Mapombi is known for telling the truth. Many of my avid readers love and like me because I stand for nothing but the truth. Ndinoreva zvokwadi inorwadza senge mudzimu wabuda pambeveve. Vazhinji vanonditi mafirakureva.
I will not hesitate to tell you kuti vana ED nyika mukaita zvekutamba nayo mava kutoiuraya iyi – if not careful you will destroy this country exactly in the same manner Uncle Bob did. Elections come and go but we will remain forever as Zimbabweans – we have more that bind us together than that separates us. Yes, we belong to different political parties but at the end of it all, we are all Zimbabweans. Why shoot each other? Why killing each other?
Mapombi was baffled by Zanu PF and its leadership; how can they take us for granted like that? Honestly to have the guts to tell the whole nation that soldiers never killed anyone hamuonewo kuti kutiita mafuza here? Some of us vanaMapombi tinogara kuChitima market uko takapfeka mamvemve tinoonekwa zvedu sevapengo tobva tanyeperwa but we are not stupid at all.
We know what happened so don’t tell us that those people killed during opposition demonstration were killed by civilians – no civilians clad in those camouflages. We want leaders with a human face – kana madyiwa moti tadyiwa kana maurayisawo vanhu moti sorry.
Yes, if you sent soldiers to kill civilians please accept and apologise than coming up with such silly stories – we are not fools. Innocent souls were killed, why, why? We know that power is sweet but not to the extent that makes you kill innocent people in order to retain power.
I may agree with Zanu PF that Chamisa lost the elections musi wa30 July, not because he was not popular but because of vote buying and intimidation by Zanu PF. Kkkkkkk I know people are angry in towns and they don’t want to hear anything suggesting that Chamisa akadyiwa. Mapombi passed through one of her favourites spots in town umwe murume achida kurohwa nevanhu because he had said Chamisa lost the election.
Kkkkkkk vanhu vakatsamwa hama dzangu.
But what about this; since Chamisa won in all urban areas, he should be given powers to run the affairs of people in urban areas while his counterpart ED, who won resoundingly in Uzumba ongotongawo ikoko. Munopaonawo sei? ED achitonga kuruzevha Chamisa achitungamirawo vanogara mumadhorobha. Pakadii apo?
Guys Kedha uchatipaprira varume. Mapombi is failing to understand this guy akonzeresa zvinotobhowa. Mapombi heard he is the one behind all these killings and intimidation of opposition supporters. But why Kedha?
Mapombi thinks it is high time Zanu PF called Cde Chiwenga to complete order. I have great respect for Chiwenga but I would want to believe he is too emotional. When one becomes highly emotional, reasoning is suspended in most cases and that helps us to understand such kind of madness as the firing of nurses and the killing of civilians by the army.
We heard Chiwenga once recommended the firing of the top 30 police bosses gore riye when ED was away only for ED to come back and reverse the dismissals. Why should one be unreasonably emotional? He has a lot of potential to be a good leader but he first needs political orientation so that mweya wekuma barrack umbobuda. Yamuri kuita iyo haisiriyo servant leadership Cde Chiwenga!
Mapombi foresees disaster in Zanu PF pamberi apo if something is not done as a matter of urgency. Some people must go kkkkkkk ndine urombo namukoma wangu Chris Mutsvangwa kkkkkk you are an unelectable politician my guy. Hamudiwe Cde, accept it. Accept that you are not special in any way; or should I say the people of Norton do not see you as somebody special. Themba Mliswa is more special to the people of Norton that the President’s Special Advisor.
But I always wonder what kind of advice a person who failed to win a constituency would give to the President who runs the whole country? Kkkkkkk I think the special advisor needs a very special advisor who can tell him kuti zvakakwana baba zvamakaita, it’s time to pack the bags and go. You are not special mukoma Chris.
Mapombi heard there are reports that MDC Alliance polling agents are being forced to sign new V11 forms by suspected security agents so that the new figures can tally with those that were announced by Zec. I also heard that some candidates are also being intimidated – this is the Zanu PF I really know. I often tell people around me kwedu kuChitima market uko kuti Zanu PF yakafanana nenyoka kana imbwa ikangovhiringidzwa zvishomashoma inoruma.
They called for peaceful elections and we all celebrated but makazoona zvavakaita after elections; they killed innocent souls. I think Mutsvangwa and Chiwenga combination is deadly kkkkkkkk kunofiwa gwendo gwuno.
Anyway, it’s almost lunch time let me go ndindokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch. At least these days kwava kupisa chero nesu vana Mapombi kupfeka zvedu mamvemve asi tombaigezavo. Before I go, I want to salute Uncle Bob for voting for Chamisa. Wakagona mudhara. By the way, madam Khupe accepted defeat and congratulated ED for winning. But hanzi she has issues with Zec because at the polling station she and her family voted, she got zero kkkkkkkkk. Mapombi suspects they all voted for Chamisa ini, Zec yakangoverenga zvaivapo kkkkkk.
I never thought some leaders would lose confidence to the extent of not voting for oneself. Anyway, let me leave that for another day. How is Mphoko nhai veduwe; Mapombni would like to hear what’s his take on these elections. Mboko imboko!local
Call Chiwenga to order, please!

TellZim News is the leading news organization in the Southern region. It provides candid, balanced and timely news from the communities. Keeping it real. Committed to tell Zimbabwe.
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