A crowd gathers at Cotrad road show in Mucheke
TellZim Reporter
MASVINGO – The Community Tolerance, Reconciliation and Development Trust (Cotrad) has joined other civil society organisations that are holding road shows as part of the drive to encourage people to register to vote in next year’s general elections.
The Cotrad road shows began in Mucheke at the bus terminus and at Sisk business centre, again in Mucheke high density suburb.
Cotrad says it has noted with concern that there are still many people who have given up on elections and are choosing to stay at home.
The organisations said the road shows are part of its own efforts to fight apathy especially among the youth.
On Friday, November 10, the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) and the Election Resource Centre (ERC) held a big road show in the city opposite Glow Petroleum.top news