Mapombi has fallen in love with the new slogan in town, ‘Magetsi anodzimiwa nevene vawo.’ Kkkkkkk maZimbo will never cease to amaze me – they take every serious matter into a joke and how they are quick to normalise the abnormal boggles my mind. The current electricity challenges are not child’s play; something needs to be done as a matter of urgency before the situation reaches another level. We have a whole ministry responsible for energy in the country and Mthuli gives them a budget every year so that they can explore smart ways of generating energy but they are doing absolutely nothing except empty promises – kkkkkk hanzi by 2023 we will be exporting energy kkkkkk mashura chaiwo. Mapombi will repeat this again, Svoda neJamu is a big joke. Whatever his name is, whether Soda Zhemu or Svoda Jamu iyeye wacho haaa hapana zvinozivikanwa uya wekuimba dancehall uya ainzi Fortune Chasi waimbaiva nane zvake. Pane mashura iwaya – svoda isai muderere then Jamu zorai pachingwa zvenyu imi and forget about kuchenesa nyika yese nemagetsi.
Anyway, Mapombi will not waste time talking about the electricity issue in the country because we all know how bad the situation is. My only prayer is ngazvisvike 2023 zvakadai chokwadi umwe anobvisiwa chiri kumeso oooh namai kudai ndotokuudzai. Musazoti Mapombi haana kureva. Heads must roll. ED should fire people or else he will be the one to be fired come 2023. Basa rinotorwa sefani, takatarisa so. Aikaka chati homu chareva.
Mapombi really does not understand this so called Mukomana uyu ari kungonzi nevanhu vasiri registered to vote ngaapinde. Mapombi used to think that he is the alternative but haaaa after listening to his few addresses haaa ndakaona kuti zvakangofanana gudo nemunhu hapana zviripo makumbo enyoka. Nelson Chamisa carries the hope of the masses but ndinoona sekuti kumuremedza mukomana uyu anotoda kubatsirwa chaiko. Kkkkkkk nyaya dzekubatsirwa idzi Mapombi heard Kasukuwere once went to Mudzidzi Wimbo to consult if by any chance he could be the President of Zimbabwe and he was told to plant a tree or flower of his choice and water it all he wants before he goes. He was then told to come back after few days akanzi ukaona muti wako wabata ziva kuti uchatonga asi kana ukaoma haaa hakuna hakuna kkkkkk. Guess what, hanzi Kasukuwere akawana chimuti chakaoma kuti gwaaa kkkkkkk, and few months later there was operation restore legacy and the guy had to skip the borders kkkkkkk politics so ka ma1. Mapombi will not talk about uyoyu ari kutonga kuti akanzi kudii because zvinonzi wakaenda kwaMudzidzi Wimbo ikoku kkkkkk.
Guys I’m sorry I had diverted a bit. So Mapombi was saying after a thorough analysis of Mukomana, I noticed anoda kubatsirwa big time otherwise pachigaro chehushe haafe akapagara. I will start by his reaction to the US$40 000 loans given to MPs. Instead of him commending the development that will leave MPs respectable in our societies even after leaving Parliament, Nero went to town condemning and even accusing his party MPs of joining the gravy train simply because they accepted $40k house loans. The loans are above board so why condemning them when they are going to be paid back using the MPs pensions? What’s wrong with this arrangement nhai Nero? In my view, these loans will help CCC more than any other political party because those who want to seek re-election will at least have some resources. As for Zanu PF, it has a lot of resources and that is why it even gives its candidates state of the art, top range vehicles for campaigning. If Zanu PF wanted to give this loan facility to their MPs only they could have done that with much ease but they chose to do it transparently and above board. Jealousy should not blind Chamisa, and as a leader he should stop forthwith being a populist leader who first listens to what uninformed people are saying then he joins the bandwagon. Kutonga kunotoda wisdom Baba Chamisa woyee. For me the best decision was to keep quiet. Yes, Chamisa was supposed to shut up and let others speak kwete kutoswerotiitira ka Video uchitaura nonsense. Mapombi wants to ask Chamisa why did he take the RBZ vehicle during 2008 to 2013 term? Why did he buy the ministerial cars he had as the Minister of ICT at book value? Also this, in my view, is joining the gravy train so why did he accept them? If the RBZ vehicles were a loan facility, which the MPs never paid anyway, why then did he accept it? Is it in any way different from the current $40k loan facility the MPs are getting?
Who doesn’t know that politicians especially in Africa are there for self interests? Mapombi knows for sure that Chamisa doesn’t have the people at heart but he is doing it in order to serve self interests. Musandipikisa takabva nako kumhunga hakuna ipwa.. The only advantage Chamisa has is that people are struggling and they are looking for an alternative. People are desperate for change and Chamisa is talking such discourse about having a prosperous Zimbabwe. Mapombi believes that Chamisa is not the best option but looking at the available options he is better.
There is one thing that no one can take away from Chamisa – that is charisma. The man is charismatic, anotaura zvinodakadza. But kungotaura zvinodakadza alone is not enough zvinozodawo njere kuti zviite zvakanaka. Chamisa anenge anenjere shoma. In fact he lacks quality leadership skills if Mapombi is to be blunt. He is not a leader – his leadership style is backward and dictatorial in nature. More aptly, he is a dictator – probably worse than the late Uncle Bob. CCC supporters you can attack me, left, right and centre asi shoko harivhikwi. If you have money the earlier you send Chamisa for leadership training the better. If one listens to Tendai Biti speaking, unonzwa kuti pakutaurwa zvine substance manje but Nero kungosimuka he thinks every address is a rally kkkkkkk even when addressing diplomats kungowanza zvirungamutauro instead of facts kkkkkkkk.
Anyway guys it’s almost lunch time now let me go ndindokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch. I know this whole week vanhu veCCC vanenge vachindituka but hanya nani chidhoma chekwaChivi. Ndinonzi mafirakureva and I will always speak the truth. If Zimbos have better alternative zvingadaro Chamisa vakasiya kare kare because the guys lacks leadership qualities and cannot articulate policies clearly. I will vote for him not because pane zvinozikanwa but because I just don’t like Zanu PF chete and pane varipo ndiye atori nane. I can’t be seen ndakupa Dougie vote yangu kuti ndarwara here kkkkkkkk. Let me go ndindokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch ndizvidyire zvikati nhasi kune kachando. Dai ndanga ndine kamari kekutenga shuga ndoti maputi neCup yetea zvokwadi ndaizipigwa zvangu. But before I go, don’t forget what I told you recently kuti mobilising to register to vote and voting on the actual day yakuda Mhou nemhuru yayo approach where family members are taking such responsibility at family level. Munhu wese ari kurwadziwa nehupenyu must mobilize his or her family members chinyararire kwete izvo zvenyu zvekuti kungoita register vanhu vashanu navo paTwitter. Twitter is for those in diaspora and some not registered to vote but Vanhu vanovhota vari kuno kumusha so change the mobilising strategy. It’s also important that political parties should have Monitoring and Evaluation teams that can monitor their activities and evaluate progress otherwise pamwe kungopedza nguva kuswera kuwawata paTwitter ipapo pane vanhu vasingavhote. Go on the ground and mobilise senge zviri kuita Hwende izvo kwete kungosweroita noise muchitipedzera bundle redu apa. I hope vane nzeve vanzwa. By the way vari kugara kuRhodene neniwo zvangu Mapombi tangofanana ka kkkkkkk kungorara murima kumuka murima kkkkkkkkk inonzi Zesa iyi. Nyika iri kuvakwa nevene vayo Zesa ichidzimiwawo nevene vayo kkkkkkk.
Chamisa offside on MPs’$40k loans

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