It’s been a good week, the heavens gave us its tears in the oldest city in this teapot country. I am happy the ground is wet and we are smelling cold air, at least the sewerage in Mucheke River was carried to the city’s sole water source and for now paChitima pari nani but you all know, hazvidi one week to restore to factory settings. The rains were good yes but some are crying as they lost valuables mvura yacho yaipinda mudzimba and shops in town. This should be a wakeup call for the city fathers and mothers to make sure that they have pushed management to fix drainage systems which is the only way to keep residents safe. Mayor Tabe, we need action fast before the second rains fell otherwise there will be a disaster.
It was a good week for Batswana, yes they inaugurated a new President who is leading a new party. I wish I could go there ndambonodyawo zvitapi tapi zveko. I saw kuti haa kwakaendwa, even ana Ostallos were there, Jobson Sikhandela was also there, not to mention Nero and his brother Ba 2. How I wish I had power I would have taken the two guys and lock them in some hotel there in Botswana and asked them to map a way forward for the country and would only leave after they agree on something. Those two guys are holding us at ransom. I know maNerorists would say heee Nero haasi in power saka haana power. Hey let me tell you. He represents a number of people and has the country’s hopes and whatever he says has some implications in the political landscape. He commands a large following and most of his followers are ready to do anything he says even the craziest and stupidest thing, they would do without questioning. I am sure Nero got some notes on how to win as an opposition, if he didn’t then he has to be careful otherwise achangoperekedza michato yevamwe iye asingachati. Remember akaperekedza wepa Zambia, almost did kuSA and Mozambique chero zvakazorambira paduze and now Botswana. I heard the BaTswana booed our beloved Ba 2 when he was introduced kkk. That is why he said we are all SADC chairpersons, haushandi huChair hwacho ndakazviona kuInaguresheni. SADC Chair kujairirwa kudaro. Where was Nero and the rest of the team Presidnet vachiitwa booed. Hee. Look guys, you need to show a united front out there, kana madzoka tozotukana zvedu.
Business of the day, By the way, Nero was the first and best Minister of ICT, I think he is a reasonable man and this studio 263 actor should eat a humble pie and go for some notes. Minister Mavetera should be arrested and investigated if she is not abusing drugs, her home and office should be raided and see if there are no dangerous drugs. I think she smokes and whatever she is smoking should be very strong. How can she want to impose useless regulations? She has no idea what she should be doing in her ministry. Let me tell her, she should make sure that data has fallen before we talk of any other nonsense. She should see that we have strong internet not nonsense dzaari kuda kutiirita. I once told you she has no use, she is just a girlfriend who was rewarded. Ko kana wapiwa chigaro usingzaive why not just focus on other things like making sure lines are not sold vanhu vongopiwa havo mahara than trying to fight a losing battle. She has no depth in the ICT and is becoming an enemy of free expression. Siye kufunga how to promote internet penetration in the rural areas, munhu is busy trying to regulate whatsapp. How will that be enforced? We will open groups with your name Minister. Itai tione. I once told you she is a girlfriend of Vene and she thinks everything evolve around the Vene family. Please minister, quit smoking drugs whilst its still early, if you don’t, you will surely go to rehab.
I heard the Aguma Prophet is coming to Masvingo, please ask him to pass by Mucheke Rank achionawo the people with disability, the visually impaired and some with hearing impairment who resides there. He has to at least heal even only two zvavo so that we feel his power saPapa kuno kuMasvingo. After that, take him to Masvingo General anoporesa the sick there and after that you can then take him to Mucheke stadium and that way, I guarantee him Masvingo’s vote. I know some of you were thinking he is coming for a crusade, no, zvechiporofita is not paying much, vanhu vakaomerwa and are not paying much so Papa vafunga zvekuti vapindeKA pakasiiwa nana Felton kamambo. Vanhu havaneti kudya sure, kuda kuita zvese munhu one here vakomana, he should concentrate on leading the church and supporting football but zvekuzoda kuita President manje. You see this is where we lose it as Zimbabweans, we have too ambitious people who want to venture into areas that aren’t theirs. This is why we have an actor as Minister of ICT. takambozvitaura kuti zvekupanana zvigaro nekugona kusimudza chibhakera izvi will cost us one day. I wonder what type of food does she eat just to wake up and think they can start regulating WhatsApp. These guys don’t think, they just want to tax us until we are all beggars. Pane akatenge aona mukana wemari ipapa and decided to implement something that cannot be implemented. Manje this will not work, simple, regerai vakomana munoremara kkkk. I don’t want to dwell much on her because ndinotozarirwa chaiko. Nxaa, Mavetera is crazy, she should just go back to acting and leave vanogona vaite. Politics of rewarding is killing this economy.
But the war veterans we have in Zimbabwe are a curse, applaud them for liberating Zimbabwe but izvi zvekuti heee we can’t all die pasina one of us in state house ndozvekupenga manje. This is a sinister agenda to push Chiwenga to state house. I am not a supporter of the 2030 ndinenge ndichipo mantra and I belive in power changing hands. I don’t care if Chiwenga or PV takes over from Ba 2, but the conditions should not be simply because he is one of the real war veterans. Remember these guys are the reason why Mugabe wanted to die on the throne and they are now saying he is not one of them. Heya nhai so zvatinosiudzwa zvekuti CDE Trabablas once bombed a locomotive were all lies. Saka chokwadi ndechipi nhaimi, we were once told that Joice Teurai Ropa Mujuru once shot down a chopper but later on we were told kuti inhema ana Runaida were simply there to service the real gunmen and also doing some nasty jobs like the one Zvipange did naTongogara. Dzaiva simbi dzemdara chete hapana zvimwe zvaiita kuya. Apa ndopataida Dr Gire zvavo, she would tell the War Veterans kuti Munopengaaa, Munopenga, you stop it!! Kkkk. iye Gire should tell her successor Mai 2 kuti vasiyane netsika yekupinda mushop vachimisa vanhu kutenga. During Uncle Bob and Tsvangirai’s time we never saw those two statemen inconveniencing people by getting in shops to buy. Zvakazongotanga after November 2017. Nero nedivi BA 2 nedivi. Kuita competition yekupinda mumashop vachitenga vachimisa vanhu panz who are genuine buyers nxaaa. But pathat drama Nero kumberi zvako, remember him riding a bike, akagara pangoro neiya achitenga sadza neBeans kkkk nhamo. Zvino Ba 2 vakazosiira mukadzi ndiye ava busy. Recently she was in town achibva kuzaka for some programme iya yavanenge vachipakurira vana sadza, nhamo kkkk. She then passed through town kuchinaya and her security detail had to park mota yaamai mushopmaOk chaimo. Kunenege kuri kudiiko, ini zvangu. I wanted to attend hangu the school feeding programme dai ndakambotopakurirwawo naDr Amai kkkk. But team Zaka musdsro. I heard Dr Amai vakasvika vakamirira about an hour before the tents were pitched. Was that sabotage? Hanzi the Minister of state cde Chadzamira had to join and help vaipitcher matents kutodonza tambo. A whole minister was forced to pitch a tent. Haa sabotage ndoiziva. Apa GZU did the same recently, HE arrived before matents apedza kuiiswa during the GZU graduation. Imi kana musingachangodi mukuru and his wife Taurai pachena not kuita sabotage yakadai.
Kana maWar veterans muchida umwe wenyu kuState House why can’t you take henyu Mphoko, he is a better candidate and is experienced. He was once a diplomat in Botswana and he will restore ties with the country and its new President, Mboko imboko !!!!
Minister Mavetera quit mutoriro now !!
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