Guys, did anyone ever hear about the 4ED outfits activities or it was just the usual madness yatakajaira senyika? I only saw Tendai Jari and crew rake rekuYoung Women 4ED toyi toying the other day vachisvotesa Genarari Kedha, ndiyoka For Economic Development yacho iyoyo. I know zvangu you guys, especially maZanu vekufaction ye2030 are happy seeing me say Vision 2030 is never about ED thinking Mapombi is on your side, munopenga, handina kupusa ka ini. But guys, don’t you think it’s high time they give us proper names for these factions tione kufambirana because remember we once had Gamatox and Zvipfukuto, then came Lacoste versus G40, now we want good names anofambiranawo nenguva. I can suggest a few good names though; how about we call vekwaGenarari the Ambi faction, yaBa 2 we shift a bit toiti Garwe, seeing that Danyero is taking the cup in bootlicking? Whatever it is chaari kuvavarira chikuru. Maybe you have better names, itaiwo muchisuggester so that when the action begins, seeing that we are not very far, tinenge tine mazita aribhoo, ko tingadii? Nyika yese we have been reduced to being comedians ka because that’s the only thing we can do zvisina muromo. Everyone angowana data nesmartphone akutoita maskits, nekuside Ba 2 vakangomira on any podium votovhurawo hombe kuti vasekererwe, zvinhu zvacho here. Very soon tinenge tawanda mumastreets after all these retailers and wholesalers offload hundreds of workers, apa those deported from the US rinenge ringori besanwa mumastreets nawo maNiggers, kkkkk, kuseka nhamo serugare.
Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, I hope Mthuli is not cooking another stupid programme in light of the new developments. Iye naChitova Mushayazano mheno these days kuti aripi, let’s hope Boys DzeSmoko are not up to something trying kuchera mvura nebasket. Rinozviitaka team riya. You may rig everything else but not the economic team rangu. While you are busy shouting ‘vision 2030’, hee ‘2030 vanenge vachipo’ the economy is behaving like a bull in a China shop, worse still with what Trump recently did, pachazeiwa ndati. If ever Mthuli comes up with some silly programme no one should listen, because as a country, what haven’t we seen? Kwakauya Growth with Equity Policy back then in 1981, ndopaya pavakalootazve in the name of promoting local participation in development, vachijustifier necolonialism tichangobva muhondo. Dai vanaGeza vakavhurawo meso ipapo dai vasiri kunzi Cursed Geza nanaDhanyero Garwe nhasi. Then came ESAP 1991 to 1995, kuchingotaurwa izvozvo zveinvestment and improving living conditions, tikazodii paya? Kukauya MERP that time when inflation skyrocketed at the turn of the millennium, I was young zvangu in 2001 but I know that it went from bad to worse. VanaMashakada vangova mazuru akapinda nyoka in politics vachiri muGNU launched Medium Term Plan in 2011, tikati hezvino, wanike kufarira n’anga inobata mai. ZIMPREST, ZimAsset, STERP, nhasi zvonzi Vision 2030, imi mutikwanire imi. We washed our hands since 2013 being told kuri kuuya mamega deals tikati zvino tozogaisa rugare. Iyo economic development yacho by Zimbabwean definition chimbori chiiko ichocho chatisati tamboona? I really wonder because whenever the Zanu government starts throwing around these terms kanenge katori kadhiri kekutora mari zvisina noise. Vanenge voda kushikashika vakomana. We continue being taken for a ride senyika ladies and gentlemen, if you see anything chinonzi 4ED, it is neither for economic development nor for Emmerson Dambudzo but for looting and getting close to power in order to loot even more. I highly doubt that ivo Ba 2 vacho is still desperate for amassing wealth, but kuchiri nezvimwe zvimapere still hungry to get everything they can get. Every single one of them is a scavenger, and you can see it in the level of bootlicking. If you see anyone akasimudza chibhakera mudenga, it’s never about any ED, but for own personal interests. The only people we could give benefit of doubt mawar vet who we can say are protecting sovereignty even though we know zvedu kuti matakanana, not Varakashi who do not even know the history of neither party nor the country, who are twerking for Aquas and mari yaChivhayo. Zvigananda zvega zvega izvi. You cannot tell me that anyone doing anything for Zanu will be doing it for the love of the country, even so called opposition politicians know that, dzitoriwo mbavha dziya. It even sounds unfair calling them mbavha because that has become the normal way of life in this teapot-shaped country. I don’t have any way of proving it zvangu but if all these people were to be given a chance to choose between Ba 2 and Dzambarafuta maiprover theory yangu. I don’t want kurwisanisa hangu My Son Icarus nababa vake but you guys nyatsozvitarisai. Chivhayo must really have something big on Ba 2 because the way he is so untouchable ka. I saw his pictures ari kuKenya with Ruto, ikokozve kwakatangira Vision 2030 naMwai Kibaki don’t forget. Aizve, zvakatangira kuKenya zveVision 2030 izvi. I’m just amused zvangu to know that the 2030 charlatans know that there is a handler somewhere whom they are accusing to be behind Geza, ko saka munomborambirei kuti there is factionalism? Munotijairira imi. Moti kutibira mafuta ayo nyika moti kutinyepera.
But guys, are you sure kuti Genarari is a better devil? I once said ini baba vaya ndinovatya ini. Chete when you are thirsty you will drink from any cup—remember pakada kutomboita some noise about Passenger 34, when some cdes tried to sell us Kasukuwere as some Savior of sorts. Vanhu vakaramba kutengeserwa nyoka, kkkk, chii chakadaro? I guess he was dreaming of a return to Zimbabwe like the November 2017 yaED, haa veduwe, manatsamukamwa harahwa kurota ichiyamwa. That is not going to happen. Jonso accepted his fate now akungogadha midhudhudhu in Kenya bothering no one. Let those who are shouting about 2030 shout very loud, chakanakira Zanu inozongobvisa criminals surrounding the president, vakanyarara vachisaramo zvavo. That is how some people survived paRestore Legacy paya. Yep yep haidi kuwanzwa sisi Tate, munoswera maakubika magwinya naMandiwetera Chimene kwanasekuru kuMozambique.
Let me go ndinokanga maputi angu for lunch, these days I’m on a strict rotten banana diet madomasi akapera nemvura. These days hazvidi kudyisa unoita mudumbu, nurses are stressed out nenyaya yemadonor iyi. People are panicking, especially on the antiretroviral medication issue, bva yedu hurumende busy celebrating, while vana Botswana vakarongeka are releasing statements assuring the public that supply of ART will not be affected. Isu kungodzvokorana, no plan, no information, nothing. Takaroiwa neakafa. These days Chimusana chakaserera but chakabvaruka bvaruka. I really wish that thing is swept away if rains return tione. Shuwa a highway inoita congestion just because of potholes, potholes chaiwo ladies and gentlemen? Uone kuwanda kwakaita maengineer, kudarika vanhu.
Vision 2030 madness never about ED, cdes

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