Melinda Kusemachibi
Ndarama High School in Masvingo is set to go for School Development Association (SDA) elections re-run after the April 09, 2022 elections were nullified by a court ruling.
School head Oddy Matongo wrote a letter dated June 17, 2022 to parents informing them of the new development prompted by the quashing and nullification of April 09 2022 elections and the date for the new elections in July 30, 2022.
“In line with court order of May 27, 2022, elections of April 9 were nullified hence fresh elections according to SI 379/98 to be conducted,” read part of the letter.
The letter also highlighted that the elections will be held in line with the section 11(1)-3 of the stated instrument.
“The elections of the Executive Committee shall be conducted with only parents whose children are enrolled at the school being eligible for elections as members of the executive committee. Members referred to in subsection (1) shall be elected by parents at the meeting of 30 July 2022,” added part of the letter.
The letter however added that at the elections, members of the executive committee shall fill a form which is available at the school.
“Nomination shall be in writing (form available at school) and shall be received at the school not less than seventy-two hours before 30 July 2022 that is by Wednesday July 27 on or before 0900 hours. If there are no more candidates nominated than there are vacancies to be filled, the candidates shall be declared duly elected. If a poll becomes necessary, voting shall be by secret ballot but if the parents present at the meeting unanimously agree, voting shall be on a show of hands.
“If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes and it is necessary to determine which of them should be declared elected, the determination shall be made by the drawing of lots and accreditation of parents and guardians shall start at 0700 hours on 30 July 2022,” added part of the letter.
Ndarama High held an Annual General Meeting after three years on April 9, 2022 leading to the dissolving of 18 years serving-chairperson Raymond Muzenda who is alleged to have refused to step down from the post leading to him writing a letter to the Provincial Education Director (PED) highlighting issues that concern school finances.
On elections held on April 09, the elected new chairperson was Enes Chekakani, vice chairperson being Peter Chibaga, secretary was Anna Mweneziko with committee members being Robson Pahuwa and Wellington Muchemwa.
Parents at the school accused Muzenda of looting money after applying for a loan of around ZW$ 929 357 in 2019’s third team at BancABC but the money do not appear on expenditure after which they called for an external audit.
Some disgruntled parents have accused Masvingo District School Inspector (DSI) Ishmael Chigaba of intentionally blocking the said audit raising concerns of his likely involvement in the alleged dealings.
Ndarama High School bursar Henry Chivhanga subsequently filed a resignation letter on May 3 after parents called for his stepping down.