My sincere hope ladies and gentlemen is that those who died for this country know the amount of power that they have, because you can see the amount of jitters ED 2030 pundits developed when Geza and friends cracked the whip. What’s sad though is vakazonyanya kutambura mhani so kungopihwa zvimafufu kudai nekutokanganwa kuti tanga tichimbotaura nyaya dzei. Again, it is considered bad manners to speak while you are eating, that’s why vachimbopota vachiti dii kunge vasiko, vachionera zvavo. Trust them to be back pasina nguva with new concerns, kana vapukuta muromo zvavo. We have a long history of war veterans being neglected by Zanu government, which has also become their trump card, but those people are like a live wire to Zanu macdes. If you guys think I am bluffing, look at what happened to Baba Bona once he crossed that line with war vets: he bathed them with that coloured water, tudhara netuchembere tukatema makotsi nezvitsitsinho and what happened after? Hazviitwe zviya. Vanoera vanhu vaya, hapamihwe mihwe. I am sure right now in Zanu PF they are busy strategizing on how to keep blinding war vets so that they don’t see the light like what vanaGeza have done. A rebelling war vet is Zanu PF’s worst nightmare guys, and the system deliberately makes them suffer a little kuitira kuti kana vopihwa kasomething vanombokanganwa maprinciples plus zvavakaendera kuhondo. But I also think that even if they are bribed, vanhu vacho vane kamwe kaconscience kanoita kuti varambe vachidzoka, which is why vachityiwa like that. They kept Zanu in power since 1980, and every time we have seen real shift mumusangano it’s because vanenge vaine chekutaura. Land reform chaiyo, if you look at it, they were the ones who demanded for a share of what they had fought for, and that changed the trajectory of Zimbabwean fortune for good. That is why I usually say those people needed counselling and serious psychotherapy after ceasefire because remember paya they got ma50k vakamwa zvavo tea nenyama kusvika yapera, only to go chase away whites from farms ndokutanga kugara mutudzimba twemapango kumakombo.
One thing we need to bear in mind though is that Genarari’s relationship with war vets is not just any kind of relationship built on hugananda nekungoda kudya. If you guys listened to what he said kuHeroes Acre the other day about zvigananda you will see kuti the wheels may soon come off. Looking at it, that was a mind game, especially targeted towards the war vets because taking them down the memory lane talking about the liberation struggle days, obviously got one or two of them thinking—real introspection chaiyo kuti asi takamborwirei chaizvo? They were taken back to the bases in the bush where they would share everything, fighting the guerrilla war pasina maresources akakwana vachiita share kusvika nezvemukati, ask Mutsvangwa, nyaya dzemanduwe kuhondo anodziziva idzi. I believe he was indirectly reminding them that if they are not careful, nekuwanda kuri kuita zvigananda, by 2030 they will no longer be relevant, firstly because they know tumbavha utwu tumabornfree only support Zanu for self-enrichment, nothing else. Secondly, they know that their poverty will only worsen with more of those in power seeking for more wealth and more terms. With Genarari openly calling out corruption like that, and subtly referring to My Son Icarus on such a public platform, ndirini Chimbwido I would see kuti shuwa tiri kuvhairirwa nembavha isu tiri isu tairara musango tichirumwa nemarize, iye achisweroimba dzekumasowe mundege. Ma2030ists know that there is a strong bond between war vets and the military, born out of the principle yeNzira Dzemasoja dzekuzvibata nadzo. The reason why they separated Geza from the rest of the war vets and attacked his person kutoziva kuti you can never get away with brushing off mawar vets. Vakaita chipatapata zvigananda kuburitsa neiri pai mari to make sure they grease the hands of the war vets. I even think chero ivo vanaMahiya vacho vanototyiwawo by those who think can handle them, because it does not take much before they switch sides. They know that war veterans have never been afraid of being wrong at any given time, kutambura zvavo. Baba Two knows that once zvaendwa kumawar vet zvatoendwa, and vachatosimba homwe to keep buying them, which may also work against him because once they become stable vaakukwanisa kuzvitengera chingwa, or when the freebies are finished, they will no longer see the point yekuswerosupporter nonsense. It is an endless pit ladies and gentlemen. Their only hope is through eliminating those in the army one by one, which will take way longer than three or even four presidential terms. Iwo magenerari amboita murakatira vedu, kuita as if they were sprayed with something. Of course, age is catching up and all, but the truth is mmm, hapana kunyatsojeka. I wish the war vets could wake up and realize that varikunyengedzwa nemafufu sehuku because being given US$200 sevharamuromo is an insult. That is such a dizzying level of disrespect, especially coming from people you know want to use you to endorse their nonsense. Zvimadhara zviya zvikarwara neprostate cancer inodai kunetsa haina zvainobatsira mari iyoyo, it’s too little. One thing I am sure of zvangu is that shoma iyoyo yakauya is only going to be shared among the leaders vakatojairawo corruption, and it is never going to reach mawar vets chaiwo anoziva nzira dzemasoja. Very soon tinenge taakudzinzwa nyaya dzevakaba Presidential War Vets Funds, mark my words. It’s another scheme to loot, but this time it will have consequences because war vets ndivana Fearfokol, they will speak. Simba rava kuita richipera but trust me macdes, ndopanotonyanya pamuromo ipapo paold age.
I once said the 2030 agenda is never about anything but for those thieving in the name of Zanu to continue thieving, vachichera gold nekuloota kusvika vaneta. The rich becoming richer while the poor become poorer. My only prayer is that we have a few more Gezas, or at least one Geza in each province achiitawo mapress conference. Kuno kuMasvingo Rugeje and crew vobudawo musaga, zvobva zvanakidza. I hope the war vets realize that 1.5 million izita chete, it’s just pocket money to these people, kunonzi kuvaraidzwa nemajiggies like kids. Just imagine someone buying tumuguri twechibage ne$5 000, maYuwesi not zvipepa zvanaMushayazano izvi, hakusi kushaina ikoko? In a place where pregnant women walk kilometres in labour to the nearest clinic. In actual fact I think they shouldn’t have published it, because isu vanaMapombi we did calculations tikatoona kuti mawar vet anojairirwa vakomana.
Let me go ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch, while I munch on rotten bananas. I hear very soon Masvingo councillors will be having mabango emaphone to take good pictures of the raw sewer in Mucheke River. Maybe ndobango rake rake rairehwa naDhagi Dhagi. Everyone angopinda paapinda chatova chigananda, looting yega yega. Let’s wait and see what happens as soon as Makomuredhi finish the peanuts they are being given neveAgenda ava, as we also wait for referendum. Pachanakidza.
2030ists afraid of war vets

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