Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed SADC chairpersons, forgive me for not being patriotic, I had totally forgotten that we had an Anti-Sanction Day to march against sanctions imposed on us by the West. That’s the worst sign of not being unpatriotic and I just hope the Patriotic Act will not catch up with me in the long run. Yaimbovako musi waaniko I just heard it was on this week vanhu vachidisplayer foolishness in the streets? Yakaitirwa kupi, here in Masvingo we used to do it paCivic Centre and march across town where no one from Britain or America would see us kkk nhamo zvainoita. The idea is good but pazvinoitirwa manje ndoma1. If we are really serious about this a country let’s all go and camp paUS embassy like some fellows vandakanzwa kuti they have camped there since the inception of the Anti-Sanction Day. But I wonder how lame and stupid some Zimbabweans are. What are sanctions? Ingori nyaya yekuti iwe hatitambi newe, we don’t give you credit, we don’t buy from you and you don’t buy from us. Usasvika kumba kwedu gara kwako. Totoita march against that? Are we not a sovereign nation? Can’t we just ignore the west and focus on rebuilding our country brick upon brick? Let’s put our house in order first and the so called investors whom we are looking for kunana Belarus will come willingly. Vanouya vega, there won’t be need to go and look for them. Let’s just make the conditions conducive chete, tikangodaro zvatopera. Inga we have our East all-weather friends, the Chinese criminals who are investing in Zimbabwe in all sectors of the economy but we still cry kuti sanctions what what. Zanu PF has failed ladies and gentlemen. There is need for change of the way we do things. While we march for sanctions, we also need to march against corruption and misgovernance, looting and embezzlement.
Who is trying to set up Marble Chinomona asi nhaimi, I hear speculations that she is the favourite candidate to replace Kedha? Vanenge vaenda kuti Genrol Ambi? 2030 vanenge vachipo unless you have some other way to get rid of him hameno. Marble, I am pleading with you as a fellow woman, regerai vakomana munoremara vakomana. I am sure everyone knows how Mai Mujuru fared after being used to shield Baba 2 gore riya. Where is she now? She was the most powerful woman during her time but nowadays taakungoti once upon a time.
But Baba 2 futi, the rigging mindset haibude mumusoro mavo sure. Can we call it dzungu I don’t know. Out of the whole sixteen SADC member, he is the only one who has since congratulated Chapo for winning an election before even vote counting was yet to close. But haa ladies and gentlemen, paMoza ma1. How on earth did they put 15 days of vote counting? Ah 15 days vakomana while we are trying to do away with five days? Mr SADC Chairman, please intervene and save the situation. I doubt if that is permissible in the SADC statutes though. Let me set the record straight, it’s obvious that Frelimo’s Chapo will form the next government in Mozambique, but the election was full of anomalies and that should be condemned in its entirety. I think as Zimbabweans we are doing a disservice to our comrades in Mozambique. Maybe zvakavanakirawo havo since ana Nyusi and Cabal failed to support us during our plebiscite last year. But manje, now that we are have all become SADC chairs, tiripowo pama1 acho. Makudo ndemamwe aya ladies and gentlemen, these revolutionary parties sucked from the same breast. They are only concerned about staying in power nothing else, zvekuti tozodii when we get in power yatova imwe nyaya. They don’t care and have no people at heart as long as they are in power. I am sure the trick makaiona mese, tosishaya amwe mafigures anobvepi in some areas izvo anobva kuMozambique, the way Zimbabweans voted in the Mosken election. Is Mandi still in Mozambique though, isn’t she the one who was mobilizing voters from Chipinge at the instruction yaBa 2? Ko Matemadanda howfar, I see his hand in all this. Now there is bloodshed all over the streets, people being brutalized by Chapo’s dogs just because they protested the rigging and the killing of their opposition leaders. Trust me when I say there is no conscience whatsoever in this SADC sham. They read from the same script. Back home we all witnessed the 45 degrees angle wani gore riya, and the Commission of Inquiry yielded nothing except fat pockets from allowances. At least vanaObert Gutu got some mileage, ko vachaitei when they have become political corpses, kkkkk. Chitunha chekupolitics zvacho. Zanu inenge kuromba, once you join it, especially coming from opposition we will definitely notice how your brain cells suddenly start going on vacation one by one, kkkkk, seka hako Mapombi. But on a serious note however, Zanu has the blood of the dying Mozambican people on their hands because we saw people who have never even been to Mutare or anywhere in Manicaland voting in the Mozambican elections. Don’t get me started about the number of people who have Mozambican IDs which they used to vote iye asingatombozivi chero the direction where Mozambique can be found. Enabling that means Zanu is liable. Zimbabwe is liable. Iyemi rudhende rweZimbabwe maSADC chair, you are liable.
I used to respect this former Murakashi turned Zanu PF critic nicknamed Mbudziyadura. I used to envy him ndichiti inini naye we are the only ones who could speak truth to power but ndakazoona kuti noo mhani, mumwe wangu is too trigger happy pamisinformation apoo, like last week when he went on about the drying up of Victoria Falls. He made a lot of sense but in the need for the two governments to work on the improvement of electricity generation but it also has to be clear that the drying up of the majestic Vic Falls on the Zambian side is not something new, seasonal fluctuations in water levels are common kumapopoma uko especially at the Zambian side. There is a lot of misses he makes in his posts, or should I call them rantings these days. Inoitaka ichipera clout so if you want to remain relevant kutongoti zvese zvese but mmm, munotikuvadza nemisinformation cde.
I hear Mudzanire sued Aljezeera over zveGold Mafia, and the broadcaster actually lost equipment through the case, haa mbavha nefree expression hazvionani I tell you. Airwerwa rute Uebert talking to the undercover journalists thinking he was going to make a fortune, zvaipira papizve nhai Papa? And ipapo that’s when I agree with the biblical Job kuti why do the wicked always prosper and the righteous suffer? Regai zvakadaro zvichifurirana nanaBaba Two, vanaNebuchadnezzer vaidii? Let me stop here before I think of opening my own sangano here at Chitima mukaswera makukanda chegumi, inga Tarendi Chiwenga makes money out of insulting people in his church wani until his relative Genrol Kedha disowned him.
Before I go zvangu kunokanga maputi for lunch, tell me, what went down at the Zanu Conference in Bulawayo? I hear people were aligning themselves with those they want to be the Bhiza come 2028, to a point where some even openly endorsed Kedha through some movement hanzi volunteers what what. Avawo Bootlickers Association is not relenting in their 2030 vanenge vachipo mantra signifying that Chiwenga should not be quick in making a move otherwise anonyura. Ini hangu I think it’s high time he activates his support in the military chinyararire if he still has ambitions to test power otherwise he may kiss it goodbye, but he needs to be very subtle. Most of his friends have gone kwamupfiganebwe he shouldn’t forget that, and without the military machine, he is too exposed. Ba 2 is very good at survival tactics. He survived a world renowned dictator who we musn’t also forget was his mentor. Sometimes I think Ba 2 is seriously considering going to rest come 2028 because I don’t think he admired what he saw his boss Bhobho going through over the years. I think that’s why he lashed out when he was asked the question in China.
Guys, have you heard about my friend Mphoko? I last heard zvichinzi his rapist son appealed his sentence, ndikati vatanga vanhu vaya. He may even get away with it. Anyway, if you see him tell him Mkwenyana Kedha needs support, ngaamuonewo mbichana. Until next week, mboko imboko!
Blood on your hands SADC chairpersons

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