Kkkkk Mapombi once told you kuti chingoma kana choririsa choda kubvaruka. Is there anyone who still remember what I said about Jeppy Jaboon , the Bikita South MP? Didn’t I say his days were numbered? Am I hearing that Jaboon has since been suspended – or is it fired from the position of Zanu PF Masvingo provincial commissar? Anyway, I rest my case but always remember that zvimwe zvacho Mapombi anoonera manje.
But Kasukuwere is no push over like what other Cdes from Team Lacoste thought; they were optimistic kuti Tyson abaya this time around but to no avail. Even Ngwena was too confident that Tyson was going to be kicked out of Zanu PF – hanzi zvoto zvine mazera ukaenda kune vasiri vezera unobaikana nekutorerwa pekugara ukapedzesera wagara pasi chaipo. This was in reference to Kasukuwere kuti wakadziya pachoto chevakuru but from Mapombi’s analysis, it seems like Tyson ari kutodziya nevezera rake manje. And achaudziya as long as President Robert Mugabe is there.
By the way, Mapombi is not happy at all by what some Cdes in Zanu PF say about Mr President – hanzi he is now too old hee-e this and that, blah blah. Tibvirei apa! Tikwanirei! Nxaa!
You mean mazozviona nhasi kuti akura? Why then did you endorse him as the Zanu PF presidential candidate for 2018? Why did you buy him the massage chair? Or is it a wheelchair kkkkkk nhaka zvangu. Saka tiitirei zvenyu mushe mutinyararire kuti zii. After all you all heard what the First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe said – hanzi baba vachatonga vari pawheelchair; vagozotongazve vava muguva.
Kkkkkk Dr Amai vakapenga manje. Mapombi will not hesitate to call her Prophetess Grace. She prophesised paBuhera apo akati baba vachatonga vari muwheelchair and now a special chair was bought for him. And the special chair has wheels of course kkkkkk. But can I ask something – what kind of a chair is it that it deserves to be called a special chair? Mapombi think it is just a matter of semantics here – kwedu ndoyatinoti wheelchair iyi yava kunzi special chair nema bootlickers aya. All along Mapombi though Dr Amai is a prophet of doom but ndakazozvionera pamhino sefodya; she is a true prophetess. Vanotoona kudarika mamwe maProphet atinonzwa nemukurumbira awa.
For now, Mapombi gave her 100 percent because wheelchair yatovapo chasara kuzoona hedu kuti is he going to rule this country from the grave. But with what Mapombi has seen so far, that cannot be ruled out. Thank you Prophetess Dr Grace for your message has surely come to pass.
By the way, Zimbabwe’s Independence Day is this week. But Mapombi was very much confused about this independence whole thing – are we really independent or it is just a few Cdes in Zanu PF? Mapombi appreciate that we successfully fought white minority rule but what we were expecting is yet to come. One major achievement was that in 1980 we put an end to the white minority rule and introduced dictatorship by a black person against the black majority – wotonzwa vamwe vachiti ndoIndependence yacho. To hell!
This country was far much better in 1980 than the way it is today. Mugabe and his Zanu PF virtually looted everything and today we are in this mess thanks to the nonagenarian. Vakomana musaita zvekutamba ne37 years zve imi vanhu vachingomora nyika.
They preach socialism but they are hardcore capitalists. They are capitalists to the bone marrow yet they pretend to be socialists when they address the public. They amassed wealth – from diamonds, gold mines, white-owned companies to whites’ farms. Only a clique in Zanu PF own all these at the expense of the majority, and still they claim to be socialist. Haaa nyaraiwo mhani.
Anyway, chisingapere chinoshura. Who ever thought Hitler, Bismark, Mussolini or Stalin would be defeated or die one day? Go and read from the Bible Muparidzi 3 inoti chimwe nechimwe chine nguva yacho. Musazoti Mapombi haana kureva.
To those who believe in independence or should I say to those who are independent – Happy Independence Day. But to others like Mapombi whose life got worse from the day Mugabe got into office, I say rambai makashinga maCdes kuseri kwemakata kune materu.
Mapombi had a dream last night but would not say it as you are all aware kuti ukataura zvavasingafariri unoswera waendeswa kwamupfiganebwe or kuvharirwa kana watoita lucky. Yes; they kill or imprison you for nothing. Are you forgetting what happened to self-proclaimed prophet Mugadza? And Pastor Evan Mawarire? Havana tsitsi varume ava. They reminded me of a poem that was written by my late teacher Renias Mashiri in the book Tipeiwo Dariro – hanzi mbavha kuiti mbavha chokwadi masvasvaurana nekuti naiyowo inoda utsvene asi utsvene hwayo umbavha….. mhondi kuiti mhondi shuwa munotosvorana nekutiwo inodawo unaku asi unaku hwayo umhondi…
Ndozvavari vanhu ava and for that reason, I will hold on a bit but very soon I will tell you about my dream. Hopefully, they will not come and threaten me kwangu kwaDr Grace Mugabe Trading Centre kwandogara uku. But I don’t even care; handitombovhunduke because they robbed me of my future. Imagine munhu akadzidzawo seni kudai ndoswerera maputi and rotten bananas? Ndichirara in plastics and someone onditi we are independent. Nxaa!
Anyway, it’s almost lunch time guys let me go ndindokanga zvangu maputi angu for lunch. But before I go, I would like to congratulate President Mugabe for leading Zimbabwe astray for over 30 years. Thank you Gushungo for leading this country to poverty, high unemployment, commercialised education and poor health service delivery.mapombi