba nhai ambuya Kashiri. Go and rest Oppah usiye zveparliament izvi, kubva 1980 hauneti wakaita seiko? Unless you are crazy, I think you are, ndakatombonzwa kuti dzopota dzichitamba nepwere ipopaya. I am sure you all heard what she said gore riya, hanzi Covid 19 was a punishment to the West for giving us sanctions kkkk. Zvakazoguma nepi, didn’t it kill people here? Nxaa enda unozorora Oppah usiyane neNoiz yemuParliamnet.
Congrats to Cde Jongwe Masuka on receiving the overall best performer in the performance evaluation kkkk, I am not sure if he deserves it but what I know is Soda Zhemu should get the worst perfomer award kkk.Asi Jongwe nekutirimutsa kwaanoita vanhu vasingashandi muMinistry make, he arguably deserves it. He is doing nothing and I doubt if he is failing or he wants to sabotage Zanu PF as we go for elections. Isn’t he Jonathan Moyo’s disciple? Anoda kuongororwa because he is doing a good job in destroying Zanu PF from within sezvakataurwa naMusoro bhangu. Hanzi the only way to destroy Zanu PF is to do it from within and he almost succeeded in 2017 had it not been Kedha’s intervention. Paya yakapotsa yafa paya, where do you think yaienda kupi with the likes of Dr Stop It at the helm, the king of bootlicking Kudzai Apolojersey Chipanga aripo then the likes of ana Shamhu vekuti vaMugabe iCremora kkkk, zvatinomboona isu. Politiburo to discuss postponement of elections would have been done kuHeroes Acre as had been promised naKudzai kkkk.
I heard its cold out there and the comrades are doing whatever it takes to return to the party and government. I have seen kedu Kudzi has submitted his CV, ari kutochida paHeadlands ipapo and I am sure paya aiva mwana and he has learnt his lesson as he promised that day kuvakomana. I hear the politburo failed to vet the CVs in time and elections are likely to be postponed kkk, kutambura nemaCV of those who want to get in power and eat. MaG40 akakanda hobho and ari kuvatemesa musoro, they were caught unaware, they thought kujumha vanhu will limit the number of participants kkkk manje iii, they were ready and maG40s akawandisa. But naivowo vanhu kkkk, sure munhu kungotengera vanhu flour yekubika chingwa iye ari kuUK aakutoti ndoda kuita MP, haa mashura andooona ini. The constitution should be changed, on MPs and Councillors, no one should run for more than 2 five year terms. Age should be considered as well as level of education and property. We can’t have 75 year olds throwing in CVs and other people who have been in positions since 1980. Taneta nemaCareer MPs, vana Joram Gumbo, Sithembiso Nyoni etc. hazvisi ikoko kwega, we have them kuMDC and CCC, ana Amos Chibaya, Madimure paKambuzuma apo nana Biti ivava, they are career MPs. Siiraiwo vana Ostallos nana Ngadziore kuCCC uko, kuZanu hatichatauri.
But uyu anonzi Togarasei Mwonzora munoti haasati oda psychiatric evaluation imi? Mukati dzakanyatsoti kwesere imi? I had forgiven him for all the recalls he had done and zviya zvaaiti president vachienda kumabeby nebango ravo iwe nerako, all that nonsense takangoti tine benzi redu kudzana unopururudza but I think this is now too much. I hear he is now seeking for postponement of polls, what is he afraid of? He talks of delimitation which was flawed, how does that affect him kunge ane vanhu. He should just shut up and plan how he is going to survive after elections coz pake pari kupera soon.
He is not alone in the fear of the elections; Zanu PF is in a more panicky mode inzwai neni. They are busy oiling and greasing the rigging and violence machines kkkk. This month they have hiked salaries for our guys in uniforms, kuti kana votumwa zvisanetsa. I am told the Army is going on public order training kkkkk, hakudanwe anonzwa, tichadzidza zvakawanda mirai muone zvenyu. Funny enough they are being trained nePolice kkkkk. Zanu PF is desperate ladies and gentlemen and they will stop at nothing so please be careful. But ndopaidaka Sikhala apa, let me not say much ndingaswera ndamwiswa zvangu masewage kuno kkk. But just know the best way to put out fire is to start another fire in its direction and control it. Pazvinosanaga unobva wangodzima. Vanonzwa vatonzwa so.
Before I go hangu kunokanga maputi, is there anyone who knows about the Aljazeera documentary, rava papi. Or rakatobuda mukaona mega zvenyu and didn’t tell me. After all who cares about a seemingly crazy woman paChitima. Ndozvomofungaka kuti ndopenga, ignore me at your own peril. But the guys who did that documentary should not play with our minds, elections are around the corner, we need it so that we won’t vote for people who have been fingered in corruption. It’s not only about Zanu PF intimidating vanhu, vanhu vangwara vaakuziva zvavanoda. I heard kuZaka uko vachiti there is nothing chinobhowa like votting for someone wausina kumborutsa doro rake kkkk. Kudya havaregi but pekuvhotera vava kupaziva, I am not sure kuti inonzi Madhuku strategy here or ndiyo Mango strategy hameno, what I know is just that it’s a strategy. Aaaa manje maprimaries have been postponed, what it means is more kudyiwa nekumwiwa for candidates, more smoking for supporter’s kkkk. More noise for people of Masvingo as Mahwende and Pande drum up support from residents at night kunge mbavha. Mukavaonawo vanaMahwende moti vapfuure nepachitima vasiye mabond ndimbotengawo hangu mabanana asina kuora. Regai tidye, after all imari dzenyika idzi. Votasvurana PANDE OTI Mahwende ndewekuGweru uye hapana chakiatwa kuward 6 iyewo onzi ndeweHarare but vachizvinetserei, protest vote awaits them and seat roenda naChimuti wekwaNero iro.
I heard Tinashe Mugabe was in the ancient city, tichanzwa zvakawanda hedu, hanzi he wants to make sure that everyone goes to vote from his father’s place kkkk. From here please Tinashe head straight to Bulawayo, there is a paternity case that needs to be tackled there in our beloved VP Mphoko’s home. Hanzi he threw his son out recently. Hameno asiri kuzikanwa ndibaba or mai hameno please go and address that one please, our VP’s home is on fire. Greet Mphoko for me when you get there. Mboko Imboko !!!!
Zanu PF now in panic mode
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