Kuvhunduka chati kwatara hunge uine katurikwa regai vakuru vakareva. The swift reaction by the ruling Zanu PF party national spokesperson baba Mutsvangwa bares it all. Vakomana vari kuvhunduka. Remember all the guys are talented, Kasukuwere is the ‘best commissar’ ever, of course followed by MR Ibu Matemadanda kkkk. Kkk ko tototi baba Mutsvangwaka. Mai ndovakabata Information kuGovernment, Baba vakabatawo kuParty, ndoinonzi chaibvira mumbaka iyi kkk. Just a quickie for Monica, you are a fellow woman iwe, why do you come here kuMasvingo and promote Chiwenga faction, heee, sure how can you help Mavhenyengwa to smuggle in losing candidates. Isu tiri team Lacoste seMasvingo, takamira naye Mukomana uyu zvinhu zvakaoma and you know it kubva before the coup paya. Izvi zvamaakuita zvekutiisira team Chiwenga please STOP IT. Now the guys are distancing selves from Chiwenga but takaionera kudhara hedu. But I think the Croc is now toothless ini, how can it let little known Mavhenyengwa waging his bushy tail mumuromo mengwena kudaro. But be careful Mavhenyengwa and company, Ngwena inogona kungosvinura anytime, remember its very patient.
But what is vanaMudzingwa Trio up to ladies and gentlemen? What are they really planning. Rather are they planning anything or kwaingovawo kusangana kwaanaMudzingwa vachinyaradzana pakudzingwa kwavo. Where did they meet asi, was it in SA where Kasukuwere former political commissar is holed up. Manje zvavari kuti hatichadi Maforeigners kkkk. But I think the controversial Killer Zivhu and Themba Mliswa are just disgruntled if not feeling the sour taste of grapes they used to enjoy during their stint in the party. Maybe it was just a holiday where they were chopping the money they stole whilst in Zanu PF chete money without power is useless. I hope soon Mudha will join the team yanaMudzingwa. Chete Zivhu anomborevesa, I remember he warned Chadzamira that his days were numbered and it came to pass.
Their meeting may serve no purpose to say the least to the former political party, but it is the swift reaction by current spokesperson Mutsvangwa that seems to unraffle feathers and one begins to wonder why is he is feeling threatened by whatever could have been discussed there. Mliswa according to Mutsvangwa is ‘in limbo as a garrulous cantankereous political independent- a lost soul rapidly losing burnish’. Dai MAVHOKO kuriko kutonga nyika mmm taidai tava kure kkk. Themba retaliated after Mutsvangwa attacked his sister Mary Mliswa-Chikoka( Mashonaland West chairperson and resident minister). “Mutsvangwa’s statement is a manifestation of patriarchal, garrulous and vindictive political attitude which provides a basis for his poor career as a politician. That is the source of his anger”. KKKK haya seka hako Mapombi, MaGREENBOMBER oda kudzokawo mugame kkk, taitoti zvakapera kare nababa Chatunga. Mapfupa aNehanda akanzi achamuka, ko awa emurume wasisi vangu DR STOP IT akumukawo here achidzora vakomana veNational Youth Service. Ko achiko here or they are resurfacing so that they will be used in the elections next year who knows, remember we are talking about Zanu PF which can do anything to stay in power. I hear the not so clever Dr Generari Constantino vari kudawo chimuti but he is very afraid of the elections. So the plan is to let ED win the election then toona yekutamba naye, maybe forging a government of national Unity with the perennial losers. Yes the MDC led by Chamisa is the biggest tent but inotyisa kupa support nemoyo kkk, it’s just like supporting the Warriors kkkk. Unongoti zvino todii, they are the ones who stand a better chance but eish, can’t wait to disappoint the fans kkkk. Just like the Warriors they qualify and have the best chances all the game but kuhwina dhololo.
The MDC-T is now burnig ladies and gentlemen, ingori fire fire kkkk, ndakambozvitaura kuti these guys are playing bhora remaCondom kkkk, rinonakidza but inguva diki roputika chete. Dhagi na Khupe are now firing each other and we no-longer know who is really in charge of the ship kkk. I am sure Khupe now sees that Dhagi is more than the biblical Eden garden snake which deceived Eve. Khupe it’s high time you trace your way back to the others wongonoitawo a card carrying member. You have been used by ED and dumped, that’s what he does best, Dhagi is yet to see it but watch the space, he will be dumped like a condom as he is kkk. Hanzi moms Khupe wants to form a new party, siyana nazvo izvo, ask Mai Mujuru. I am warning you as a fellow lady. Umhamha phezulu, Umdala/ ubaba Phansi kkkkk, our new slogan.
So after the GNU, Zanu PF will then bring on Tyson as their new presidential candidate, Pafunge. Even maTours aiitwa nemukomana last year hanzi it’s a result of an unholy pact he had with the former general, hanzi akanzi pinda tione kana une vanhu kkkk.
Mapombi as a woman is not happy with the way the General is treating Marry, that is why I am not supporting his faction, coz ukaona ane hutsinye hwakadaro kunamai vevana vake, what more iwewo zvako Svari. Marry akambonyanyopareiko mhaka isingaperi kana kuregererwa. Haaaa mwana waVaMubaiwa zvaabaiwa nekudonha veduwee. Is she dramatizing or the doctors just approved that she is fit to stand trial for fear of being victimised by their Minister who happens to be the Genarari himself. If it were up to me, I would fire them all. How can someone be declared fit to stand trial, when she is like that. I am sure Marry is not trying to play or act theatrically as her physical appearance exhibit poor health. But Beatrice Mtetwa is a legend, I just give credit whenever it is due. Please sis Bea, miraiwo naye Marry abude munyatwa.
Anyway Masvingo never cease to amaze at all. This time around madzimai anga akachibata chimuti paPCC, vachimufinhura mukomana Mavhenyengwa. BUT THIS Mavhenyengwa is weak, I don’t think he has enough balls to lead, sure the whole chairperson kuvhariswa nekamwe kanonzi SKUKU meeting kutokona kkkkk, nekuda kwaSkuku sure. Haa chete vaipenga kusvika Porisi yadeedzwa nembwa kkk. They were defending their votes kkkk, hanzi musaisa vanhu vakadyiwa kkkk. This is the spirit we need as a country, we need to defend our vote. Kutomira chaiko supporting Nero’s hands so that in 2023 we claim what is duly ours. The quarrels in Zanu PF could give a chance to the opposition kana vakangwara, they have to utilise it and built upon it for 2023.
Before I go zvangu kunokanga maputi angu for lunch, Mukati Ambasador Chedondo havadzingwiwo imi kkkk. He will join the others because the only entry requirement needed there is being fired from Zanu PF. I just heard that ambassador Chedondo vaakutiwo NHM kkk, zvekuzoti he posted mistakenly posted, yava imwe nyaya.. What I know is that the Unconscious mind always says the truth first before later corrections. Kkkkk Mapombi is learned and a Psychology Guru because most of you my avid readers think kuti ndopenga.
By the way, did anyone heard about anything about Mboko court issue. Ndikunzwa kuti he has been arraigned before the courts for criminal abuse of office. He committed the offence whilst his was the VP kkkk, back then in 2016 or 17, this shows how backward we are as a country. Please siyanai naMboko imi, maimboregerei kumutonga kare. Mukaramba muchidaro I will tell him to join ana Mudzingwa tione kuti muno muita sei, Mboko Imboko.
MDC-T in flames

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