Summer is fast approaching ladies and gentlemen, at least it’s the only relieving thing to imagine especially for people like me and many other homeless fellows I see in town kunyanya paOk manheru. They are homeless because of this curse that we were given I am not sure by who, kuti ndiwo mapfupa aMbuya Nehanda here or what hatichanzwisisi. Nhamo yese iyi is because of Zanu PF otherwise in a functional country no one should be homeless. At least all the vagabonds in town would be accommodated well kunana Ngomahuru uko getting treatment coming out after getting better but alas, kutoriwo nenzara and there is no medication to cool them down saka vakazara mutown kudai. Vamwe vacho vamunofunga kuti vanopenga you will realise kuti ingori nhamo chete but otherwise vatori vanhu bho zvavo. Zanu PF is the author of all these problems. Takamasiirwa zvedu naUncle Bob and Trababablas inherited the situation and instead of addressing it, he made it worse zvake. Zvabva zvandifungidza the late Eddison Zvobgo, baba vaiva nepamuromo zvavo vaya kkk. Hanzi kana muchimhanya relay, the starter should be a good runner, then he should run but the rule is anondopa umwe chitandanda. Hanzi naZvobgo takapa benzi kuti riite starter, kobvirwa Uncle Bob manje. Hanzi ramhanya zvakanaka and instead of giving the baton to the next person, hero nacho mugomo, asi Eddison ka kkk. Mwari ave newe wherever you are. Zvino benzi rakati rakwira nacho mugomo kwakutozoita vamwe vakashinga kutevera kunoritorera ikoko, zvino vakatora vacho havachadiwo nacho manje. We clapped hands in November gore riya taona rachibata and we thought richadzika nacho mugomo zvino harichadi kudzika nacho kkkk. Instead of addressing challenges, munhu busy zvake kumawedzera, and as if that is not enough, criminals around him are now planning to extend the presidential term limit, imi woye.
Before I talk about the third term issue, regai ndimbopa warning to this PE teacher from Ndarama. In fact, if anyone can get closer to David Janhi aka DJ Masomere who now call himself DJ Venyika warn him kuti ave kuenderera kumagumo kune nyaya. Please Masomere don’t forget that you are a mere PE teacher all this hullabaloo will end and you will remain a teacher. So stop lying to our parents kumusha kuti hanzi heee President wedu was elected by fellow presidents to be SADC chair. When was he elected, where was the election nhaiwe Janhi. This is a rotational post haina kana basa. Any stupid President can chair SADC when the country’s turn comes. Nxaa utikwanire Masomere. Uncle Bob was once both SADC and AU chair, what did we get from it kkkk. Takawanei isu kunze kwekutostrengthener his dictatorial tendencies. Ihwo huChairman hwacho huchatiparira kkkk. Seka zvako nhamo serugare, I heard varakashi vachiti the post will give the opposition parties leadership mukana to report issues of misgovernance, human rights abuses and chief among them the legitimacy issue kkk. Hanzi they will easily go and report to the new chair. I think this will be a wakeup call kune vaya vaiti SADC will never address our problems, the solution is in our hands.
Iko ndirikunzwa kuti the government imported palm trees to plant along streets only to impress SADC head of states kkkk. Hazvina kusiyana namai vanopakurira mufundisi mundiro yebhonzo baba nevana vachipiwa mugwagwandiro. Eh asi zviriko, tichikura tainzi kana pouya vaenzi tonzi tsvairai, ndopataidyawo huku ipapo saka taitozoti dai vaenzi vagara vachiuya. Should I make a wish kuti dai SADC yagara ichiuya kuda Harare yaigara yakachena, maroads achigadzirwa. My wish is just that kana vauya please take them on a tour of our Chikurubi maximum prison vaone political prisoners and the conditions they are enduring imomo vasina mhosva. Let them come vaone magarire atinoita not painting a wrong picture.
But ladies and gentlemen, Zanu PF takanyatsoitadzirei chaizvo. What sin did we commit to deserve this, kana tine mhosva please tell us tiripe. I am sure nemawandire atakaita in Zimbabwe we can afford a go fund me and contribute a dollar each for you to leave us alone. Just tell us the figure you want tione zvekuita tatambura isu. Masvingo Masvingo Masvingo, what sin did we commit nhai, why are you pushing the listening President to break the constitution. Ambonyanyoitei chaizvo that you want him to stay on beyond his constitutional two terms? Masvingo is known for pushing useless agendas with no benefit. What did the province benefit from the new dispensation after staying put naTrabablas. We have a lot of water bodies here but no irrigation vanhu vachifa nenzara mvura yese ichingoenda kunaSave. Moda marii nhai maZanu tikupei isu. Kusiri kufa ndekupi kana zvakadai. Can one Zanu PF member explain to me what we are benefitting as a province from this regime? I never said ipai Chamisa ini, I know you hate him to the core but even imomo muZanu PF chinjanaika. Ipai chero matofo sana Kedha, hapana ambori nani apa, kunzi president doesn’t mean unenge uchifunga, you just need to surround yourself with good minds that advise you. Manje vedu ava did the opposite, munhu kuzvisurrounder nembavha dzega dzega ndochii ichocho chakadaro chinenge ngozi. I know makamboimba kumagumo kune nyaya gore riya and it really came to pass but remember there will always be a story at the end, ichazova nhoroondo zvayo hapana chisingaperi. Tichatozotaura yava nhoroondo kuti kwaimbova nanaMavhenyengwa nanaMunyoro who bragged that they own the decision to ask the president to carry on. I heard the war veterans want to beg the President to stay again. Which war did those war vets fight? Are they really war vets or they were just vana mujibha. I know the real war vets did not fight for this but they fought for everyone’s independence but now the country is in Baba 2’s pocket. Ndeyavo nevana vavo zvavo who include Chivayo kkk. Iye ari kuita seiwo zvake, he has been quiet lately. Quiet just like Mthuli and Mushayamazano. Mukati that duo itoriko imi. Ah I heard that Mthuli finally came out of his hole and gave a mid-term budget review kkk. He is now just a minister in name ministry yava kumba kwaTrabablas iyi. Dr Amai is running finances dzenyika imi muchiti Mthuli is there. Mushayavanhu simply introduced the ZIG and went on to hide now hatichambomunzwa kana and unobva washaya kuti zviri kufamba sei manje. The budget review was just a written speech nothing touchable. Kunoverenga speech zvega wasting people’s time and energy. If anyone is closer to Mahiya please tell him to kuti he should smoke mbanje dzake zvakanaka and stop dragging war vets in his nonsense. Ari kuknganwa chazuro nehope, where is his fellow crazy guy Matemadanda? He is busy doing fishing kuMozambique uko achinzi ndi Ambasador kkkk. Kuita Ambasador weZim kunotonyadzisa. Heard the government owes these embassies millions of dollars in unpaid allowances and salaries tisati tataura hedu about kutongoshata kwema structures acho and lack of infrastructure.
Anyway, before I go zvangu kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, ndazogaya, the call for third term, tisati tataura about the constitution I think it’s a noble idea kuti varambe varipo vaone kuti vision 2030 was a lie, ikatadza kubuda vanozowana pekuhwanda napo vaakuti kuti the one who took over failed to fulfil my vision. That vision will only be achieved kuhope sabhinya, it’s only a few years before 2030 and there are no signs of toddler steps towards that. I think he should live up to see his lie. I am sure all those who are pushing for that agenda are angels of Satan who are trapping the president. In fact, I believe they are from the Kedha faction who want to see him fail so that he is exposed to pave way for Kedha to take over.
Kana anyone akaonawo our former VP VaMphoko please tell him chando chaakuda kupera this side we no longer need incubators but kune nzara ngavaitewo vanhu vawane upfu kana chibage not mapfunde ari kupiwa vanhu. I heard ava kutobikiswa ndari zvawo. Iwo arikumbobvepi asi mapfunde aya negorosi zviri kupiwa vanhu. Mukati hapana munhu ari kutoita madhiri ipapa achitora chibage opa zvake vanhu mapfunde, anything is possible with Zanu PF. Mboko iMboko !!!
Zanu PF takakutadzirai chii tiripe?

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