Ko nhai Ladies and gentlemen hamuchandiudzi kuti we are still under Level 2 lockdown. Sure kutozonzwa mumastreets kuti we are still in lockdown. But who can blame me nekusaziva kwangu with the multitudes of people I see here at Chitima Market. Yes, pano vanhu vanozara kudarika the numbers you see at both Chamisa and ED rallies. Ko kutyei iwo madomasi achiora kudai. Rot bananas ungapedza here these days. I am no longer worried about Covid-19 but Cholera, if it break out here sure it will wipe out the whole generation kkkk. Apa I am writing on this UN international Toilet Day kkk, apa pano we don’t have adequate toilets zvedu kkkkk. zveCovid I am sure ,haisisina basa nowadays totopesana ne porisi tisina zvema masks unobvunzwa nani, they are the major culprits, havatodiwo kuapfeka ava.paCentral apa even sanitization yakaregwa kudhara, yes, the officer will be there but busy on Whatsapp, even us who appear to be destitutes tongopindawo now, ko kutyei.
But the local council should act nenyaya yetsvina pano paChitima. Sure tinopera imi. I am sure the minister of health will hear this and make sure that sanity is restored before cholera or typhoid wipes us. Speaking of the minister of health, I don’t think he will do anything for us here because iye anenge aakutopengawo zvake. I used to thank the Chinese for treating our esteemed Jenarari, but I think the type of medication yavaimupa has some side effects. Sure the Jenarari is no longer right upstairs. Dzinenge dzaakutopenga chaiko. I know the other guys like ana Mthuli Ncube nana Mangudya, even H.E chaivo smoke weed and staff but zvaJenarari hazvisi zvembanje kana ka1. I think zviri kuna Marry, akasiya Shingi aakurwara paya and now look at what General Bae is doing kkk.
Kubva ndichikura handina kumbofunga kuti a whole general like Chiwenga can also bootlick. Ndaiti ndezvevana vana Chipanga izvo bodo nyangwe magenerals anoita kkkk. Asi ukutya kudonhedzwa here nhai Chiwengachashe. We know there is a faction that you front or it is the one fronting you hameno kkkk. Zvekuti Zanu ichatonga kusvika madhongi amera nyanga we dont care much about it taingoti that’s devilish and childish talk but izvi zvekuti ED could be a life president mmmm, wava kurasika manje. Remember this is the same reason why you removed bob nechisimba for he wanted to be a life president. Boot licking will not do well to ED, unless you are saying it just to harm him. Ko ukutyeiko nhai Chiwenga, just take the bull by its horns kana uchida because ED will never leave it for you kkkk. Just tell us and ED kuti ukudawo chimuti ichi. But let me tell you something, this time around if you want to do your power struggles, do it kuCongress mobvisana ikoko mushe and don’t involve us please for we do not know who to support. Infact, we will not support either for we are now crying because we helped you take power from Mugabe.
Hanzi we can amend the constitution and make ED life president, ah what nonsense is that. Nyangwe mukati chedu Mwonzora is useless I don’t care. He once said a statement richiri kundibata nanhasi and Chiwenga should listen to it. Hanzi naDougie why fixing it when it is not broken. The constitution is not broken but it needs to be respected. Why amending it? Hee, I used to have a little respect for you but mmm svaenda. I wish SRC had the power to suspend the people with similar mind-sets like you kkkk. But SRC yakati gonei, mmm this Kamambo led admin is just useless. I heard they want to appeal or they have already did that. Hanzi FIFA can suspend Zim because of the appeal. I think zvitori nani, ko pane zvavange vachimboita here kunze kwekupa vanhu stress chete.
When I talk, people think I am mad but ndinenge ndichitoonera zvangu, I recently warned you about the so-called man of the cloth mukati kupenga but now look. I am sure makainzwawo yaMan of the moment Mr T Miracle Spectacles Fredy kkkk. I wonder why his spiritual spectacles didn’t see that he was going to be arrested. I heard him saying hazvibvumirwe kuti kuitike chinhu Mwari vasina kumbochitaura kkkk. Zvino hanzi Tinashe Mugabe abva apindira nyaya yacho and is calling all those whose wives went to one on one sessions with the man of God vane matambudziko embereko and got children to bring them kkkk. Hanzi vakabatsirwa kuti vawane mbereko naFredy mese mukudiwa nevana kwaTinashe. I am not really sure if it is true and what he intends to do navo but I think it’s wise to go and thank him later kkkkk.
Ko nyaya yanaMusengezi yava papi, I heard the system is now threatening him to withdraw the charge. I am beginning to see kuti this guy is not alone mutsoro, beware kuti munhu waJenarari uyu and saying ED for life kuda kutibata kumeso chete. Let me warn ED time ichiripo. Beware of the general, he is scheming and I think there are links to the likes of ana Tyson and even this young Man Chamisa. I know vamwe muchati ndopenga but I suspect there is an unholy alliance between these guys and ED akusiiwa pachena. You think the movements being done by Chamisa achinopinda kunana Nkayi zviri zvega? Just wait and see. But vanombomurambidzireiko, ambonyanyoiteiko. Regai mwana afambe aone masupporters ake. You went to Mwenezi, Beit Bridge and commissioned houses which were damaged by wind kkkk, pure poor workmanship and who stopped you. You go your way and leave Chamisa to go his way.
Before you accuse me for yep yepping, please allow me to say wafa Wanaka and send my condolences to the Moyo family. The short man was ill regai azorore. Iko mati zvaienda nepi after he read a letter to fire ED and later read the other one to Bob kkkkk. Regai chizorore chirume chiya, kuita spokesperson weZanu ibasa riya kkk. Manje who is going to take over? Bimha? Mmmm no. I heard the president saying he had no beef with bob but Gire mmm heya? Iko kedu Gire kakanyarara sure, kumbaati ziii kkk. Come here DR Stop IT vanhu vaya vatanga. Please come and stop them before it’s too late.
Let me go zvangu kunokanga maputi for my lunch before it starts raining. Hanzi neMet department brace for more rains so please stay safe. I am not sure if it is true or they just want us kuti titenge mbeu kkkk. One minute before I go, pane akazombonzwa kuna Mboko? I guess he is coming soon and Tyson is paving way for his safe return. Mboko Imboko.