Ladies and gentlemen, things are getting worse day by day, kutowedzera kuoma chaiko apa we are going for elections, I thought these guys at the helm will make things better so that they would woo people’s votes but alas, they seem not to care, yet you hear them saying they will retain power in 2023, asi vari kumbotembei chaizvo, that’s my question. Haa hapana nyika yese ikutongoda zvayo matissue because tiri pama1, haa dira rizare hako shamwari. But I think vakangwara because this time around I know havalume chero vakaita zvakadii chero vakagadzira maroad sei vanhu havachada ava. Ah tosvikepi zvinhu zvichidai, inflation is sky rocketing, prices leap frogging achikwirawo kkk, ndipo powonzwa one crazy old man saying kana washaya chekukwidza ingokwidzawo bhurukwa. So sad isn’t it? But it’s true kutongotsvagawo chako chekukwidza and follow suit, ko tingadiii, hapana and hapana zvesure.
I heard some colleagues passing nekuno kuchitima saying bond amana harichadiwa iri. It’s true harichadiwa but government don’t want to let it go because vanotya kunyara kuti they have failed. I don’t know what proof they want to see that they have failed, they have failed and the bond has failed. When we did ‘O’ levels kwedu kwaChirimudombo kwainzi ukafoira ka2 konzi zvaramba enda unoita mibato yemaoko wosiira zvemabook vanogona. This is the situation these guys are in, they have failed countless times and they should just leave this and do mibato yemaoko, why can’t they let Chamisa naana Biti solve the economic equation while ivo they concentrate havo nechikorokoza paMidlands apo. Vamwe voita havo zvekurimaka, handiti ndozvemaoko zvacho, after all they are the ones who own mines and farms. Itai mibato yemaoko vakomana and leave zviri technical to those who can. At least let them try kana zvaramba vopawo vamwe. Inga wani chero zvechipatara kana zvaramba kunonzi imboendai kuchivanhu kkkk.
But we have a short term solution to the current crisis, let’s just dollarize, lets dollarize while we find everlasting solutions. Yes you have tried the bond note way back and it failed, we understand kubva pazvigaro hamudi futi, so why can’t you just dollarize muripo henyu while we wait for 2023. We know you have some reasons that include looting the US through the auction system which is a failure as well as sponsoring money changers in the streets but apa imbonyaraiwo amana. Chete zvinozongoda kufanana hazvo we once waited for 2018 ikasvika and it passed but things got worse. Let’s brace for the worst ladies and gentlemen. I am not a prophet of doom kunge Amos but kungoti tigare tiri ready for anything. Ko hazvishamisika vanogona kurohwa, or they can win but denied entry to the State house sa2008 sevanhu vasati vava neconstitution. But ladies and gentlemen, if Zanu PF wins the 2023 elections by whatever means I think it’s wise for everyone to just join it. Tese totoenda kuZanu kwacho, we fight for posts during elections and push for change tirimo, ko sure zvinganetsa. After all besides ama2000, all of us were born Zanu PF. All the same kana CCC yapinda we should all join it and dissolve all other parties and start afresh. Totanga opposition party itsva not zvana Linda, Busha, Musorobhangu Wedhuku, nana Busha ava. We will need a new strong opposition to keep the ruling party on its toes. Tomboita vanhu vachichinjanawoka. Kana Bob akatadza kufirapo choshamisa chii. We grew up being told that he will die ruling but that didn’t come true.
I heard Ndabaningi accusing CCC of not having a constitution, congress, structures etc, hanzi ingori one man band kkk. Uzvibate iwe Mangwana. I heard the young man saying he dissolved all structures so ikozvino it’s a free will. So I now don’t know how to call Biti, achiri VP or what. Hanzi they said they are not going to hold a congress because Zanu PF will infiltrate them, clever isn’t it? Vakangwara vakomana and they now know their enemy’s tactics. But Mapombi has a different view on all this, I doubt infiltration ingaitwa through congress, I think hapangorinawo mari as others are suggesting. Infiltration ikutoitwa now haiitwe paCongress ladies and gentlemen, congress creates factions which are not needed especially when we are going for elections. Beware of these guys who are re-joining the party now vaakuona kuti zvinenge zvoda kuita, that’s how they infiltrate mirai muone.
The most loved political party in the country, CCC is saying it will not hold a congress despite it being new. Apa they claim to have dissolved all structures especially kumaProvinces saying it’s a new party but they have dissolved the national one kkkk, this is just a merry go round, hapana kwatiri kuenda, itodira zvako rizare. I hear vari kutya zvavo infiltration from Zanu. But that explanation doesn’t make sense to me, Zanu has been infiltrating long time ago.
Before I go zvangu kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, I want us to clap hands for ourselves during the enumeration period; I heard basa rakarohwa and even Mapombi was counted. I heard a number of people saying they were asked some weird questions kkkk. Hanzi makapedzisira kunzi I love you when kkkkk. Zimbabweans are a peace loving country ladies and gentlemen that’s why they want to joke around every time. Iwo maEnumerators edu haasati apiwa mari so vari kungobatsirikawo mudzimba mavari fufamba, imiwee, zvakaoma hazvo. I just pray they won’t befall the same predicament team ZEC and team Zimsec faced, mari kuzouya dzaondongwa ne inflation.
Ko paBikita apo what is taking place? I have just heard that a storm is brewing at the Rural District Council after the local authority bought seven luxurious, top of the range GD6 Toyota Hilux vehicles for respective Heads of Departments while residents endure poor service delivery, with a poor road network and non-collection of refuse among other challenges. Kkkkkk nhaka mai vachatsva musana, mwana akatsva dumbu tikashaya anobereka mumwe. Pliz local authorities spare residents. Apawo paWendedzo hanzi pane muporofita wechidzimai akapapamara pamusoro pemvura achida kubhabhatidzwa zvikaramba mhedzisiro hoyo oti masvikiro amuratidza goridhe munzvimbo. Risiri shavi rekuti nzvimbo iparadzwe zvekare here? Hameno maDzishe batai basa ikoko madhamhu nemigwagwa zvisati zvaparadzwa nemagweja.
On a serious note, team diaspora especially vari paMzansi, come and register to vote time iripo because hatidi kuzonzwa kuti hee what what, zvinenge zvabuda ndizvozvo. Even the G40 members who are abroad please come and vote. Ana Mandi Chimene huyai muvhote. Ana Kurauone veCCC muuye kuzovhota kana masungwa masungwa ndoStruggle yacho. If anyone sees Mphoko please wherever he is we need his vote. Mboko imboko.
Bond raramba, Let’s just dollarize MaCDEs

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