Ladies and gentlemen, I was hoping that talk about El Nino was just nothing but hot air, literally, and boy was I wrong. The temperatures are competing with the Zimbabwean government to see which one can make life more difficult for us, but pazvibodzwa, hurumende inenge iri kuhwina zvayo. Ahh vanhu vepi vasina manda sehohwa, kkkk. Hanzi naED be prepared for currency reforms, pamwe they want to give us mari nyuwani like they always do kkk, from zero to hero. Tobaika nekuitwa matsvani emari tsva. I think they should just build a museum for all the notes we have used in this country because some of us are losing track. Regai tichizosekwa nemaSouth Africans kunzi international orphans, ko what will stop them when everyday our leaders wake up to embarrass us even more on the international scene. We are always trending for the wrong reasons, and we are back again to being millionaires. If you throw a stone in any public place in Zimbabwe, it will hit a few millionaires before it lands down, ehe ndopanoti nyika inotongwa nevana vangu. Chero kuno kuChitima you see them millionaires vachitenderera vachitsvaga matemba nemachunks zvakachipa. Unzwe kaMthuli kachitaura zvemaeconomic speculators unoti maybe kanga kagara kane plan izvo zero-o. You don’t get to blame the masses for your failure forever nhai Mthuli wee, it is your circus and your monkey as well nhandi Professor wematsvinyu, kkkk.
Ko toti nedzoizve VaMutsvangwa for being relieved of your duties kucabinet uko. Zvatotanga so. Pasina nguva maO-vet akutoti you are the architect of their problems, we know kuti kana bere roda kudya mwana waro rinoti anhuhwa mbudzi. If you are overambitious kuZanu unogurwa muswe, ask Mai Mujuru kana iye ED wacho, kuzongoti vakuru vane strategy so vakazongojumha havo bounce back zvikafamba, otherwise zvanga zvatoendwa munzira yekuMoza. Mutsvangwa is too trigger happy, muromo havana baba vaya and I strongly suspect that he has stepped on many toes as well creating a lot of enemies in his camp over the years. Ukaona munhu anoita kuchena mativi emuromo nekutaurisa, that person is a problem kuda power nekuva full of I know. There are instances when what Mutsvangwa does work asi hapasi pose, and as someone who has been in the system for a long time he should know that. Inga wani vanaMohadi vanongodawo wani ipapo chaipo asi they show it subtly, havangodhomoki pese pese. Unozongonzwa kuti vadonha pamwe vanenge varara vachifunga kuita mukuru wenyika vomwa makapu avo maviri pozoitika zvimwe zviya zviya, kkkkk. Mazuvano ED arikumhanya nevechidiki and that is commendable, ipai vechidiki mikana vadzidzewo pamwe zvingaita nani, not zvanaTshabangu who recalled mayor wedu Shanty. Toti nemakorokotozve Masvingo warangarirwa, avo deputy minister vedu manyama vepaMwenezi apa Chikomo wava mudhuze mudhuze. I listened to her speaking and I agree kuti for now it is still all froth no beer, but I guess zvichaita pamberi apo. Ko inga Mavetera akangotanga achidhomoka wani asi padiki padiki zviri kuita zvichimaker sense. Kumadiplomatic trips uko kunodawo kuenda nemadelegates anoratidzikawo pane vamwe, you never know what will bring foreign direct foreign investment, or relations together, or investment relation….ahh imi, whatever Chikomo was trying to say in that interview izvozvo. Arikuwandaka madzimai mucabinet, maybe we are going the Rwandan route, but kana tisati taita deal necorruption zviroto zviroto Bhobho wakareva. Mapombi is seeing Zacc is trying to arrest corruption, which is a good move but vatinoda chaivo chaivo imi munovaziva, hatidi kubatwa kumeso. For people to restore faith in Zacc, I think panofanirwa kumbopihwa one custodial sentence kuteam hombe iri tonyatsoona kuti you are serious, not this chasing of mosquitos while monsters abound. Chii ichocho chinenge ngozi?
Back to madzimai edu maminister aya, Kungofarawo zvedu seMasvingo kuti tawana umwe Minister, worse mukadzi but the truth of the matter is that the number of people who benefit from Zanu has increased chete nothing else, we get nothing from these appointments kkk. Vamwe vari kutoti Masvingo yakomborerwa but hapana hapana takangofanana nemi munaTatenda weskandari kkk. Ko makuitana sei futi nemaboyfreind enyu nhai veduwe? Hanzi Minister vakaona kuti paipa vakati mapurisa mhanyai paita mbavha. Handiti you see ka nhai Sirivhiya naDhoreni newe Giribheti kuti chero maminister ari kungonyiswawo nemjolo kkkk. Regai tichizomboisirwa zvimwe zvimaclause zvekupenga in our marriage laws because mumacorridors of power munovhurwa hombe, iwo macivil partnership iwaya.
We recently saw that the country is about to be painted blue, hanzi musangano musharu uya wava mutsva. If I could get a dollar everytime the opposition repeats the same mistakes, dai ndisisagari kuChitima ndakatovaka mansion chero nekwaChirimudombo kumusha kwangu uko. You can wear every colour of the rainbow, but if the core is not fixed hazvibatsiri kani. My brother Nero, I hope one day you stop running away from your own shadow and fix what is broken within both you and the criminals around you. Yes, maiti kuZanu koga kunoita macriminals around the president? Zviri kwese izvi, and the hunger for power is hard to satisfy. Moving out of CCC was a good move, though it did not correct the real mistake, nor did it fix the real problem. Mapombi’s question is, saka kana pakaita vari disgruntled muparty with the way you do things, what you will do is to wait until they choose to act in their anger, break the party, and you go on to start another one? Aiwa, kuda kutonzwisisawo uku, because it is now becoming a pattern ka. For how long will you keep dragging people around? Asi navo vanhu vacho munazvo, zvuzvurudzwai because you do not hold your leader accountable. Mune chiZanu Zanu mese, you are just the same. Ndogara pazasi apoo paChitima kana magumbuka. This thirst for controlling the narrative kuopposition will be difficult to quench, yet you tell us kuti you will bring change. Ukuwo nedivi Jobson Sikhandela ari busy kuitawo zvake. Iwo maporofita enyu aya achakurashai. I really think whoever advised Job ane utsinye. I think he was shown the hashtags about him when he was still in prison akanzi vanhu muzedze, wanike hapana hapana. Ko nanaKomichi mayesteryear politicians vakadai kupera vasati vatanga I saw him flanking Sikhala, as if it was all love from the beginning, imika, vanhu vane moyo yakaipa kufurira chaiko. You can clearly see kuti Job is so desperate for leading the opposition, but manje zvanetsera pakuti Chamisa kanodiwa nevanhu. His biggest undoing however is not realizing that one day, he will wake up and people won’t be as zealous about him as they are now. Losing one supporter is losing one too many, and I believe as it is now, some people have been lost for good, especially those from areas kwakaitwa vanhu recall. Right now there is serious apathy kunze uko because people have lost faith in the ballot, saka panoda kutoshandwa chaiko to restore that faith, asizve Zanu won’t be folding its hand meanwhile. It’s just that hameno Zanu ikapabuda pemaland barons apa because right now mamiriro ekunze arikuti musangano wakarasisa vanhu chero zvavo vaityora mutemo, uku vachitopihwa mbeu nezvimwe nawo musangano wacho for years. But Zanu manje chiororo, kana yakabuda pamurambatsvina paya nepana 2008, izvi masmall small aya.
Regai ndinokanga maputi angu zvangu for lunch kusati konyanya kupisa, but before I go, make sure kuti zviblue zvenyu izvo work this time because taneta nekungodzingirira mhepo. Kana mouya kurally vuno Masvingo mundiudzewo veduwe ndasuwa kutamba nziyo dzaMadzore pamaspeaker mazikuru aya. Kkk iyo blue iyi, Mukomana akatorecruiter mapurisa sefunny kkk. Vanopfeka blue kkk, anti-riot ichadzinga sei vanhu kurally yemukomana. Nhaka vachaenda vakapfeka maKhakhi nezvitengu zviya, ungazopfeka mangongo neFawn. I heard Sam Chapfudza is now a senator, inga mwari vanosimudza marombe sure. Taingova tese pachitima apa iye ari vendor ini ndichitamba yangu, nhasi atova senator kkk. Mukamuona mumuudze auye azondionawo veduwe, ngaauye kuchitima kune vaaitamba navo asaita saMadhuna wekuward 3 wandakanzwa kuti haachasvike Pasisk kunoona fellow money changers kkk.
Asi mukaona VaMphoko mamunofamba umu muti hanzi naMapombi ndeipi yenyu, kana kuchine zvimwe zvitiyo project mundinyorewo. Mboko imboko!
Behold the same old new!

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