Ladies and gentlemen I hope we are all seeing that this year will not deliver much in terms of zvinobatika because ratanga rakamwa hwahwa zvaro gore rino. Unotomboita wish kuti dai maharmonized elections achiitwa every year ingadai izvozvi tiine some activity, chero maroads achigadzirwa, mvura nemagetsi zvichigara zvakati tii tisina kana problem. Plus tinenge tichiti tikati gare gare we get freebies from Zanu kumarally, you know, rice, mbeu and what not. Haa kumarally kweopposition hakuna chinodyiwa, kungodhandaura mhanzi dzaMadzore zvotopera and we go back home tichingomedza mate, kkkk. Havana kana cent vanaNero vaya. Vangori neyavo yekudya kudzimba dzavo nekuendesa vana vavo kumaprivate schools. Muno muZimbabwe if you don’t give people machicken inn nemapepsi kumarally they don’t take you serious. Those people vanouya kumarally for free icecream are the ones who determine your future imi muchingoteverera mahashtag epaTwitter, hameno yakunzi X iyoyo. Regai Abel Mauchi azoti dai ndaiva politician ndaingouraya mombe pamarally, yokwatiswa chembere dzisina meno dzonamwa, kkkk. He knew that people want those things, especially nyama, idzo chicken inn dziya, vamwe vanenge vaiguma paChristmas. With the way the economy is, ingori covo yega yega irikudyiwa mudzimba umu hakuna chimwe. Regai ndirege kutaurisa, Mthuli angatozopedzisira otaura zvetax kuCovo ikoko kuzvigarden zvepamba vanhu vakatambura.
Ko toti nemakorokotozve neiyo new executive yavaTshabangu yatakanzwa nezvayo. Ko ini ndaitika ndichaona kedu Rocky karimowo imomo kachikwanakwanawo wanike zero zero. Takatonzwa kuti congress manje manje naTreasurer wemusangano, and he said mari hobho. He said they have many well-wishers that is why they are affording to pay expensive lawyers and vachihwina futi in the courts Nero neteam rake vakangoti vavava. Mapombi wonders who these wellwishers are, but zvamuri kufungira izvozvo nyorai mega, kkkk. Musaita semusingazivi kuti ndivanaani kutsvaga kuti ndinzi Mapombi anotaurisa. Mawellwisher manyama, anobva kumusangano wekusimbira kumasero uyu. But that just goes to show that many are Chamisa’s enemies. Handifungi kuti there has ever been a so much hated opposition leader, yet who is loved by many as well. Zvinhu zvacho so, you really wonder how much planning and strategizing went into rendering Nero useless, because the plotting haingangovi yakaitwa pasi pemuti. And surely iye Chamisa knows he has so many enemies that’s why kasingadyi or kumwa mvura pose pose. Asi hamuzvizivi kani? Hanzi chero ukachipei hachibati, and we all saw mamwe maCCC MPs trying to imitate that vachitukanirana kumwa mvura yekuParliament. Manje rimwe team racho madyo too much, kungoshama pese pese senge manyana eshiri, muchafa makachenama, kkkk. Ungaudza Hwende izvozvo zvekuti usadya pose pose, anotozorangarira atoguta kare uyo, apa nekutokotsira futi muParliament macho. Akabvunzwa kunzi sei wamwa mvura yeparuzhinji or sei warara during parliament session wotoudzwa kunzi ndine marori nebusiness that employs hundreds of people ka ini. Regai Winky D akazoti ibotso chokwadi, anga atozviona kuti tinenge tiri kuripa ngozi senyika.
Ko blue yandakanzwa kuno kuchitima ndeyechokwadi here nhaimi? Ko zvavachatipedzera macolour ese emureza takatarisa, kana erainbow? Imi, even us vanaMapombi we may one day want to start our own parties, apa makapedza macolour ose henyu. Vanhu Tripo C don’t be selfish please, gadzirisanai murege kutora macolour ese please todawo kumashandisa. Chinozondiitira funny manje is the repulsion, or fake thereof inozoitwa nevanhu veZanu to the yellow color. Our politics is just toxic, madrama ega ega. Vamwe vavo havatodi kupfeka yellow hanzi tozonzi tiri machinja. You see, imimi vanhu veMDC, CCC nemamwe mabazi that are also threatening to finish all letters of the alphabet, veZanu havamborinei nekuti muri vapi, mese mungori machinja munongonzi naED pasi nemhanduuuuu, mese nehuhwandu hwenyu. If you become like Chamisa probably that is when you can be called by name. I can imagine zvichitonzi pasi naTshabanguuu, kkkkk. If Chamisa is to leave opposition politics tichaonerera because imagine all that pent up anger and resentment against him zvobva zvashaya basa. Vamwe vanoita senge vachatomumanikidza chaiko. We may all laugh at the talk about Tshabangu’s party using Chamisa’s face but that’s how bad it is. Nero chinovashaisa hope chiya. Akatanga yake party nyowani Chamisa hameno kuti achashandisa face yaani, but it’s a good thing because at some point we have to do away with politics dzezviso zvevanhu. That’s pure dictatorship, and maZimbo hamudzidze, you created Mugabe akakuonesai mbonambona, as hamumbodzidzi zvenyu. It is now obvious that CCC yaNero hakusisina, chaora chinhu chiya, but we wait and see which colour comes next. But guys, Zanu chiororo, who ever dreamt kuti paYellow paizodhakwa this early? Atova nerecord Chamisa rekubvutirwa chihwitsi pamuromo, and zvemukomana zviri kuita zvichipera, manje manje chinenge chava chidhara. Put your house in order kuopposition uko because if you keep acting like zvidhambakura this country hamufe makaitonga ino.
Akaperaka maelections, people are being evicted muzviminda minda umu hanzi makatengeserwa nani. Imi maiti zvinoenda nepi, mombe yekuronza kama wakaringa nzira. All this land haisi yenyu iyi, ine vene nhaika. Be advised accordingly, don’t buy land kumasabhuku, because nawo masabhuku acho arikusungwa hanzi maland baron. Ndamboti paya akapera maelections hamusisina basa, tosangana 2028.
These days it seems as if Mhamha vane low profile, or we are missing the action nekushaya magetsi iwaya anongogara asiko, anoti chero shiri ikahetsura iri paline rawo kana ariko otoenda. We saw Mhamha naBaba varikuredza hove nemhuri the other day, ndikati hazvishamisi kuti pasi pemvura paiva nasomeone holding a bucket of fish kuti baba vanzi vabata, kkk. Imi hamuzivi zvinoita madictator here imi? Haven’t you seen Museveni paUganda apo achijogger and doing zvimapress up mumba make teaching the nation how to keep fit, mabodyguard ake achimuomberera? On another one dzaiita race with masoja nemabodyguard adzo achibaika nekusiiwa naye mudhara uya. Ini zvangu ini. Kana tazogara, madictator anojairira vanhu. To them everything we do not have or cannot afford is because takapusa or we should work harder. Imi makangoudzwa wani kunzi idyai murivoo nemapotato. Plus hanzi nyika inovakwa nevene vayo iyi, anyone who does not understand that should continue to suffer, ndoideology yacho. Zvakangofanana nanaPapa vanongoitisa vanhu wani, if you try to speak against them zvonzi touch not the anointed kkk. BBC was labelled chidyiro chasatan because of that TB Joshua documentary. These pastors or prophets have mastered the art of controlling people, that’s why I am saying hazvina kusiyana nekupolitics. In fact vanaPapa vari mberi because these political leaders of yours vanotovaswededza mudhuze for them to retain power, that why Angel ane direct line kunaMhamha zvamakangoona paGold Mafia paya. Ko matsotsi haageranika. Regai zvizonzi religion is the opium of the poor. Ipapa hapashayi anototi Mapombi kane madhimoni, endai munokanamatira kuchitima ikoko, manje ini wangu musoro haubatwi, handidi nawo mungazondipomera kupusa. Dr Gire vakangotsvagira wani wavo mwana mufesi wekukereke Simba chero hazvo it ended in tears, zvinowanikwa muvanhu. Vaitova nestrategy ipo paya because she knew kuti social capital yekuchurch ndomasports acho.
Makauonaka mutemo mutsva unorambidza varume kurara nevana vari below 18? Izvozvi kune mamwe madhara akatovata either achihwa mudumbu or akatsamwa because ndomadzimai avo iwayo zvanana. Panga paine inonzi nemagweta legal lacuna, manje yakavharwa. Ahh Mapombi knows tuchirungu rungu twemalawyer, ndinoverenga kaini. Chero zvaana Advocate Fulcrum vanonyengera Advocate Nero zvisina basa I read everything. Ndinozongorwadziwa hangu when I see the law being weaponised to recall young people from Parliament and councils. Mati aite seiko Ostallos kana ndimiwo? NaChibaya wacho simbi dzebasa kuopposition. Asi Tshabangu neteam rake vachatukirwa nevazukuru vavo kusvika kurudzi rwechina. Exactly why did he recall Ostallos? Kumaka vana vadiki kudaro, chii nhai? Munozoti Mapombi anotaurisa henyu but I think Tshabangu ane some unresolved issues dzepersonal life yake dzaava kusolvera mupublic. I hope he gets the necessary healing and realises his mistakes one day.
Regai ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch, mazuvano mabanana arikuora chaizvo. But before I go, Dhugish haasati avhura hombe here futi yemadhirezi? I think on 31 December 2023 he was praying kuti Mwari ndibatsireiwo ndisavhura hombe muna2024, otherwise chiporofita chaBushiri chingazotadza kubuda nomo nomo. Veduwe if anyone meets VaMphoko muvamhoresewo, muti hanzi hesi naMapombi. Otherwise, till next week, mboko imboko!
Zim opposition will soon finish all rainbow colours

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