Ladies and gentlemen, let me start by reminding you that the mobile voter registration blitz is now underway. Tese dzvamu takananga kunoregister kuvhota. I implore all political parties especially CCC to preach the gospel of voter registration and leave zvemaFactions izvi. I mean all parties apa imbobatanai and do the same thing. Zvekuzovhota nekuti ndiani achahwina tozozviona but for now register to vote. #REGISTER TO VOTE. Imi veCCC put more effort in that regard not victimising women. I have since noticed kuti some people from ZEC will benefit a lot from allowances on this exercise but vachiswera vakagara zvavo, ko voitei, no one is going, the centres are open zvawo the whole day. A small survey I made zvangu ndiri pano paChitima shows kuti people don’t even know about it. They are not registering to vote, they are busy kungwavha ngwavha. How can you blame them when everyone has been reduced to be a vendor. Unoshayaka reason to vote and who to vote for. Kuti uti Zanu haiite ndoyakatipa nhamo yese yatinayo iyi and is not reforming at all, we all want change. Kunoti CCC wowana they still have old habits dzakavadyisa kubva kare, double allocation of candidates, imposition of unpopular candidates manje who else ladies and gentlemen, Khupe?, Mwonzora?, Busha, Madhuku haaa wega unobva waona kuti tiri pama1 chaipo kkkkk.
Ladies and gentlemen, as a woman if another woman is victimised, I will not keep quiet. Ndakanyarara paya when Joyce, Gire and of late Marry were being victimised, but now I won’t. We have come a long way trying to advocate for women emancipation in Zimbabwe and abroad, handina kutanga nhasi ini kurwira kodzero dzevakadzi, it’s just that these days I am not involved much because people won’t allow me in their meetings, who would want munhu ane tsvina like me, of cause they wouldn’t want my company but even kuBeijing paya ndakasarira paAirport number yanzi yakwana. I used to hear men saying women don’t want to participate but now ndazoona. You want to continue giving us propotional representatives when we can get into the race on our own, hee what kind of nonsense is that. What is this happening at Masvingo Urban’s Ward 4?
This week I wanted to talk about Rugeje and Jaboon but I can’t ignore this one. Can someone tell me one thing, is Chamisa weak or has lost sense of reason or he is surrounded by criminals just like was the situation in 2017. Those criminals are the ones vaita tisvike pano nhasi. If it was not because of them pamwe dai izvezvi tichitotongwa zvedu neG40 kkk. I am sure there are now criminals around Chamisa chete. Does he have advisors or he is cruising on autopilot. Sure how on earth can his cronies sign nomination papers for two people in the same ward. How can he let the situation escalate kusvika pazvava apa. The ward 4 issue was supposed to have been nipped in the bud but he ignored only to try to act now. Hee haa zvinosembura sure. I didn’t know the charismatic Chamisa could act like this. As if that was not enough, now he is victimising the only female candidate who stood a better chance of winning in the province since all the others will be walloped by Zanu PF. I thought as a young man she is closer to ana Amai but alas it’s vice versa. A whole president of a whole popular party even beyond Zimbabwe is seen siding with other males to supress women voice. Kubatsira kumbunyikidza kodzero dzeChirikadzi iri kushandira zvayo musangano kkkk. Kunyengerwa nemakwara ana Kura who deserted the struggle zvaakupisa and took refuge in America.
I am sure even mai Mahofa is turning in her grave when fellow women are being victimised like this. She is the only woman who stood against Bob paya and refused to donate mombe kuAU. Yah Thoko is of the same calibre, kuburutsa a whole president from the terrace. But I think someone is giving Chamisa wrong advice ini. Ana Fadzai Mahere where are you, Ana Cecilia nana Johanna ndozvamairumirwa neInda kuChikurubi here. But mmmm thumps up to Thoko, wambovafemesa hako keep that up, chero vakakuita sei chero ukawithdrawer at least watombovafemesa wena.
After all it was not Dhagi aiitisa maDouble candidates paya, kwake it has happened but he has managed to resolve the matter amicably. They went for primary elections chero nomination court yakatositter kudara kkkk. The guy lost to a woman and now the woman is standing kuWard 7. But dai ndaivhotera kuward 7 ini, haa ndaivhotera mukadzi ini. Zvaana Msekiwa ndaimbomira ndoona pakati peiyeye wekuAlliance kana weLead kkkk. I was shocked kunzwa kuti Linda neLead yake is fielding in Masvingo kkkk. The candidate is not just an ordinary card carrying member mufunge, she is the presidential spokesperson kkkk. Haaya zvandoona ini hangu ini. I don’t care hangu whether she will win and even if Linda will win in her constituency, I’m just happy that they are participating as women. Dai ini isiri nhamo I would stand paChitima ward. Yes there has to be a ward here, ko handiti delimitation is coming, there should be a ward kuno and I command a huge following. All the vendors I see every day are my votes. Ko ndopatowandaka vanhu than kuLocation since everyone is now a vendor.
Uku ndokunonzi kutengesa ward kuZanu makatarisa uku, hanzi naGeneral this time no one is going to be beaten, hanzi no violence hanzi toda kuona kuti this time munopomera chii, I know he was lying hake because the culture of violence is in their DNA and can only be cleansed kana Jesu atodzoka. However, this kind of nonsense we are seeing in this yellow party is so disheartening. Mukadyiwa who will you blame. Let me tell you, soon and very very soon you will hear them saying Thoko is being sponsored neZanu. But do you think ingakonawo kupinda pakadai, kana yapiwa zvayo mukana why not utilising the chance.
Before I go kunokanga maputi for hangu for lunch, let me say Masvingo Masvingo Masvingo. Masvingo is the home of all politics and drama. Remember the likes of Jaboon kwedu kuZanu uku. I heard the guy is back and hameno, kungori kupidigurana kurwa kwekamba, Jeppy was silent all along only to resurface after the fall of Chadzamira. But that guy is militant zvake and can work kkk, he is just like Sikhala, honestly the struggle at hand is not for the feint hearted ladies and gentlemen. Panotoda vakashinga apa zvekuti come 2023, watch the space someone is going to be buried.
Ko Dr Gire varipi these days, she is so quiet vakomana, all ladies out there lets come out and support fellow women paBy-election apa then tozomirira 2023. Asingadi imboko, Mboko Imboko !!!!!
Criminals now surrounding Chamisa
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