By Tatiana Mhararira
Zimbabwe Republic Police in Masvingo has issued a prohibition order against carrying of weapons or items capable of being used as weapons for a period not exceeding three month from March 25, 2025 to June 25, 2025.
The prohibition order was issued in terms of section 4 (1) of the Maintenance of Peace and Order (MOPA) Act, Chapter 11:23 and anyone taking part in such action will face full wrath of the law.
In a statement released on March 18, 2025, the Officer Commanding Masvingo Central District, Chief Superintendent Simangaliso Dube said those found in possession of the weapons shall be found guilty and sentenced accordingly.
“The carrying in public whether openly or concealed in a public place or public thoroughfare or public display of any of the following weapons or items capable of use as weapons catapults,machetes,axes,knoberries,swords,knives and daggers. Any traditional weapon whatsoever likely to occasion public disorder or breach of the peace,” read the notice.
The prohibition order was issued following an increase in cases of assault and robbery and murder with use of such weapons prevalent.
“The prohibition notice was issued due to the following reasons there is an increase in assault and robbery where such weapons axes, knives, machetes, knobkerries, catapults or daggers are used. Violent crimes such as murder are being committed,” read parts of the statement.
The notice gives police officers power to seize such weapons from offenders.
“By virtue of this notice, any police officer is, in terms of, section 4(5) of MOPA, hereby authorized to seize without warrant, any weapon or item capable of use as a weapon, found in possession of any person in contravention of this prohibition notice.
“For the avoidance of doubt, it is declared that, in terms of section 4(4) of the MOPA, that any person who fails to comply with this prohibition notice shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment,” reads the statement.